For being late

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He was late. Again.

Astrid sat in her chair at the large wooden table, listening to the cackling of the fire in the hearth as it lit the room with a dim and flickering light. She ran her hand along the thick coarse wood of the table, impatient, tapping her fingers to a rhythm only she could hear.

He might be her chief in the village, but in this house, she set the rules. She'd told Hiccup not to be late tonight. He'd promised. Yet here she sat to the slowly dying embers of the fire, casting strange and dancing shadows against the sturdy wooden walls where they made their home.

Astrid was about ready to go searching for her long lost chief, when she heard the door slowly crack, the hinges screeching in protest as Hiccup pushed against them. He peeked his head in slowly as though he thought he might be able to sneak in unnoticed.

Astrid turned her chair to face him, slowly but calculated, anger brewing behind her icy blue eyes. Hiccup recognized the look well.

"...And just where have YOU been." The threat in her voice was unmistakable.

"Sorry, Astrid, got held up."

Astrid stood up and stalked slowly and methodically towards Hiccup, who backed up against the door out of instinct. As she approached, she said quietly but firmly. "You aren't sorry...."

Hiccup opened his mouth to protest, but was quickly quieted by Astrid's finger on his lips. Her eyes were staring straight into his soul, making Hiccup gulp audibly. "Let me finish. You aren't sorry... yet."

She let her finger slide down his lip slowly, pulling his bottom lip down, causing Hiccup to part his lips with a small sigh. She stared at his lip at her finger before smashing her mouth against his open mouth, a lust and urgency ignored too long bursting through to her fingertips.

Hiccup reached around and grabbed his wife by her ass, immediately turned on by her urgency. He squeezed and pulled her against him. Astrid let out a moan and then let go, taking a step back.

Doing her best to regain her composure, Astrid ordered Hiccup up to their bedroom. She smiled in satisfaction as he scurried up the stairs faster than she'd ever seen. She sat back on her hips and crossed her arms while she enjoyed her view of his ass as he went.

When he was at the top of the stairs, she made her way up as well. When she got to their room, Hiccup was sitting on the bed, pulling off his flight suit.

"Good." Astrid eyed him. "Take everything off."

"Yes, M'lady!" Hiccup replied stripping down to nothing and sitting back on the bed.

Astrid took in the sight of his small but toned chest, the splattering of reddish brown hair across his pectoral muscles, the small happy trail leading to his cock.

"Astrid, aren't you going to join me?"

Astrid grinned wickedly, then slowly peeled off her shirt, taking great care to go as slow as possible. She rocked her hips as she shimmied out of her skirt, letting it fall to the floor around her feet. She turned around so her back was to him, spreading her legs and bending at the waist to slowly push her leggings down around her hips. She rolled her head forward and twisted it slightly so she could make sure Hiccup was watching. She smiled smugly as she saw his eyes wide and watching her, a hand already rubbing at his quickly hardening cock.

She turned back around and slid her underwear off just as slowly. Hiccup began to whine, and she brought a finger to her lips as a warning for him to be quiet. He immediately obliged.

She dragged her finger down her lip and stuck her finger in her mouth, closing her eyes as she pressed her lips around it and slowly pulled it out. She peeked at Hiccup and saw that he was rubbing his cock harder, eyes wide open like he couldn't tear them away.

She took her hand and ran it down her neck, fingertips grazing her skin as they ran a trail down her chest, pausing at the swell of her breasts, and continued down to her heat, rubbing her sweet spot just within reach.

"Astrid!" Hiccup moaned breathlessly, "Come on, you are killing me!"

"I told you that you'd be sorry, didn't I?" She teased.

"OK, I get it! I'm sorry! It will never happen again! Now please let me fuck my sexy as hel wife!"

She giggled wickedly and walked slowly towards the bed. He began to get up to greet her, but she placed her hands on his shoulders and shoved him back against the bed, making him sit up with his knees bent over the edge. Hands still on his shoulders, she swung a knee up on the bed on one side of his hip, then swung up the other knee on the other side, straightening her back so she sat up tall against him, breasts at Hiccup's eye level. He hungrily grabbed at the curve of it, bringing his lips in to brush against a hardened peak. The sensation made Astrid throw her head back, arching so that her chest pushed further into him.

She grabbed his hand and brought it down to her heat, guiding his hands into the sweet folds between her legs. He began to rub and stroke her, readying her. Astrid couldn't help but tremble under the deftness of his fingers. She writhed and rocked against them as he stroked inside her, thumb rubbing against her pleasure button.

Soon, Astrid was ready. She grabbed Hiccup's cock, giving it a few strokes with her hands, before lowering herself down onto him. She let out a sigh as his length filled her, lighting small fires at the edge of her every nerve with the friction of his cock. She began to rock her hips up and down, letting her instincts take over as she fulfilled her wanting need.

He belonged to her here. She pulled in her bottom lip, sucking slightly while she rode him. She heard him grunt and moan her name beneath her, only fueling her own fire. He thrust his hips along with her, doubling the force of her thrust, hitting just the right spot and cadence within her.

She threw her head back and moaned again as Hiccup began to pick up the pace as she rocked on top of him. She could feel the pressure building, squeezing her from the inside out. He wrapped his arms around her, fingertips grazing up and down her back making her skin come alive. His lips were brushing against the skin of her throat, nipping at her collarbone. She fisted her hands through his hair as she felt her muscles squeeze tight around him. With a burst of pleasure through her body, she felt her body relax to a state of euphoria, the intensity of her orgasm sending Hiccup over his own euphoric edge while grunting her name.

She bent her head down and kissed him hard. She got up and hastily grabbed her nightgown, throwing the sheer fabric on over her curves. Hiccup was still panting, and had thrown himself back on their bed.

"Don't be late again, ok?" Astrid stated firmly as she crawled into bed beside him, giving his arm a punch.

"If THAT was waiting for me every night when I got home, I'd be home on time every night. In fact, I might never leave."

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