The Talk

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As he slid off Skullcrusher with a thud, Stoick gave a deep sigh of relief. It was good to be back on home soil. As much as he appreciated the efficiency of riding dragons, he missed the days of sailing from a comfort perspective. Sitting abreast a large dragon for twelve hours at a time wore at his old joints.

Still, they'd made a great time, arriving half a day earlier than expected thanks to Skullcrusher's innate ability to find the quickest way home. Stoick chuckled as he removed his saddle from the dragon, watching the beast shake himself in relief, probably appreciating the break from a 300lb man riding him as well.

The sun was just beginning to dip beneath the western hills as the chief made his way towards his home, only to hear a familiar voice.

"Back early, Stoick?" Gobber's voice rang out from the forge, the man's head poking out from the service window. Stoick made his way towards the shop, ignoring his sore feet and the twinge in his back. As he walked through the low doorway, greeted by the welcome heat from the forge, he looked around for his son but came up empty. He sat heavily on a bench as Gobber handed him a tankard - he always kept a supply of mead in his shop for cold nights - and sat on Hiccup's stool across from him, his own tankard attachment strapped to his arm. "How'd the talks go?"

Stoick took a long draw from his drink, sighing happily, before answering. "Good, Beserkers are willing to stick to the terms we agreed to last year, Alvin's looking for a little more investment to help rebuild Outcast Island's guard, but we were able to come to agreeable terms overall. There's been less dragon hunter activity overall, but they're keeping steady eyes on the west, just in case that Krogan creep reappears."

"I'm surprised you didn't take Hiccup with you, considering he helped form all those alliances in the first place," Gobber replied, reaching down to fiddle with his peg-leg.

"The boy's been flying all over trying to save the archipelago for going on three years, I figured he could use some time at home. He won't have many years left where he can just be a boy, you know?" He surveyed his son's workbench, neatly organized tools contrasting the scattered pile of papers no doubt filled with sketches of saddles and dragons. "Where is he, anyways?"

"He was in early this morning so I let him out about half-an-hour ago. Astrid met him, I believe they were going to go for a flight before dinner."

Stoick nodded, and the two continued their small talk for a few minutes before the chief grabbed his travel bag and bid his farewell.

As he approached his home, he noticed Toothless asleep on the roof, his tail gently swaying back and forth absently. Stoick was slightly surprised Hiccup would be back so soon - it was a beautiful night for a flight after all, and they wouldn't have many good weather days left - but was too tired to think much of it as he reached for the door.

"Astrid." He heard as the door opened quietly (Hiccup had fixed the creaky hinge months ago), a soft moan that sounded distinctly unlike his son's normally pitchy voice.

To his shock (and mild horror), his eyes snapped to the source of the sound finding Astrid straddling Hiccup, who was laying on the floor by the fire, the two of them closely entwined (though thankfully clothed), with Astrid's lips fastened tightly to the underside of his son's jaw. Hiccup's eyes were closed, his hands in her hair and gripping her upper thigh, just under her skirt, as Astrid chuckled softly against his throat.

It said something about how... involved... they were, that neither teen had noticed his approach - he wasn't exactly subtle when he walked.

Stoick dropped his bag.

The two teens froze, whipping their heads towards the door and jumping apart, Hiccup scrambling for a nearby blanket and covering what was obviously a very uncomfortable situation in his trousers. Astrid darted a good five feet back from him, resting her back against a chair and looking at Stoick in horror, while Hiccup clamped his eyes closed as though he could block the whole situation out.

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