Chapter 7

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Cinder was in shock, her stepsister was standing in front of her staring at her as if she just saw a ghost. She tried to throw up a glamour but knew that Pearl had one of Garan's bioelectricity manipulation devices installed on her spine. Instead, she did what a good queen would do and walked up to Pearl.

"What are you doing here?" asked Cinder sheepishly.

"Umm, this is my planet, my country, I live here-" she snapped. "Your majesty."

"Right, sorry." mumbled the queen.

"The question, is what are you doing here?"

"I'm here for the ball, it's all over the newsfeed."

Pearl groaned, "Even I know that, I'm asking what you are doing in the market square."

"Oh, I-I- just." she stammered.

Luckily Kai finished her sentence, "-we're just here to see the statue of the queen."

Pearl looked towards Kai. She hadn't noticed him earlier, her eyes were only on Cinder. "Sorry, your majesty, I didn't see you there." Pearl apologized.

"That's alright, we should go."

"Wait no." she stopped them. "I want you to meet a friend of mine. Bella!" she called loudly. "Come meet the emperor!" she shouted.

More then half of the market started staring in there direction. Cinder just looked at Pearl in disgust. She knew that Pearl had purposely said that very loud so that everyone would know that Cinder and Kai are here.

There were murmurs in the crowd. "Aces, is Emperor Kai really here I, want to see him."

"Look it's him and Queen Selene is also with him."

Cinder took a step back and Kai curled his hand around her wrists securing her in place. He slowly moved his hood down and there were gasps in the crowd. Cinder followed his action and did the same with her hood.

"Sorry to interrupt you all, we're just here for a small visit," answered Kai.

They just slowly backed off and moved away hand in hand. Some kids came running behind them asking Cinder for autographs on their port screens. Cinder was surprised at there courage and signed the port screens anyways.

Pearl had also come behind them. Cinder turned around and snapped and her, "You didn't have to do that."

Pearl just stared at her feet and replied, "It was revenge for everything you ruined in my life. I did it for Peony because she's dead because of you."

Cinder gasped, "I didn't do anything, you're the one who ruined my life. I loved Peony, she is dead of disease which I later sent the antidote for!"

Pearl's voice rose, "It doesn't matter you were too late to save her life anyways and don't try to show grief for someone you don't love."

"That's not true!" Cinder's voice rose.

Many people started staring at them again.

"Ladies enough, you are making a scene in front of our audience. Let's go Cinder!" tugging on Cinder's arm

Cinder raised her hood and walked away with Kai. She shot Pearl one last glance who was looking at Cinder in disgust and left the market.


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