Chapter 16

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"Look! There the queen is!" someone in the crowd shrieked. The Rampion crew had made quite a grand entry in their cargo pants and exhausted and pale faces. When they entered the doors of
the ballroom, a few heads had turned towards their direction and whispers echoed across the hall.

At last, a girl who seemed the same age that Peony was, acknowledged them. She ran up to the crew, gathering the crowd's attention. "Your majesty!' she ducked her head in a quick bow. "I'm Laura, and I'm so excited to finally meet you." she aimlessly rambled.

"Um, nice meeting you too-" Cinder stammered. She had never seen anyone so excited to meet her. Laura's energy and enthusiasm reminded her of Peony, best human friend, and stepsister, now resting in the stars. The Queen's heart ached at the thought of her loving sister.

An older woman walked behind her, "Laura!" she hissed. "Don't be rude." and then looked at the queen, "I'm sorry your majesty, my daughter is just over-excited."

"That's alright!" Kai spoke for Cinder as more than half of the people stared at them.

"Now lets get back to the dancing!" The emperor stirred up some action as everybody started mingling again.

"I have some people to attend, and then I'll be right back to you," Kai murmured in the Queen's ear as she nodded.

All their friends had already started dancing with their partners, and Cinder watched as Cress twirled around with Thorne. Thorne caught her staring at them and gave her a small
making Cinder smile. He whispered something to Cress and walked up to the Lunar Queen. "What happened to your brown-haired lover?"

"He's attending a few people."

"Ahh, is that it?" he put his hand out. "May I offer you a dance while your waiting?"

"Okay!" she breathed. It's not like she had anything better to do then stare around.

Thorne walked with Cinder to the dance floor and placed a hand on her shoulder and the other on her waist. Cinder wasn't the best dancer, but Thorne helped her out by taking the lead.
They danced to the rhythm for some time until they were interrupted. Selene turned around to spot President Vargas. "Your majesty!" he bowed. "How are you doing?" his pupils scanned her body, surveying her unusual formal attire.

Cinder shrugged, "I'm fine, after we kicked those rebels from your country."

"Oh yes. Thank you for that. I don't know how many times I'll have to thank you for saving Earth." he joked.

"My pleasure." she smiled.

"Would you like to dance with me?" he asked. Her inner consciousness was telling her to deny the proposal and go accompany Kai, but instead she decided to be a good ruler and nodded.

He twirled her here and there. It was a nightmare. Both the President and Cinder were awful dancers and ended up stepping on each other several times. Maybe if Cinder had taken hose dance lessons that Kai had offered, this wouldn't be so bad. Cinder quickly ended their little dance before her feet couldn't take it any longer and searched for the emperor. Where had he

She walked across the ballroom, glancing here and there, but she didn't even make it half the way through before she kept getting encountered by people. Some were excited to meet the
long-lost Lunar queen, and they kept bowing or greeting her. Whereas, on the contrary, some just constantly glared and murmured awful things about her.

"Look, it's the Lunar Queen!" a man snarled. "Have you noticed her awful looks! She looks like she's dressed up as a piece of garbage." one exaggerated. "Oh my stars, I think she's
controlling me mind. I feel dizzy," she whined. Selene tried to ignore them, but all the excess commenting and criticizing wasn't making it easy.

Where in the stars was Kai? He was the only one who could save her from this and could calm her. Cinder strode by the guests crossing paths with the Queen Camilla who gave her a small bow with respect and Cinder nodded in return.

Finally, she had spotted Kai. She instantly picked up his gorgeous vest and silky brown hair from a distance. The queen only sought the backside of the male, but she already knew that it was
her beloved lover. He was moving side by side and a hand was settled on his shoulders. He was dancing subtly to the pleasing music.

Cinder's breathing became faster as she noticed Kai dancing with another. Jealousy hit her like a tidal wave, but Cinder couldn't see the young woman from her view. Cream-colored fabric of
the woman's dress peeked out from the side, but that was it. No trace of the woman beside Kai. So Selene chose to confront him. She walked to him confidently to get some answers.

Who does this man think he is? Asking the powerful Queen of Luna to the ball and then ditching her by dancing with another. It was time Cinder would figure out what was going on.


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