Just One Moment Alone

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Aang has been really busy. We haven't had a lot of time to talk. I thought maybe we could be alone as I healed some of his burns and injuries from the fight, but Sokka and Zuko were also there and spent the time planning the coronation with him and discussing politics.

I make sure to sit next to him whilst we eat. I like being close to him. Sometimes our thighs touch by accident and he gets quite flustered. It's really cute.

He always makes sure to say goodnight to me. Even when I'm in bed hours before him, he makes sure to pop his head in my room and whisper good night. I love when he does that.

My bed at the palace is really big, I get quite lonely. Aang's room is just across from mine, sometimes I think about sneaking in there, for just a moment alone together. I imagine us sharing a room, and my face turns a deep shade of red. But Aang needs to sleep, and I won't disturb him.

Aang looks so tired all the time. But I assured myself, after the coronation, everything will be a bit simpler. I'll hold of on telling him I love him until the coronation, he's got too much on his plate right now.

I know I'm the one who's going to have to confess to Aang. After I rejected him at Ember Island, I'm sure he would never try again. I cringed at the memory. What if he's gotten over me since then? Have I lost my chance?

Aang is the Avatar. He has so many girls ready to fall in love with him. Even in the fire nation school, girls were falling all over him, and they didn't even know he was the Avatar!

I remembered the dance party we threw, and how I felt when Aang and that fire nation girl were dancing together.

"They look really good together!" I remember Sokka commented.

They did look good together. But then he asked me to dance! I never had so much fun. He makes everything fun. I was nervous at first, with everyone watching, but then it became just Aang and I in the room, alone. I blushed.

I wish we were alone now. Just for a moment, I don't want to share him with anyone.

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