Chapter 10

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After some discussions and packing, they finally departed to Farafrah. It took some debating and arguing, but at last, the people who were going to go to Farafrah were Cinder, Iko, Winter, and Kinney to fly the plain. Of course, Jacin and Kai were disappointed about staying here, and Kai was super disappointed about letting Cinder go alone. He didn't want Cinder to run into any trouble or near-death situations, like during Levana's defeat. However, he knew never to underestimate Cinder and her powers. Her strength is valiant along with the power of her ability. But just before leaving, Kai pulled Cinder in a hug earning a groan from everyone surrounding them. The emperor also whispered the words, "Be safe, and take care of yourself and the others!" in her ear.

They climbed aboard the lunar spaceship Kinney took off and there they were on their way to Farafrah.


After what seemed for hours of travelling, and nothing to do on the spaceship other than plan for what might be coming, they finally arrived in the small village of Africa. It looked similar to before with the small houses crowded together and crowded market area.

They made sure to land the spaceship on the side of the village to prevent anyone from noticing the huge ship in the middle of the city. They walked out and Cinder quickly glamoured them to make them look like citizens of Farafrah, but of course, several shells and people wearing Garin's invention could see through their glamour. So just to be cautious, they walked with their heads down.

"What are we going to do now?" whispered Iko, to the others. "We reached Farafrah, now what?"

"We should probably talk to a few of these people disclosing our identities to gain some information about what is happening," responded Cinder.

"Good idea!" agreed Kinney. "Let's split up." and moved in different directions with Cinder and Winter going to one side, and Kinney and Iko to the other.

~~~Cinder and Winter~~~

Cinder and Wintercame across a few of the shopkeepers who were selling some strange products. The last time Cinder had come to this village, it was surrounded by the spirit of hope and she was treated like a true queen with people wanting her autograph and stuff. But this was quite strange. On coming closer Winter realized that these particular goods were wolf masks and tattoos that all the members of the pack wore earlier.

"Hi," Cinder said to one of the shopkeepers. "These masks are very nice." and picked one up. "What are they for, I haven't seen them before?" Cinder asked, trying to start a friendly conversation.

"These masks are a symbol of the Alpha rebels!" he replied.

"The Alpha Rebels?" Cinder said vaguely. "Who are those?"

The man strangely looked towards CInder. "You must be new here. They are a group who have had this place under control for quite a while now.

"Oh!" responded Winter. "Can you tell us more about these-these rebels."

The shopkeeper answered the question subtly "They normally keep their tasks a secret so I don't know much about them. But it's something about what Levana did to them in the past."

Winter and Cinder exchanged glances confused about what this man was saying. They travelled to a few more shops which were selling wolf products, but couldn't find any more information than they already had. So at last, Cinder and Winter headed back.

~~~Iko and Kinney ~~~

Iko and Kinney headed off towards the left to start their investigation. Iko was content with the idea of spending the day with her crush. Her mind was focused only on him until Kinney snapped her out of her fancies. "What? Can a woman not enjoy a second of beauty?"

"No!" he replied. "Not during such a big adversity." Iko got on track and started looking around. They couldn't seek anything suspicious going on in this village, so just took a walk around. Both were particularly aware of their surroundings and tried to eavesdrop on a conversation every once in a while. Kinney looked onto his right to see two girls discussing, he tried to listen but found no useful information other than a bunch of hot gossips.

Iko and Kinney walked around until they came to hear a strange conversation, "Of course it wasn't the current Queen of Luna, Queen Selene, it was the former Queen Levana who supposedly died a few months ago." Curious for more information Iko started walking towards the old man and Kinney followed.

"Did you hear?" asked the first man.

"Hear what?" the other when responded.

The first one spoke again, "About Queen Levana's gang. I've heard something about a group of soldiers who used to serve Levana, they have formed a rebellion, and claim her existence."

Hi guys! I'm back with a new chapter. I will keep this note short so you guys don't fall asleep. Also you don't have to thank me for leaving you on a cliff hanger (; 

If your liking the book so far please vote and comment, they really encourage me to keep writing! Also, I have dedicated this chapter to @12chrisj12 who really motivated me to keep going on with her feedback, so thanks!


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