Chapter 15

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Days passed by and we went back to normal. Zach is a little busy for his Alpha Ceremony so he let Averys takes care of me. Damien went with him at all times when he learned about the ceremony. I guess he's excited to be finally the Beta of the pack. Damien is so responsible, he deserve it. But Zach still finds time to picked me up and sent me home before and after school. He still eat with me during lunch and kissed the daylight of me every time he saw me anywhere in school. Some things really never change.

Now here I am, stuck with Averys and Raven. Raven and I were taking a little afternoon break when Averys saw us. They knew each other since the day Zach decided to let Averys guard me all the time. And they were like cats and dogs. They were always fighting over who's gonna take care of me. I really can't believe Raven would do petty fights.

"Next time you need to take a break, text me Niko. Zach will be pissed at me." she said while sipping her orange juice.

"I can take good care of him. He doesn't need a babysitter like you." Raven said while eating his cake.

"Excuse me, I'm not babysitting him. I'm following an order. You cannot say no to Alpha's order." She said snapping at him. He just shrugged. 

Raven actually knows about them being a wolf and Zach being the future Alpha. He said that he heard it from some omegas studying at school. They were gossiping about me as their future Luna. He was not surprise about Zach being the alpha, given his body built and reputation.

"Well you can tell your ALPHA that Niko has such an amazing friend who can beat any babysitter he sends in taking-care-of-Niko department" Averys growled in frustration.

"Don't try me human. I might snap your neck here."

"Huhu. I'm so scared!" Raven mockingly said. I just rolled my eyes. He is good at making Averys pissed. Averys stood up and was about to take advance to Raven.

"Both of you, enough!" I'm so done with them. They went silent. I sighed.

"Where is Zach Avy? I haven't seen him on school." Last time I saw him was this morning when he picked me up at home. He didn't text or call or mindlink me. He made me worried.

"I think he went finalizing things for tomorrow. I'm actually sorry for the omegas left at home. He was so nervous for tomorrow that he went snapping them when they won't get what he wants. I'm so glad to be with you. Damien's having headache because of his attitude." I just rolled my eyes. He so dominating at times. I looked at Raven, he was also looking at me.

"Do you wanna come at the ceremony? I bet I can persuade Zach to bring you along since its also my ceremony. I'm so afraid for tomorrow."

"No, It's okay. And besides, I bet he won't like that. I don't want to ruin your ceremony if he saw me and get pissed." I sighed. I badly need to introduce him to Zach so Raven can join us anytime.

Love, I will tell Averys to send you home okay? I'm so busy. I'm sorry. I heard Zach's voice over my head through mindlink. He already taught me how to use mindlink and how to disconnect it to others if I wish to.

It's okay. I'll tell Raven to send me home. Averys needs to be there. She's your third command.

Are you with Raven now? Where the hell is Averys?

She's with us. Please don't be mad at Averys. Raven is just being a friend. Quit being so jealous.

Okay fine. Tell me when you got home okay?

Okay Love. You really don't need my help?

No, we're good here. I love you. Bye

Love you too, bye.

"Hello Niko?!! Why are you spacing out?" Averys frowned. Averys has this impatient attitude and she doesn't like not knowing things. She is super persuasive and she'll bitch around of she can't get what she wants.

"Sorry. I was talking to Zach. He says you can take me home since he can't but I insisted that Raven can take me home instead. You need to be at the preparation." Averys glanced at Raven who was smirking at her.

"Aishh. I hate losing in your face. Fine! You can take him home. That doesn't mean you're a better friend than I am." She rolled her eyes and walked out.

"Stop beating her up Raven. Seriously, you two act like kids."

"I'm pretty amused at her attitude. She easily gets angry and its funny."

"You like her?" He looked at me in disbelief.

"No, I have someone I like. And it's not her." He smiled. Okay?

"Who is she?" I asked in curiosity. He just shrugged and stood up.

"Secret. Ill take you to your last class and I'll wait for you in the carpark okay?" I nodded.

The day went by. I mind-linked Zach that I arrive home safely. After taking my dinner and cleaning up, I went to the woods. I'm not scared anymore in the woods. I can see omega wolves patrolling the border. They knew me because I bet they smell Zach in me. I went talking to the raven bird about the ceremony. I can't see him tomorrow. I think Zach won't let me go home after. I went home and thanked the wolves for protecting me. They just howled in reply.

Morning came and I felt very nervous. This is no ordinary ceremony. I might mess up. I might fail Zach. I might trip on the platform. I might do things the pack won't like. My anxiety is taking over me and Zach is not with me right now.

"Pups, are you seriously okay? You look pale. You should have stayed home." My dad sent me to school since Zach still can't.

"No dad. I'm fine . I'm just..." I sighed. I'm so nervous.

"You'll be fine. Just think of it as another ordinary party. Zach promised you that he'll take care of you right? Trust him" My dad didn't know that this is not just another ordinary party. I told him that Zach's parent will have a party, that's it. I can't just tell him that Zach is a werewolf and he is going to be an Alpha of the pack tonight. And his only son will be the Luna. Great, just great.

"If something happens tonight, call me immediately okay? Bye" He kissed my forehead and I went off his car.

I felt so down. I need... I just need Zach. Zach, where are you? I mind linked him.

Suddenly a comforting arm hugged me from behind. I swiftly faced him and hugged him tight.

"What's wrong love?" I sighed. I pressed my face against his chest.

"I'm so nervous. I might mess up at your ceremony." He held my face looking at him.

"I spent my whole day yesterday, sacrificing without you with me just to make sure everything is perfect so quit being so nervous. I'm here. Everything will be fine." He kissed me again.

I went class after class and I still can't shake the feeling of being nervous. I never experience being center of attention apart from being bullied. Goddess of the wolves, please make me good this time. I don't want to embarrassed my mate and disappoint his parent.

Afternoon came and I need to be at Zach's house. The pack called it Big House because it is literally big.

"Love, stop fidgeting." I can sense Zach's annoyed feeling because of my nervousness but he didn't show it.

"Sorry. I can't help it." I mumbled. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

We arrived at his residence. He let me sleep for a while since the ceremony will start at 8 pm. It's still 5 pm. And I did. I woke up when I heard someone pacing around the room.

"Finally you're awake! I thought you'll be sleeping beauty all night. Now get up and wash your face. I'll bring in your clothes in." Averys hurriedly went out the room.

I sighed. I should be used to being like this if I had to stay in Zach's life. I couldn't just lock up myself from people because I'm afraid. I should support Zach for this. He is meant for this. I should be a good Luna. 


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