Roman Holiday

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Hi guys, please forgive if this is crap, I'm trying my hardest to make it good. But please vote and comment xo ily all
Harpers POV:

It's been two and a half weeks since the boys and I had gone our own ways. In two days they will be back, and I will get to hang out with them again.

Louisa has been acting weird, but a good weird. Except for the fact that she has been glued to that phone of hers. Jake is on his laptop and phone more than usual, but he hasn't changed from his usual, kind and happy-go-lucky self.

Grayson, he has been amazing. Last week he accidentally hit me with the ball when Jake, Lou, Grayson and I were playing soccer. He was so sorry, but I told him it was fine, but he felt so bad he went out and bought me a necklace with a clover charm for good luck so I wouldn't be hit or hurt by anything. He's so sweet. I don't know what I'd do without him, and when it's my time of month...everyone usually stays clear of me, but he doesn't. He will take me home, buy me flowers, chocolate and my favourite; slated caramel ice-cream

The boys are coming home and I have been cleaning dad's house non-stop. Making sure it's perfect for them when I invite them over for dinner. I know it's cheesy, but I want to impress them with my cooking skills and just give them a really heart-warming home cooked meal which they don't get much anymore. So I decided I will make homemade pizzas.


"Babe, do you want to go for a walk?" Grayson asks me

"Ah..sure. Where to?" I don't see that there is anything to do; it would be so romantic for the two of us to just take a stroll, hold hands and talk about random things

"I don't know, to the gelato shop" he winks knowing that it's one of my favourite places in the world

"Of course, let me just grab my keys" today is beautiful spring weather, September is my favourite month. It's always warm enough to go to the beach, and the fresh spring air is so relaxing.

As we walk hand in hand down the street from my house to the gelato shop, I look around and see the birds fly free and chirp, I see the bees fly from flower to flower collecting pollen and I see the beautiful butterflies flap their gorgeous and mesmerising wings. I feel as this huge weight, that I didn't even know was holding me down, was lifted off of my shoulders.


"How did I end up with you?" I joke as I see Grayson's face all dirty from the gelato

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you're my little piggy" I grab a napkin and wipe his face clean with it

"Thank sweetie pie" he winks over exaggeratedly

"Anytime honey boo" I wink in reply

"And your very lucky to have me" he says sternly

"I know, I'd be a mess without you" I smile tucking a piece of hair behind my ear

"I'd be a wreck without you" he tells me then grabs hold of my free hand "I love you" my body stiffens at those words

"I love you too" I simply say back whilst we stare into each other's eyes. I contemplate whether I'm actually in-love with him or in-love with the thought of love. The thought swirls around in my head, and takes over my emotions. All I can think of now is, I know I'm in love with someone, I'm just not sure who.

"Lou, I'm surprised you answered" I tell my best friend

"Why?" Her voice sounds through the phone

"Cause you have been obsessed with something, or maybe someone" that made more sense in my head but I smile even though she can't see me

"No, it's just a really good book online" she covers up. I go along with it anyway, she is a pretty naive girl

"Oh really, you should tell me the title. I'll search it up some time"

"Yeah, um okay. Not right know though, you rang so I'm guessing you wanted something"

"I just wanted to ask if you'd like to come to the movies with Grayson, Jake and I tonight. We gonna see Roman Holiday"

"Again...haven't you's seen it like a trillion times" I hear her sigh "but alright, I'll come. What time?"

"Just meet at my house at 6:30 and we will all go together"

"Okay. See you then"

"Bye gorgeous" I end the call and decide to get ready to go out in 45 minutes


"I don't understand how you guys can see that movie so many times?" Lou whines

"Cause we like it, and it's a classic" I tell her

"Well thanks for inviting me, I better get going home. I'll see you guys on Monday"

"I'm not going to school on Monday" maybe she forgot the fact that I was going to meet up with the boys

"I know, I'm coming with you to the airport" she smiles

"Really?" I squeal in excitement while she nods "yay!! That's so great"

"Okay, see you then my lovelies" she blows a kiss and walks off

"Jake, we're dropping you home right?" I ask Jake who is standing there totally zoned out "Jake" I wave a hand in front of his face

"Oh yeah...sorry. Zoned out for a second. What'd you say?"

"I said, we're dropping you home, right?" I say slower

"Yeah" He nods before we make our way to Grayson's car. That was weird


"Goodnight babe" I hear him kiss the phone

"Goodnight, I'll talk to you tomorrow. I love you" I fall back onto my bed, phone in hand

"I love you more. When we talk tomorrow, do I say hi or hey?" I hear him giggle. He enjoys mocking the boys

"Goodnight Grayson" I say laughing then hang up


I'm sorry if this is shit, I try my best. Please comment so I know I'm doing the right thing, please vote and share.

Ily all. Stay fab xoxo
-Her Majesty

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