GOTG in Quarantine: Preferences

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Triggers: None. Ships: None. Characters: Guardians of the Galaxy v.2 

Peter: The annoying one. Rotates from eating nothing and saying nothing to word vomit and devouring the whole fridge. Tries to stick to his workout plan but normally fails. Binge-watches Netflix and Disney+ with a pint of Ben & Jerry's. He's always trying to do something "fun" with everyone, but no one is putting up with him and finally, he, Rocket, and Nebula get into a fistfight that Groot and Mantis break up. 

Gamora: The responsible one. Like a mom friend but will beat you up if you piss her off. Trying to keep everyone from killing each other. Is super organized, has a clean room, made color-coded schedules for the guardians. Has a solid workout routine with Drax, and is learning three languages. Yells at everyone for eating sweets, but occasionally eats an entire cake by herself. In charge of grocery shopping, makes sure everyone wears their masks when going out.

Nebula: The bored one. Desperately tries to avoid everyone by holing up in her room for weeks, but gets so bored she finally comes out. Likes to bake cookies when no is watching and watch National Geographic animal documentaries. One time Quill questioned her about it, and Gamora had to take him to the ER. She will not put up with anyone's bullshit and hates people who talk too much. Refuses to leave the house, is surviving on hatred and cookies.

Rocket: The bitchy one. Gets into a fight twice a day, will beat up anyone he can get his hands on except Groot. If anyone bothers Groot, Rocket will hit them so hard they'll be out for a week. Hates doing strength and endurance training, will only spar. His favorite partner is Drax. Clashes with Peter and Nebula so much that Gamora gives up; only Groot and Mantis keep them apart. Has a standing wings and movie evening with Yondu every Friday in the screening room (Peter fought the others really hard for an 80's TV but 2020 tech won out). 

Groot: The peacekeeper. Literally the only reason anyone is alive. Has a bullet journal, writes in his diary every day about what quarantine is like. No one understands it because no one can read Groot. Plays video games 12 hours straight holed up in some blankets with cheez-its and only stops when Rocket drags him away. Never exercises but stays the exact same size. Watches the news every night and tells everyone CDC info until they're sick of him. Wears mask, gloves, and face shield whenever he leaves the house. 

Drax: The exercise freak. Wakes up at 5am to go on a 3-mile run, has a 2-hour workout every day, and then spars with anyone except Mantis. He feels bad for hurting her. Laughs at every single thing to the point where everyone is screaming at him but that just makes him laugh harder. Slowly losing social interaction skills, and is the only one besides Gamora and Peter who even bothers to cook. Every now and then sleeps in till three and eats five tubs of ice cream, and then a dozen cupcakes. Only watches comedies and action movies.

Mantis: The peppy one. Always smiling. The only one always optimistic, reminding everyone that it could be worse and it will get better. Told it to Peter one to many times, and he slugged her, which resulted in a major fight with Drax. Mantis joined in for fun and then knocked them both out. Likes to go on nature walks in the morning, sometimes tries to walk Rocket. He doesn't take too well to it. She got a second punch. Keeps a journal and watches family movies.

Yondu: The control freak. No one saw this coming, but he is a compulsive cleaner and thrives on routine and organization. Dotes on Peter and Groot but is constantly screaming at everyone else. Helps Gamora with her schedules and insists on coming grocery shopping with her. When she refuses, he whistles threateningly and she quickly agrees. Goes on runs every day with airpods in, using quarantine as an excuse to catch up on "Terran stuff". Doesn't talk to Peter for a week after realizing who Mary Poppins is, but secretly loves her. Accidentally got Tik Tok famous.

Ronan: The scary one. "My way or the high way" but it's about life. Everyone avoids him because no one wants to get on his bad side, but he keeps inserting himself into everyone's stuff. Spreads rumors and gossips until everyone turns on each other and laughs. Little does he know Rocket and Drax are laughing too. Cannot stand baking or movies, and hates cutesy stuff with a burning passion. 

Ego: The partier. Literally responsible for the pandemic, spreads it to every planet in the galaxy because he refuses to stay at home. Social distancing and mask-wearing? He laughs in Gamora's face. Groot will not get anywhere near him because he is convinced Ego is the virus. No one really believes that theory, but no one wants to find out. Constantly trying to convince Peter to have some "fun father-son times" but thankfully Gamora's influence keeps Peter from doing anything stupid. Eats all the food. 

Ayesha: The beauty queen. Will not catch her dead in pajamas. Always wearing a full face of makeup and fashionable clothes. Has designer face masks and they all match her outfits. Makes super fancy cakes and has a vlog. Trying to become as famous as Yondu on Tik Tok but failing because she can't dance, but has thousands of Instagram followers by becoming an influencer. Watches artsy TV shows non stop but works out to stay fit "for her fans". 

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