Authors Note - Sorry

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Hey, so for the guys reading this, thank you. I know no one really cares why I haven't updated in a while, but firstly I just won tickets to see Cody Simpson in concert.

Secondly, my depression has gotten really bad and I have huge writers block. Lots of bad things have been happening to me lately and I haven't been coping real well. School is really tough for me at the moment, I don't really fit in and I've been getting bullied which makes it worse. My friends - well the people I thought are my friends - ignore me a lot and basically they forget I exist. Someone them tell me that I can talk to them about my problems and when I do, they tell me to stop being negative. They say they want to help but in reality, they hurt me more. Like today we had a meeting about our retreat and who we want in our cabins, I asked one of my friends if I could be with her and she said, I quote "sorry we already made plans", well there went my happiness for the day. So anyway, I know you don't care but I just thought I'd tell you's anyway, I'll try and write something soon but for now I'm just going to hang in there and get my shit sorted.

I will try and Stay Strong.
-Her Majesty

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