Mornings and meditation

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I wake up at 5. I used to do this daily, I started slacking after mom dies though. I don't know why. Maybe because I was busy getting the stuff I needed to survive. Less worried about getting out of bed to hike to the library and then my abditory hopefully before I could read for a while and play with the nymphs. Before dark that was. Since I woke up this early though. It wouldn't hurt to do some meditation. And like that I am out of bed and getting dressed in some of the clothes in the closet. A pair of leggings and a nice top. As well as a sports bra under that.  I walk out into the garden the sun has just begun to peak over the horizon and illuminate part of the sky. I sit in the grass of a clearing near a small pond. I cross my legs and listen to the water disruption caused most likely by the fish. I take deep breaths and listen to where the fish are. I imagine their swim routes. Due to the prior disturbance. I feel my mind clear and focus only on the movement of my own body. The surroundings I saw before I closed my eyes still remains. I connect with my other senses. The wind blows through the trees and bushes surrounding me.i hear the grass shift as though someone is there. I don't stop moving. It's as though I'm dancing with the wind in slow precise movements. Wait. I listen to how the wind blows around the person. That's Damian. I listen to his heart beat. I hear his breathing. It's soothing to me. I know he's walking again. Hes going back. A few feet. He's about 20 feet away from me. I hear a small bag hit the ground. Then I hear a katana be unsheathed. He must be meditating. He did that yesterday. Right here. Oh that's why he stopped and starred at me. I'm in his meditation spot.He must be upset. Then again. Its not like you need a designated spot to meditate. That must be why he didn't interrupt and ask me to leave. Or it could be he knows it's rude to interrupt someone who's meditating. I focus on his moves as he meditates I hear how the sword breaks through the wind. I move as though we were fighting. With fluent counters. I think he knows that's what I'm doing as he begins to aswell. He dodges and sends his katana to the side. I gracefully imagine gliding under. I stand swinging my foot to the side. He jumps and I stand as he turns facing me. I know where I begun is now about 5 feet closer to Damian. He knows he's closer to me as well. We don't stop . Our separate sides. Fighting as though blindfolded. Although. I don't know how to properly fight. The nymphs likes to play and we played like this sometimes. We also liked to play with the stick. And now and arrows. Occasionally we would even use the knives for carving to throw at trees. Do a one handed back walk over. Dodging where the katana would have been. As it goes down I make a risky move. I put my hands out and my palms catch the blade. Wait...they catch an actual blade. My eyes shoot open. I see his eyelashes. He just opened his eyes as well. We stare for a second. How did we get so close to each other. He clears his throat,"Well this was an unforeseen ripple." He adverts his eyes." was." He then looks to me his eyes narrowed."Who taught you to fight." I smile."I don't call that fighting. The nymphs loved to meditate in sync like that. We would sometimes make arrows and shoot them at each other. Or use sticks. We danced and played like that for hours. It wasn't fighting. Fighting is displaying or engaging in violence. What we did wasn't violent." He keeps his eyes on me. . I let go of his katana. And he stands up straight."Then, you are an adequate dancer. I apologize for interrupting your meditation as well. I came unannounced. It was disrespectful of me. I can go somewhere else from now on." I giggle."I didn't mind. And you have no need to go somewhere else, and since you appear so confident it will happen again, I hope it will. It was fun to have a new dance partner." He nods swiftly. Alfred appears out the door."Ah...Miss Umbra...Master Damian, breakfast is ready." I nod,"Thank you alfred we'll be in shortly." Damian says. "Do you want to do this again after we eat?" He nods,"It was quite enjoyable. And I see it as a form of sparing. It's much fun. And I believe in terms of sparing I lost. So I would like to request a rematch." I smile bright."of course...but first foooood." He scoffs, what I like food. Usually I would just eat berries. So this is a chance to try something new. I get inside and see a bowl of berries at the table. I don't know what to do, so I just sit and look around the table. I sit closest to the berries though. Damian sits next to me. Some other plant based foods are on the table. There's also some other foods that don't look familiar. I look at Damian. He is putting food on his plate. I decide to do the same and stay close to home. I pour a bunch of berries onto my plate. I slowly start to eat them. They taste the same as I'm used to. Oh how I love them. I eat a lot of them, then I stand. I clean my plate and go back outside. Per usual I am still barefooted. I sit close to the pond and stretch. I sit bending one foot in front of me and straightening the other behind me. I grab that door and pull it up. My head hovering just over where my hands are holding. I change my hold to my ankle and straighten my leg in front of me. Then I bend my leg back to the ground. My head touching the back of my leg. I let go and stay there a second. Then I sit up again. I move my hips to a straddle. Then I bend forward. My chest touching the ground. I look forward. My arms extended in front of me I go to the other side and lean back grabbing my ankle. I sit there for a second. Then I move my legs together. I bend forward. Grabbing the backs of my legs. My head easily touches my knees. That's what years of stretching get me though. I spend a while longer stretching till Damian comes back outside. He has another bag with him. Once he's a few feet away, he tosses it to me. I catch it, and set it to the ground, opening it. "I wish to spar. I want to see what you can do with that." I nod. Its. Beautiful katana. There's Arabian writing on the hilt. I look at it,"...why, does it say...forgive me if my translation is off. Beast...or demon...demons head. Why does it say demons head?" I look up to Damian. His face is completely drained of color."you know Arabic?" I shake my head no,"I can't speak it if that's what your asking. I can read many languages. It's just when I have to start talking I get a bit mixed up in some. I read about many languages when I could." He nods his head. I stay kneeling as I pick up the sheathed katana with respect. I open it slightly, "how will we know when someone's won?" He tt and I look at him,"who ever yields loses." I nod in understanding. I stare at the beautiful katana."you never answered why it says demons head." He walks over,"my mothers maiden name was al ghoul. Or roughly translated demons head." I nod,my eyebrows creasing. I look back to the katana. My eyes not leaving it's blade."It's beautiful." He seems taken aback. I stand. "Do you want to start the same as before?" He nods. I move the bag and as he walks get a feel for this piece of weaponry in my hands. I let myself imagine it was a part of myself, and is. I see myself going over it and I know exactly where it is. I feel as though I can feel what the blade touches. I know Damian is getting a feel as well. I grip its hilt. As does he. We now to each other. I stand the blade feeling light in my hands as I move where if we were close enough the blades would have connected. I slide under his blade and almost sweep his foot. I hear the katana soar through the air. I do an aerial over it. I land swinging the blade in front of me. Put the katana in front of me. I take a defensive position. I dodge a lot and occasionally use the blade as a block. I do a sweep kick which he jumps over and follow with a round kick, that goes into me almost getting him in the jaw with my back foots heel. He swings his katana out. Mid back handspring. I get a sting in my arm. We're close again."still till someone yields?" He nods. I nod back. My katana meets his. I use the pressure of the blades to kick off his stomach. Doing a backhand spring again. I land. Our eyes are open now. He charges and in a split second we both stop. My blade is to his neck as his blade is to my neck. Neither can move. We just checkmated ourselves. I look at him,"Do we call this a draw." He shakes his head."no." I sigh."then I yield." He nods lowering his weapon. I walk back and sheath it once more. I take care of it properly and then return it to Damian." This was fun, I hope we can do this again. I go to take a step and I see Jason and Drake fighting. Jason throws a rock in frustration to the side. Just as Damian says something."Do you wish to do this again tomorrow?" I turn to him."sure, it was a lot of fun. I always love challenges." He smirks. I catch a small rock thrown after the first by Jason. Damian seems to remember something. Grabbing my hand, setting me off balance. We both fall to the ground. Me under Damian. His hands on both sides of my head. Unprepared, I blush furiously. My face ablaze. My voice almost betraying me,"Was there something else you needed. "The noise from Jason and Drake has stopped now. I remember someone has told me 'Drakes' first name is Tim. In a second. Damian is pulled off me, and Jason and Tim at restraining him."Hey what are you guys doing?" I say yelling at them. Jason freezes."what..." he looks very confused as does tim."What do you mean...he was...oh innocent eyes." Tim let's go of Damian. And Damian rips his arm from Jason's."I wasnt doing' anything. You insult me as to act  as though I was defiling her." I nod,"I tripped and Damian fell on top of me," the boys walk separate directions,"absent minded." He looks at me,"they look so absent minded now." He nods,"they always are. Anyway, I remember hitting your arm, when we were sparing. Are you alright with me treating it. I'm sure alfred is busy and it would be foolish to not treat it." I nod, I guess. We sit on a bench, and he pours some water over it. I flinch away. He grabs my hand," I apologize for making contact with you in are sparing session. It was my mistake." I look at him. Grabbing his hand I say it's ok. He wraps my arm. And once that's done, I lunge and wrap him in a hug."thank you for saving my life the other day. And making it much more enjoyable." I feel his hands loosely wrap around my waist and pull me to him firm. My arms around his torso, one over his shoulder. Hold me to him."thank you so much." Leaves my lips. My forehead connects to his. My eyes closed. I run my fingers around the crinkles in the back of his shirt. I can feel his mussels through it. My forehead against his is comforting. "Thank you.

An answer to my dreams(Damian Wayne x reader)Where stories live. Discover now