Not so much of a Suprise

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Of course Sokka had to interrupt us. Of course he did. Sometimes he is just so... ugh.

Aang jumped away from me as soon as he noticed Sokka, and started denying everything.

"Sokka! We- we weren't doing anything! We were just, uhh, talking! Nothing is happening here!" He said very quickly and very flustered.

Sokka hadn't even accused us of anything at this point.

I wanted to be mad at Aang since he basically just outed us to my idiot brother, but his cheeks were flushed and he looked so nervous, how could I get mad at him?

Sokka didn't really have a problem with Aang and I being together, he just had a problem with the kissing. Can you believe him? Him and Suki kiss all day, everyday around us! This hypocrite! So after an argument between us ensued, Aang de-escalated things.

He's so mature, I love that about him.

"You know what, fine. Do your thing. I don't care, just DONT do it around me." Sokka said, as he walked back inside.

I was about to rebuttal, but Aang caught hold of my hand and ran his thumb across my palm. He looked up at me and smiled, and led us back out to the balcony, to look at the view.

"So... I guess Sokka knows now."

"I can't believe he would invade our privacy like that! Ugh, if you hadn't been there Aang, I swear I would have-" Aang squeezed my hand and then laughed a little.

"It's okay, Katara. We would have told him eventually. I mean, this isn't the way I would've done it, but I guess the universe wanted it to happen like this." 

I looked at him and rolled my eyes, his infinite wisdom was sometimes a bit much. He chuckled at my annoyance and I joined too. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we looked at the sky togther. The sun had set now, and the night was cold. I shivered slightly and Aang put his arms around me to warm me up.

"Do you want to head inside now?"

"Can't you just use your firebending to keep us warm, I don't want to deal with Sokka right now." I pleaded. "And I like being here with you." I said, softly.

I felt his body heat up slightly, maybe from firebending and maybe because he was blushing.  I hugged him tighter.

"Katara, if your that cold, then we should head inside. You might get a cold and I don't want the first days of  you being my girl friend with you sick in bed." He joked, but with a hint of concern.

I blushed at the word girlfriend. I'm his girlfriend. Aang is my boyfriend! It's weird he said it out loud, but it felt so right.

"You wouldn't love me if I was sick?" I joked back. "I would hope my boyfriend would love me whether I'm sick or not." I said, with extra emphasis on the word boyfriend. I was hoping to see if he would have a reaction to the word like me, and he did.

He blushed deeply and smiled. "Boyfriend." He repeated softly.

"Hey! Don't change the subject! So you wouldn't love me if I had a cold?", I said playfully, hitting his arm softly.

"Of course I would love you if you had a cold. Your just a pain to look after, when you're sick. Remember when I had to get you and Sokka frogs to suck on? Not fun." He laughed. "But I would do it again. I'd get you a thousand frogs to suck on because that's just how much I love you."

I laughed loudly at this. Only he can make me laugh like this. We're not even doing anything, and I'm having so much fun. He makes everything fun.

"Only a thousand ? I'd expect more from the Avatar."

We stayed out for another hour, talking, laughing and enjoying each other's company. Between our laughs, I shivered softly. I prayed he wouldn't have felt it. Even though I was pressed up against him. But, he did feel it.

"Katara," he said, facing me with a stern and concerned expression, "let's go inside. Please. I can't make myself any warmer without burning you."

He was right, it was the smart thing to do, but I just didn't want to go inside just yet. I didn't want this moment to end. And I didn't want to face my demon brother.

He held my hand tightly and lead me inside. Right before we entered, he let go of my hand.  I looked up at him, confused.

I knew what he was doing, I knew Aang. He wasn't sure if I wanted everyone to know we were together. So I took his hand back in mine and squeezed it. I turned to face him.

" I don't mind them knowing. Sokka probably already told them, and if he hasn't, I want them to know you're mine, Aang." He leaned in to kiss me, and I happily obliged. It was a quick kiss, not as fierce and the other one, but full of just as much passion. I let out a breathe I didn't realise I was holding and looked into his eyes. Those warm, grey eyes.  He smiled and kissed my forehead, squeezing my hand.

"Alright, girlfriend, lets do this."

Everyone, apart from Sokka who wasn't in the room to my relief, turned to face us when we entered. There was a second of silence before Toph yelled out "Finally!" Everyone laughed.

"You guys have no idea how much their heartbeats have been bugging me! Glad you finally worked up to courage, twinkle toes!"

"Wait, you knew?" I asked, while Aang was busy blushing.

"Everyone knew. It wasn't exactly a secret you two liked each other. You guys have been attatched at hip since I met you." Suki added, which made me join Aang in blushing. "You two are great together." Suki said sincerely.

"I thought you guys were already a couple?" Zuko asked, confused and distressed. Everyone laughed at this and Mai called him an idiot. "How was I supposed to know they weren't!?"

"Zuko is an idiot, but I have to admit, I always thought there was something going on between you two" Mai said, after everyone stopped laughing.

"You two are a lovely couple, I'm very happy you have found love with each other. May this love grow and grant you both peace and happiness." Iroh congratulated us, warmly.

"I guess it wasn't as much as a surprise as we thought." Said Aang.

"Seal the deal, twinkle toes!"

Aang looked over at me and shrugged. "Why not?" He said, before pulling me into a kiss. The room exploded into cheers as I melted into the kiss.

"I said NO KISSING when I'm around!" Yelled Sokka, who had just emerged from another room and was now quickly making his way to us to split us up.

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