One Long Drive

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-just wishing my crazy parents a happy birthday. I hope u guys are enjoying this, I don't really care if I don't get the votes so much, I do really appreciate it though...but I love writing, and that's all that really matters to me. Anyway, please do comment xoxo -

It's Monday morning, and my adrenaline level is out of the roof, I'm so excited to see the boys again, but equally nervous. Lou and I wait in Jakes car that has been warming up for the past 15 minutes. We were meant to leave 10 minutes ago, but Jake is taking forever to do final packing.

"Gosh gay guys have to be such perfectionists" Louisa growls in frustration

"Hey," I laugh "he just likes things a certain way"

"Yeah, but he takes forever"

Not long after we start bitching about his ocd, he walks out the front door, locking it behind him then struggles to walk to the boot, lagging all of his bags after him.

"What the fuck Jake, you don't need three bloody bags, we are only staying at the hotel for one night" I laugh

"Yeah...well I need to look good" he blushes

"OOO! For who?" Lou and I scream, there are only four boys we are meeting. It has to be one of them.

"No one" he tries to cover up shutting the car boot

"There is definitely someone, you never act like this about NO ONE" Lou spits out

"Whatever, you guys can think whatever you want" he says then sits in the drivers seat, shuts his door and reverses out of the driveway


"Are we there yet?" Louisa groans

"Seriously, we have been driving for 15 minutes and you have asked three times. The air port is only an hour and a half away" Jake sighs

"Hey Lou, if you can sit still for 15 minutes without whining, I will make Jake stop for ice-cream" I see her eyes light up with hope. Now all I hope is for her to stay quiet for a little bit, I need some sleep before we see the guys.

"Really?" she squeals and I hear Jake sigh

"Yes, okay" Jake gives in


"AHHHHHHH!!!!!! ICE CREAM!!" Louisa's screams waking me from my sleep

"Yay!" Jake sarcastically whispers

"Oh Jake, her happiness isn't going to last long. Just let her be" I tell him

"Okay" He says, then smiles before getting out of the car "You coming?" he smiles before closing the door

"Wouldn't miss it for the world"

I get out of the car and see my friends standing there waiting for me, I straighten my clothes out and fix my hair before walking to them. We walk together to the Ice Cream Parlour and the sweet smell of chocolate and caramel fill my senses.

"Omg! your the girl that Calum left the club with like three weeks ago" a girl comes up to me and squeals, her friends come over to me and all smile in a creepy way

"Ah..." I don't know whether to say yes or no. I look to my friends to see if they can help, but they have backed away and gone to order ice cream "I think you have the wrong girl"

"NO I don't, Whats your name?" She puts a hand on her hip

"That's none of your business, can you please leave me alone. I just want some ice cream" I try to push past them, but I fail

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