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Hiccup!" He would have answered her, if not for the fact that the blades had pierced his pleural cavity and he was in the process of drowning in his own blood. Opening his mouth, a sputtering cough stained his teeth and spilled the crimson over his chin. Astrid's sob could be heard even past the ringing in his ears. She called for him again, bending over him protectively, and gently caressing his face. "I'm going to get you out of here. It's going to be okay." The woman hadn't the slightest idea how to move him, nor if moving him was even the wisest idea. Toothless hovered nearby, not even daring to nudge his Rider for fear of aggravating his injuries

Finally, she began fumbling with a slip of cloth, pressing it against the largest wound in hopes that it would stem the bleeding. The fabric soaked instantly with deep red, but that did not deter her concentration. However, having her arm grabbed did. A shocked gasp left her as she glanced down to find the Rider, pain evident on his expression, with his mouth twisted into a grin. "Marry me?" His breathing was shallow and his voice was strained, but the intensity of his gaze did not waver.

She scoffed, an exasperated laugh that sounded more sorrowful than anything falling from her lips. "Please, Hiccup, I have to-" Her hands were shaking. Normally, she was fond of his joking and willingness to lighten the mood, but now was certainly not the time. "This is serious." There were too many gashes to choose from, but the one at the center of his chest would be ideal.

Weakly, the man reached toward his Night Fury, hand disappearing into the satchel and pulling out a small trinket. "I didn't spend fifteen minutes rehearsing before you got here for this..." Muttered the Rider with mock irritation. Blood from his fingers dotted the object. "This was my Father's betrothal gift to my Mother...and he gave it to me to give to you."

Her speech had been robbed from her in that moment, unable to produce anything but a choke as she put a hand to her mouth. She dipped her head, allowing him to place the matching bronze chain around her neck. The beautifully etched symbols on the round, rusted pendant rested atop her heart. It had been six moon cycles since they announced their betrothal-to the day.

"Oh... I--." The blur of tears only ruined her vision briefly as she cast her glance downward, trying to push them back.

"If you ... don't like it." He whispered, blinking rapidly to combat the cold darkness enveloping him.

"No! It's beautiful!" Again, she choked, "I love it. And I love you." Wiping her tears, she looked at him with the best smile she could manage, only to discover that he had gone very cold and very still.

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