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-Hey lovelies, hope your all enjoying it so far...i promise it will get better :-) please vote and comment-

It's 6:33 and Jake isn't down here yet. I tap my foot impatiently waiting for him.

Another 5 minutes pass and I finally hear the lift 'ding' and see Jake walk out.

"Where the hell were you?" I growl at him dragging him and Louisa behind

"Sorry, I had to...makemyselflookgood" he mumbles

"What'd you say?" I ask him annoyed

"I said that I had to look good" he says shyly

"For who?" I ask cheekily grinning

"No one" he says before jumping into the black SUV


"Oh my gosh, look there they are" Louisa whisper squeals in my ear

"I know" I say very excitedly back

"Girls and boy, this way to your table" the waitress tells us and shows us the way to the boys table

As soon as my eyes lock onto his, my heart begins to beat faster. I can feel the beats, strong pulse one after the other against my chest.

"Hi, I'm Calum" he puts his hand out to shake mine, he takes mine shaking hand in his

"I...I'm...Har-Harper" I spit out. I mentally slap myself

"It's nice to finally meet you Harper" his smooth voice fills my ears

"Umm..yeah" I say nervously not being able to say anything else

"Here, take a seat" he pulls out the chair next to him, and as he says I take a seat. As we all seat we all introduce ourselves to each other.

"So, do you have a boyfriend Harper?" Luke asks me

"Umm..." shit. Grayson "ah yeah, his names Grayson. He's great" I smile

"" Calum whispers, loud enough for me to hear


"I thought the name of this restaurant was The Arial" Ashton giggles like a school girl

"That's so adorable" Jake whispers. Obviously not knowing I heard

"Dinner was really great, Thankyou so much" I say to the boys

"It's nothing" Calum grins

As we walk along the boardwalk, the moon reflecting off the water, the air a sweet salty smell, I feel my face turn into a huge grin. Tonight couldn't be anymore perfect, I have just had dinner with the guy of my dreams-literally-and now we are on the way to a nightclub.

"What was the name of the nightclub?" I ask Calum

"Umm...ill ask Mike" he turns to Michael and asks. I turn to look at Louisa, staring all googly eyes at Luke "it's called the Argyle"

"Thanks" I simply say in reply


"I LOVE THIS SONG" I yell over the ultra loud music

"WANNA DANCE?" Calum asks, drink in hand

"HELL YEAH" I put my drink that Ashton got me down

Calum takes my hand and drags me to the centre of the dance floor. Walking towards the centre, my body brushes past other sweaty ones. I look around me seeing people making out viscously, and others grinding on each other. We get to the centre and Calum takes my free hand in his linking our fingers together, we begin to move in sync with the beat of the music. An hour goes by without me noticing and Calum and I are still dancing, now with the rest of the boys, Jake and Louisa dancing next to us.

The song finishes and Cal whispers into my ear "come get a drink?" He asks and I nod

He leads me out of the huge crowd of people to the bar. I sit in the stool with a slight headache form the loud techno music playing. Being with these boys I gonna get me in a lot if trouble, I'm not even allowed to drink, but the boy got me in here.

"Here you go" he passes me a small glass. I take a sip and let the sweet taste of the alcohol burn my throat, then then a bitter taste overwhelm my taste buds

"What is this?" I cringe my nose at the bitterness

"It's a gin and tonic" he smiles

"Thanks, it's ah...a little bitter" he smiles at me

"Yeah, that's the tonic. Do you like it?" He asks asking the bar tender for more drinks

"Yeah, it's good" I skull down the rest of the liquid shaking my head after letting it slide down my throat

He hands me a shot glass with a clear liquid in it, I then spot a black and grey thing in the glass.

"What the hell is this?" I ask him smelling the drink

"It's and oyster shot, just try it. It's good" he smirks and we down the drinks. I feel the bulge of the oyster slide down my throat alongside the alcohol

Ten shots-each-later, my vision begins to blur and my head spin. I sit on the bar stool, with Calum standing between my legs. I slowly blink my eyes and once I open them, I feel warm lips with a strong taste of vodka on them, slam against mine.

I know I should stop, but in my state I am unable to think very clearly and continue moving my lips against his.

"Calum" I pull away looking into his deep chocolate brown eyes "I have a boyfriend" I look at my feet smiling

"I know, I'm sorry" I know he isn't as drunk as I am. It's unfair that he is trying to take advantage of me

"Cal, a-are youw try-tryin-ing to take advantage of me?" I giggle

"No" he simply says before standing me up and walking me outside

"What are you doing?" I ask him still laughing

"Taking you home" he signals for a cab

"Oh okay" I say giggling over exaggerated

Calum's POV:

"Where the fuck are you man?" I hear Michaels voice boom through the phone

"At the hotel, sorry bro. I had to take Harper back, she got a bit drunk and shit. I didn't want to get caught" I say slurred

"I think your drunk a bit to, we'll all be there as soon as we can. See you soon"

"Okay" I end the call and get back to Harper laying in my bed

"Who was that?" She asks

"Just Mike" I reply

"Ok" she shuts her eyes and lets her head fall back

I decide to sit next to her on the bed after covering her with the sheets and duvet. I stare at her while her eyes are closed. Her hair spread out across the pillow and her skin flawless.

I contemplate whether I should confront her about the kiss or just let her ask, if she does. Questions race through my mind. But there is only one that reoccurs continuously.

Do I believe in love at first sight?

************************************************************************************************************************** was Calum's POV. I'm loving this story, so much fun to write and so many ideas. Hope your enjoying it, please keep reading, share, vote and comment.
-Her Majesty

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