So...i dont feel so good

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(A/n I'm basing this chapter on a BNHA comic video I saw.)

I've left the med bay and raven is still elbow deep in books looking for answers. There's been an issue for me though, food doesn't taste as good. This confused me though, so I haven't been eating as much. But today, something happened, for our safety since the assassins issue. They've stopped recently, me and Damian decided that also for us when we fight to have a place to call our own and the issue with him being to attatched to me that we are separating our rooms. That was a few days ago. The new problem is the painful ringing in my ears when I try to sleep. It makes me feel sick and nauseous. I figured it was just a stress migraine at first, but now in the day time at random times the past few weeks my vision will go bad. I've been able to hide it from everyone so far. But today I passed out from the pain. I am planning a secret doctor visit, using the credit card I narrowed from Bruce. I'm going to remove the money to pay in cash. And I'm telling Damian I'm going to the arcade. Just for an alone day. It's scheduled for next week though. The justice league has also us off from missions till further notice because of the assassins. The thing about this week though is that Damian and his father are planning a small off world mission, to try to repair their relationship some, Starfire is going on a retreat with Nightwing and BB and blue beetle are going on a bro thing with cyborg, that just leaves me and Raven here and she's doing some demon thing for the next few days in her room, so I'm kinda gonna be alone which is good because their last day is my doctors visit. So lying to Damian will be easy. He wants in some special time before he leaves though, so we are just sitting on the couch. I hope there's nothing seriously wrong with me."Beloved what's troubling you?" I stiffen and look up,"you noticed." He nods, what's a good lie, that's not a lie." I just am very curious on why ravens powers didn't work and haven't been sleeping as well since the assassins." He nods."You're safe at the tower. And my mother won't be bothering us again for the next year." I nod. "And ravens looking for an answer." I nod. I snuggle up to his chest. "I love you." He sighs."I love you beloved." I smile and close my eyes, keeping a simple face as my head throbs with pain. It pulses everywhere. I move so he can't see my face and snuggle with him. "I hope you and your father get along better after your mission." He doesn't move."we'll see." I nod. My ears start ringing and then reality just fades away as darkness consumes my vision and pain radiates. When I open my eyes again, Damian is stroking my hair,"Did you sleep well?" I play off my cringe as a shiver and nod, lying my head still ringing. I know If this mission goes well, then he'll be out more often on missions. We sit like that for a while till,"I leave in a few hours." What...oh right, that whole week thing was a few days ago I guess . I haven't been thinking to straight recently probably because of the migraine. I stand up playing the spots I see off as stretching. These migraines have been there for years. I just played them off as small colds of just ignored them only recently have they actually bothered me...a lot."I'll let you pack then and prepare." He nods,  I walk out of his room and to mine. When I get in there. I squat down it feels like my head is splitting in half. I stay like that my hands squeezing my head for a few moments. Then I get this horrible nausea wave, it started out unnoticeable but in a second I'm sitting on the bathroom floor, crying my eyes out."w...why does it hurt so badly."I choke out in a small sob. I feel my stomach lurch and I vomit into the toilet. I'm the only one with a bathroom attached to my room since my room is new. I watch the clear small amount of liquid leave because I haven't eaten anything recently the taste horrible and scaring me. I see spots of blood with the liquid as I flush it away. My throat feeling raw and my head spinning. I wash the taste from my mouth.I want this pain to stop. I stand up and stumble towards my door. I want to go to the hospital. This hurts so much. Too much.I stumble into the hallway. "Can I go to the hospital." I slur out. My head making the world staticky. I know I know this person the name just won't come."Why?" I shrug. Not placing together coherent sentences. The colorful boy shrugs...beast boy, that's his name. "I'm not falling for this again. I thought you would just ask for a bird flight directly, you didn't need to lie" he just walks off after saying some more stuff. I can't understand him though. I feel nauseous again, I open my mouth as I breath, trying to keep myself from vomiting again.  I stumble back to my room just through the door when I collapse. I open my eyes again a while later.  Then a knock sounds from my door, I open it as I rise to my feet."Hello beloved, I am about to leave." I frown and push myself to him."Are you alright?" He asks I nod."I just have a cold." He nods,"feel well soon, I was just informed there will not be any contact till I'm back." What."Awww." I pout. He sighs and  holds onto me tightly then presses his lips to mine.I feel his lips leave mine and wave to him as he leaves. Now I just have to wait a few days to see the doctor-"ack" my lungs in case themselves in pain. I physically feel my lung push itself inverted partly for a few seconds. That hurt so much and felt I feel less disstprted so I decide to leave the room, waving to Starfire as she leaves seconds after Damian. The guys probably left earlier. Raven is sitting on the couch."I have 2 theories at the moment, the one you proposed and that I wasn't focused on the right injury. But you only had the one and you weren't sick's likely the clash of our relitives. I sigh. Sitting on the couch." Who knows." We sit like that for a while, she starts reading again so I leave to my room. Turning on the TV I watch some anime.(don't judge me) I love the way it seems so real and not at the same time, and how perfect it makes these nonexistent people look. I have another coughing fit. Second one today. I don't know when it happens but I'm asleep again. The next time I'm up I go to the kitchen. The taste of food is so bitter in my mouth. That I can't even swallow it. But I have to so I do. This was a mistake though. Because about 20 minutes later my food is flushed and I'm crying in pain. My head ringing. My eyes unfocusing. My blurred outcome blotchy. I sit there for what feels like an eternity."it hurts...ahh." I have tears streaming from my eyes. The sense of touch through out my body feels so damp Peres and electric in both bad ways. I don't know if I can make it till the doctors visit. I don't need the others worried. The thing with Beast boy was just a moment of weakness...I can make it. I spend the rest of the day on my bathroom floor waiting for medicine I took to kick in. I don't know if it did and I just got worse or if it never does. It just hurts so much. I don't even make it to my bed. I just pass out on my bathroom floor. The next thing I know though. I am in fact awake. I'll try drinking something this time. I get to the kitchen. Water is bitter, I need something with sugar. I find kool aid and drink some of that. It stays down at least. At least liquids do. I try an chicken pot pie this time. Maybe it will stay down. How wrong I was. In a flash I throw up into the sink. I flip on the garbage disposal. And then turn it back off, skidding to the floor. My ears ringing. My head so...ugh. I feel beads of sweat forming all over me. Then a loud bang resides. I look up. I know this person also. I force words out."Hey Starfire." Starfire can, Thats her name."OH MY...are you alright." I feel her help me up. Then my eye sight leaves and my conscious follows. I open my eyes I'm on the couch. My head doesn't hurt as much and there's a cold compress on my forehead. I look up and see starfire."Hey Starfire." I say.."Thank goodness you're awake. Nobody else was home and I didn't know what to do, so I did what I do for Nightwing when he's like this." I nod."Please don't tell anyone about this." She nods."Why" I sigh looking away from her."I'm seeing a doctor. In a few days. And well...I don't want everyone to worry. You have to promise to not say anything ok." She nods."I promise, I respect your wishes so I won't inform the others." I smile."thank you." Then I push myself off the couch, as I stand I feel my head rush and my body jerk. I catch myself holding the back of the couch. Then I walk to my room."Oh and if you need anything you can ask, i would love to help." I nod back at her making my way to my room. My feet and hands freezing. My head feeling worse. I sit on my bed, for a second. Maybe a bath would help. I move to the bathroom. And run a hot bath. Crawling in as soon as I can. As I rest there. My head only feels a different pain. So after a while I push myself out. Standing to be meet with numb limbs and in and out vision. I wrap my towel and sit on the toilet seat. Taking deep breaths. My stomach lurches and I fling around flipping up the toilet seat and removing my stomach acid and some liquids. I flush the toilet as I lean back. So body does not in fact like baths anymore. Eventually I work the courage to push myself off the ground and get dressed and collapsed into my bed. My feet aren't that cold anymore atleast. My whole body feels the same temperature except my head. It feels hot and numb. I pull the covers over my bottom half leaving my arms out and draping them across my face. I wonder what's wrong with me...better yet I wonder how to fix me. I close my eyes as my head throbbing dies down. It doesn't take long for my sleep to be disturbed and me to slowly fade awake withereing in pain with ringing in my ears it feels like someone's imploding my brain...or pressurizing it in on itself.
I need to see that doctor. I need answers. And I need this fixed. I don't need Damian worried or anyone else for that matter.

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