Chapter 6

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I'm so stupid not asking Zac—no.. their number yesterday. How can I able to contact them? I was so excited t omy good news. I need to tell them that the school allowed me to transfer but I still need to be here until the first exam, so that gives me another week to stay here. It's okay, as long as I can transfer. 

After my last class, I was walking in the hallway still deciding whether to go to the other school now or to just take an absent tomorrow so that I can talk to the other school about this matter. Honestly, I want to go now because...I wanted to see Zach. I definitely feel dead inside and with all honesty, I don't know why. I can't focus in my class as the voice at the back of my mind keeps on shouting Zach's name. My whole existence just wants to see Zach, and I stupidly forgot to ask his number. Even in my dream, I saw a blue-silver eyes just looking at me from a far. I don't know whether it's the wolf or Zach, either way I just want to hug the owner of the eye. But as I approach the wolf in my dream, there are many black figures surrounding me. I guess it was the black wolves.  I can't reach him.

A little far from the school gate, I stopped walking. Jeck and his friends were sitting at the carpark. Shit, I should have walked the other way. I turned around to take another route.

"HEY JUNKY SISSY! Come over here!" I tried to walk pretending not to hear his calling. But someone just grabbed both of my arms. His stupid followers.

"Let me go!!! Leave me alone!!" I struggled around them when the guy from my right smacks my head hard. Someone grab my bag and toss it aside. I flinched and closed my eyes trying to suppress my tears. I wanted to cry but I will not. They then throw me in front of Jeck's car where he was sitting.

"Are you trying run away from me scaredy cat?? HUH?!" he said while grabbing a handful of my hair.

"N-No. P-P-Please l-let m-me go. It hurts." I was in the verge of tears as I plead them to let me go.

"What hurts? This?" he punched me at my stomach and I coughed back the pain.

"P-p-please let me go.." I said in almost a whisper.

"Aweeee.. I like you begging. I would loooove to hear you begging for more when I shove my dick inside your tight ass, you love that don't you??"

"P-please No.. Let me go.." Someone just lift me up and Jeck lifted my chin while his other hands traveled to my ass. Fuck I hate him. I tried to look down but his hands are firm in my chin.

"Ohhh you crying?? The princess is crying , what should we do??" the tears I'm trying to suppress just broke free. I'm so mad but they're so big. I know I can get much worse than this if I fight back.

"Well .. Why not make her happy?? I'm available tonight." A voice in my back just chimed in. I shivered in disgust. Evils. Jeck smacked my ass causing them to laugh out loud. I just wanna go home.

Suddenly I was thrown in the floor again as someone charged at Jeck. I just closed my eyes and someone just drag me out the fight scene.

"Damien, Stop Zach. He's gonna kill them." The guy who drag me out, who i supposed is Damien, went to the fight scene to stop Zach. Averys pulled me up and put her shoulder around me to hold me still but I still clutched my stomach from Jeck's punch.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Jeck shouted. He was thoroughly beaten up but still manages to stand up. Zach was heaving hard controlling his anger while Damien held both his arms. This commotion garnered a lot of spectators.

"Leave Nikolai alone." Zach said with threat in his voice. He tried to get his arms from Damien but failed.

"Zach, calm down." Damien ejected.

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