🍃🌹 14 🌹🍃

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"Let's break up."

"Break for what? You want us to go on a vacation babe?" Jungkook asked confused why all of a sudden I said those words. But he simply thought maybe i just want to unwind from all this worked we've been up to.

He didn't want to think more into it since why would I break up when I was the one who loves him more than anything in this world.

"No Jungkook, I want US to break up." I said not wanting to take this long. I'm trying so damn hard not to cry and I'm ready. I'm so determined to end this now once and for all.

He chuckled thinking I'm pranking him so he went off the bed as he tried to wrap his arms around me but I push it off away. His brows furrowed. "Are you kidding me ROSIE? Is this why you don't wanna have sex with me last night eventhough we haven't seen each other for weeks? Am I too clingy? Babe what?" he tried to embrace me again thinking I was just mad because he was too clingy last night after their arrival. But no.

Those excuses aren't even a bit of what my main reason is.

" No, Jungkook. I don't think US is going to work." I said in a tone where I don't care about him anymore. I want him to see that I'm over him. That this is the end of us.

His brows furrowed more as he bite his lips trying to suppress the sudden statement. Never did he thought that I would break up with him. He was so sure that I love him too much to do so that it surprised him how easy for me to say those words. He chuckled again sarcastically this time. "Come on Rosie. We both know we need each other. And you love me. Then why are you ending Us?" he's voice is starting to rise as he doesn't know what to do. Why would I when I love him.

I laugh just as sarcastic as he did as I shook my head. "Yeah, that's it. I love you but do you love me?" that's when he stopped. He looked at me closely like his trying to read my mind.

"I... I...." he stuttered. He doesn't know what to say. I never asked him about this. I never pressured him into something like this. Why now? He thought I was willing to wait.

"See? You can't even say that you love me." I snapped and that's when tears starts to fall uncontrollably in my eyes. I'm frustrated, disappointment. The last bit of hope I have in him vanished in an instant. The hope that he finally love me was long gone because the time that he showed doubts on his eyes means that he couldn't be able to keep everything up when the time comes that i needed him the most. How can i ever let myself be with a man who couldn't even love me inspite all this times that we've been together. I'm trying to strengthen myself but I couldn't even finish US without shedding a tear. I hate myself for I'm too weak. But I have to. I have to end us before it's too late.

🍃🌹 HOPE NOT 🌹🍃 ROSEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now