Cuts And Kisses

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Hiccup visibly winced when Astrid pressed another wet cloth against the scrape on his arm to try and clean it without it hurting too much. Toothless whined from the corner, where he had his earflaps filled tight against his head and his face buried in his paws. The dragon didn't care to see his rider's blood.

"I told you to be careful." she scolded, sounding rather like her mother. She picked up the cloth, now damp with both water and the steady stream of blood from the wound, and shook her head as she chucked it back into the bowl of water she had brought in for this reason only. "It's pretty deep. Not deep enough for stitches, but deep enough that it's gonna scar." she lightly swatted his thigh with her hand. "Stop squirming, you baby. This is your fault."

"Mhm," he agreed, not looking at his arm that was laying on the table. He had lost his leg, sure, but a cut like the fresh one on his arm actually made him rather queasy if he looked at it. It looked worse than it felt, but it was still rather painful.

"You can still move all your fingers, right?"

He proved it to her.

"Good," she replied. "Give me that ointment stuff."

"But it burns!" he whined, giving her a pouty face.

"Well, it wouldn't if you weren't such an idiot." she held her hand out and he reluctantly handed over the little container of ointment. She loved him so much, but honestly, he was so irrational and reckless sometimes. "Trying out your flight suit before it's finished. I can't believe it."

"Count to three, would you?" Hiccup said rather meekly, looking away again.

"For what?"

"When you put that stuff on it, so I can prepare myself."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. One...two..." she didn't reach three before she poured the ointment onto her boyfriend's wound. She knew that if she waited, he'd tense up and demand her not to put it on.

"Odin's beard!" he cried out, turning "That wasn't three!"

She smirked and picked up the role of bandages. "I know. Hold your arm up. I need to wrap this around your arm."

He pouted at her but did as he was asked. The wound was rather long, it went up to his right forearm. He had fallen into a tree when his flight suit prototype malfunctioned. It had been a walk of shame back to town, where he went straight to Astrid's house. She knew how to care for wounds- she was an expert on Sharp Class dragons (and Tracker Class, as they had recently decided to move Nadders there for their keen sense of smell) and had often managed to injure herself doing that and she had gotten herself scratched and banged up more than one occasion when she was little. He could handle cuts himself, usually, but this one was rather long and awkward. He had knocked on the Hofferson's door and greeted Astrid with a sheepish smile when she opened the door.

She wrapped the bandage tight, but not too tight, around his arm. "I'm done. You'll probably have to change that daily."

"Yeah, I know," he replied with a sigh. Actually, she'd probably do it for him because he'd forget. He figured she knew that. He stood up. "Thanks, M'lady."

She shook her head. "You're welcome, you wuss."

He turned to leave and Toothless got to his feet b

She cleared her throat and crossed her arms in front of her chest. Hiccup turned around.

"And where exactly do you think you're going?"

"I-I was going home?" he replied, confused. Toothless cocked his head.

"No, you aren't."

"What? Why?"

"You've lost some blood, you know. I don't need to be scraping your scrawny body off the ground halfway to your house when Toothless comes back to get me for help. Sit down on the couch."

"But I-"

She pointed. "Sit."

"Yes Ma'am." he sulked, sitting on the couch. Toothless curled back up. She cleaned up the mess on the table and then joined him. He snaked his good arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

"Excuse me, I believe you forgot something," he said, sounding mischievous.

"What now?"

"Aren't you supposed to kiss me? So I feel better?" he smirked.

"If I was your mother and you were four," she replied. "I'd be kissing your arm anyway, not you."

"Can we pretend that's how it works?"

She rolled her eyes again, but gave in and kissed him before resting her head on his shoulder.

"You're such a loser" she said, cuddling against him.

"I know. And you love me for it."

"Unfortunately," she grinned, closing her eyes contentedly.

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