I always knew I was way too beautiful.

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"Urghhhh, it's too early for this Donnie."

"Well, you have to help Eomma with Breakfast. So get the fuck up before I kick you out of bed."

"I barely got any sleep."

"Well nobody asked you to stay up until 4 am talking to this NJ guy."

"Whatever, I'm gonna get ready."

"Mhm. Tell your boyfriend I said hi," Donnie said.

"I don't have one. He's a new friend."



I got up from my bed, took a shower, brushed my teeth, and did my hair. After that I wore my outfit and ran out of the dorm.

 After that I wore my outfit and ran out of the dorm

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"Hey Mrs.M!"

"Hello, Tiara. How was your night?"

"It was alright."

"Good to hear! Today we are giving them bento boxes so I was thinking we could just make both lunch and breakfast boxes now and then you'll have the rest of the day off."

"What about dinner?"

"We usually just order food every other day."

"Oh alright then, let's get started."

( when I put "..." in bold that means time skip just so you know.)


"Alright Mrs.M that's the last of them, anything else?"

"Nope we're done here, thanks for your help lovely.

"No problem. I'll see you later."

"Okay bye."

I walked out of the kitchen and into my dorm. I checked the time and saw that it was only 9:30.

"Hmmm, maybe I could ask namjoon if i could come earlier."

I quickly grabbed my phone and called him.





"Oh, hey T. Wassup?"

"Turns out I have the rest of the day off. Do you mind if I came earlier?"

"You can come whatever time you want, just text me so I can sneak you in."

"Am I not allowed to be there."

"Well technically you're not but-"

"Great, I've been needing a little bit of a thrill. I was getting bored hehe."

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