Chapter 13

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They landed the Rampion on the deserted place next to the spaceship in which Cinder and the others came. Below, the special operatives were patiently waiting for action. During the landing, they had concluded that Iko, who being an android could resist bioelectric manipulation would go out first.

So, Iko stepped out of the Rampion acknowledging Rafe. "Hey Alpha! Looks like you were waiting for me!" She tried to use her feminism to hypnotize the wolves. But even with Iko's surprisingly good looks for an android, she wasn't quite successful as the operatives just stared in confusion.

"Ugh, where is the rest of your measly little crew?" asked Rafe. "Too scared to come out!" Inside Iko could feel Wolf boiling with anger due to Rafe's nasty comment.

But Iko took control, "Actually we are ready to make a trade, Kinney in exchange for me!" What was Iko doing? None of this was part of the original plan. They had decided to let Iko persuade the operatives on having a straightforward conversation, but this was going completely out of control.

"What are you doing?" hissed Cinder from inside the Rampion, but Iko ignored her and continued talking to Rafe, "So what is it Alpha Rafe?"

The Aplha errupted with laughter, "What makes you think you're so special? I don't need you, filthy little android. I have absolutely no use of you in my intricate plans!"

"You might not find any use of me at this moment, but I can promise you that I will be useful eventually. I have all the Queen's secret information which can be quite helpful to you!" Iko laughed.

Rafe's expression shifted as his desire changed from the Queen's guard to the Queen's personal advisor. He took a minute to think through his decision before announcing, "Sounds good! Deal made!"

"Nooo!" warned Cinder. Everyone inside was confused about Iko's motives. She clearly defied the entire plan and made her own plan without even informing them. Winter persuaded Iko, "Iko, don't do this. Whatever you're doing will not help the scenario!" Again, Iko ignored her.

"My offer has one more condition. You'll peacefully tell them your reason for starting this uprising in Farafrah, so we can resolve all this!" she gestured to her companions on the Rampion.

"Fine!" sighed Rafe unhappy about the demand. But he still wanted Iko and her knowledge, so he accepted the offer despite his anger. How could a ten minute chat possily do any harm?

"Okay release Kinney and come out guys!" The Alpha obbeyed and ordered one of the operatives to release Kinney. Kinney joined the others and Iko stepped towards Rafe surrendering herself. The group was surrounded mby the operatives of Rafe's pack. They surrounded the Rampion and kept their guns down. But even with the guns down, one wrong move and the firing would start instantly.

"Iko please stop!" Cinder pleaded again. If she wasn't a cyborg, she would probably be sobbing right now.

"Enough with all your drama, let's hurry up so I can get back to my planning!"

Cress said, "Fine! Tell us, what do you want with this small village?"

"Ahh, that's it?" Rafe was amused. "All we want is her off the throne!" everyone gasped.

Cinder refused, "No!" After everything she did to get the thhrone and help the citizens of Luna, she would never give it to a lousy Alpha who doesn't even know the first thing about ruling a place!

Rafe lost his patience, "I'm asking you once again, relinquish the throne and I'll stop all of this and give you your android friend back. All I want is for you to give me the throne."

"No!" Cinder repeated more cinfident than earlier!

"Okay then!" Rafe acted calm. "Attack!" he ordered.

All of them were about to start shooting, but Cinder was too quick for them. WIth all her expreience from the past, she could manipulate minds within a matter of seconds. She had the mind of all twenty operatives in her grasp along with the Rafe's mind. In addition to that she had also started controlling both Wolf and Kinney. She only controlled thier body not mind as a safekeeping.

"Now what are we going to do?" gritted Cinder as she was trying so hard to keep them all in control.

"Don't worry, the police will be here any second!" Iko said proudly. "I already called them ten minutes ago!"

Her mitigation surprised everyone earning her gasps and questions. "Hey, I already knew Cinder would get them all under control, and played out my plan flawlessely!"

"It would have been more efficient if you had shared it with us as before hand!" groaned Scarlet.

"Nah, it wouldn't have worked as well. Rafe had to be caught of guard like you guys-"

She was interrupted with sirens, indicating the police's arrival.

The police arrested all the operatives including Rafe. Rafe was able to escape Cinder's hold for a few seconds and yelled, "You won't get away with this!"

Thorne stuck his tongue out, "We already have!"

The police took the operatives to a cell for now, but later they would be sent to Luna, where Cinder could decide their punishment accordingly.

When the police left, Cinder ran to Iko and hugged her. She thanked Iko, "Stars, thanks Iko! You saved the day and my throne."

"That's what I'm here for, as your royal advisor!" Iko hugged her tighter andthen suddenly pulled away, "Hurry up, we still have to go to the ball!"

"Iko, sorry to break it to you but it's already night and the ball has started. We will never get there in time!" Cress said dissapointed.

"What!" Iko checked the time in her internal display. "No! I won't be able to attend my first and last ball!" she cried. 

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