The fine art of bullshit

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The fine art of bull shit. That's what this gym class is. It started with me going to the locker room. All the other girls were on the other side of the locker room. All of them were whispering about me. I couldn't see them but i could hear them."why is she in this class. I bet she couldn't even do a push up." I take off the uniform and change. As soon as I'm in a sports bra. I hear someone walking around he lockers. I put the shorts on fast. Someone turns the corner I hear a loud gasp. This girl is not with the others she seems actually decent. She walks towards me." You are ripped!!!" She exclaims."what do you mean?" She looks down "is that a four pack!!!holy shit." The giggling on the other side of the room stops. There are many foot steps."What!" I pull my shirt over my head quick. She whispers."don't worry I got your back." I glare."how is that." She smiles."Theres no way."I smile lightly. The girl speaks up." Shut your trap Tiffany. I bet she could do more push ups so leave the girl alone." I smile at the girl next to me. We walk out of the room. We're in the gym now."I'm Alexa. You can call me Alex though." I nod."I'm umbra." Then she says."Com'on we run to warm up."I nod. I start to run laps around the room. I guess I'm fast but everyone just seems really slow. On my 3rd lap she taps my arm. I slow to a trot next to her."slow down you'll wear yourself out. We do this for the next 15 minutes." I nod."I can do that for more than 15 minutes. I'm not going that fast am I?" Her eyes get wide."whatever. Keep going you'll see." I keep running. Tiffany comes out of the room and her friends follow they try to keep up with me for a few laps but then they fall behind when I lap them. One shoves me and I trip. Scraping my elbow I get up. Damian came out just as that happened. "Well shit." I say they all giggle."I know your so screwed" they say. I roll my eyes as I stand."I actually was talking about Damian." They turn and look. He looks ready to rip their heads off."Oh hey Damian, We were just showing the slut she should stay-" he walks right past her and grabs my arm."I'm fine-""no your not." I roll my eyes,"Seriously, it's nothing." He makes this pouty face. I nod."Whatever." He make this cocky grin. He walks me to a room next to the gym. It's the nurse.or from what I've heard one of the nurses offices.  I am seated and she hands Damian a first aid kit."Damian can you take care of this. I have to go and do something real quick. He nods."I'll bring her back to class when we're done." She nods "ok." He wraps my elbow. Then we go back to class. The coach has everyone seated on the floor. " girl you'll be partners for this." I nod we sit down. "Today we're going to have a contest." Oh boy." your partner will count how ever many push ups you can do. The amount will decide your grade." Great. "Girls will go first." I get in push up position.*Whistle*"1...2...3...4...5...6..
25... the other kids are starting to slow down.26...27...28...29...30... I feel my arms start to sting. Most of the girls are stopping. I keep going...41...42...43...44...45 my arms are getting sore and I'm slowing down. 50...51...52...53...54...55...holy shit my arms. I keep going slowly the guys are dropping out. 67...68...69... there are two other guys still going. One looks like he's going to pass out. They are all chanting. 83...84...85...86...87... I feel like I'm dying. This is not my strong suit. I am more agile and flexible.95...96...97...98...99...100 the other guy drops and I keep going till 114...115...116...117...118...119...120. I stop. I'm sweating now. Damian smirks."that all you got umbra. I roll my eyes and drop."yep." He chuckles,"sore from this morning?" I glare up at him."jerk."he cockily grins. The coach seems impressed. The other guy is giving me this weird look. He give a ten second rest and I pop up refreshed after drinking a bit of water. My arms still hurt though. Damian starts doing push ups. 1...2...3... this goes on till he is at 250 then he starts to slow down a bit, what the fuck. He keeps going till the coach stops him saying."We don't have all day." He stops and I just stare. I scoot closer to him, then I poke his arm."Umbra what are you doing." I smile a little."trying to figure out how you did that." He smirks."the same way I'm going to do the sit ups...better than you." Oh its on."is that a challenge?" He nods."sure is." The coach starts with the whistle. I go steady fast and strong the first 100 or so, kids start to drop out around there. At 200 only like 3 others are left, a guy and two girls. One of which is Tiffany which gives me much strength when I start to slow a bit at 300. I'm sweating a lot now. But I don't stop. The guy is done so is the other girl Tiffany seems upset and tired since I'm not quitting. I don't stop at 400 I see her struggle. It's taken around 10 minutes to get to here. When I hit 510 I stop. My stomach feeling torn in half. And like that,"this is the most fine art of bullshit." I say when Damian gets to 510. He looks like he's going to die though as he does 5 more. I laugh when he sits up." You... are... quite... admirable... for... having... done... that and... not died."I let out a laugh."thanks." The coach says we have the 5 minutes to change. I rush in and change fast. I don't have much sweat on my so I am decently alright changing back out. I stand in the gym waiting for damian. Alex walks over to me."you have got to be the most deceiving female body I have ever seen." I look at her."What." She puts her hands on her hips."you don't look like you can do 10 push ups yet I just watched you do over a hundred. Like what the hell. Teach me!!!" I laugh."wait...does this make us friends?" She nods."Of course." Yeah! "Oh by the way I saw how Tiffany tripped you. How your elbow?" I smirk."I've had worse." She looks at me suspicious."how?" I look down."my parents weren't nice people." She and I both get quiet." I'm sorry. You don't live with them anymore do you...because I swear I will help you hide the bodies." I laugh."no, they are already dead. My dad died of liver failure a while back and a little over a year ago my mom killed herself. She looks taken aback." Oh." I smile."but it's alright I live in a much better place now, and I have a really great bunch of...hum...housemates...I guess." She nods "cool, who are they?" And suddenly Damian is beside me taking my bag from me." Hey give that back." He smirks."and why should I do that?" I groan."Because I will...take your bag when we get back to the manor and hide it in Tim's closet." Tim's closet is filthy. He never really cleans. Or sleeps. He's always working on cases though. So there's that, but because of that his room smells, from lack of leaving, Alfred doesn't dare go in there because of something that happened before I got there. He glares."you wouldn't dare." I smirk "I would, plus why are you carrying it you're strong enough as is." He rolls his eyes."it's called being a gentleman. According to dick." I remember Alex was there and look at her."You LiVe At WaYnE mAnOr!!!" I laugh."yeah..." is that a big thing, I'll ask Damian when we get back. Damian looks at her Curious."I'll tell you later." We walk out of the classroom to English. When we sit down he smirks."I believe this is actually the an i quote from earlier.'Fine art of bullshit'" I can't control my laugh. He smirks. We sit through English, then we go to..."French...?"He nods "we are required to take a forgin language. But since we both tested out of the written exam we don't have to go to class, so we can spend this time teaching you the verbal part of some of the languages you know. Under fathers orders." I nod. We walk out to the court yard. Everyone else is mostly in the class rooms.»вы лоимаете языки, когда на них говорят» I stare at him."What." My voice sounds so dumb as I say that. He nods..."so you don't know how to understand the language from sound." I nod...this is going to be a long year. We start with basic sounds in arabic, since that's his first language I've come to learn. We were going to do Russian. But he decided against it. So here we are me learning the Arabic abjad. I am not doing well. After this he said he's going to teach me to insult someone first...because that's what I 'should know in every language because people are idiots' once we finish school for the day we get picked up by alfred to go back to the manor. Me and Damian are still working on my pronunciation. I am not good at this, but I do understand more than I did before it just takes me a few minutes to break down the sentences and find how they're spelt and then the translation and reconstruction. I couldn't speak fast though. I did know a few basic words...or well insults.We went down to the cave and dick looked absolutely devastated. Jason looked over at me and said."Hey remember what you said this morning. Get ready to preform." I furrowed my eyebrows..."what?" Jason walked up to me and Damian stepped in front of him. Like two Alfa's showing teeth."What are you doing Todd." He looked at Damian and I felt a sense of dread."Jason, what are you doing.?" He rolled his eyes."Dicky bird said Damian was molesting you and giving you hickeys in the garden..he bet on it and I'm here to get the free performance for the titans."my eyes widen. Me and Damian didn't think this would happen."and what do you lose if he's right?" Oh boy."why's it matter?unless-YOU CHEEKY BASTARD.IM GONNA KILL YOU." Damian is not backing down."BRING IT TODD. I COULD FIGHT YOU IN MY SLEEP." I glare."GUYS STOP!!!" I try to move their views off each other. I push on Jason."STOP!" He looks down, and then pulls my uniform off my shoulder."SO ITS TRUE!!!" I am angry now."BOTH OF YOU SHUT YOUR FUCKIN MOUTHS. Your acting like your five." Dick yells.Jason rolls his eyes. I don't know what to do. Jason didn't let go of my shirt."Hey, LET GO OF ME JASON!" He lets go of me. I stumble to Damian. He catches me. And I pull up my shirt."It was just a prank. To get you back for messing with us this morning."he glares."Yeah...I'm supposed to believe that. Sure it was. It's not like demon hasn't been happier since you've been around. Not like he was sharing a bed with you, Or like I don't know spending all his free time with you alone." I blush...oh my god...that's what's been happening. Does he like me. I mean I like maybe.Jason rolls his eyes."And even so if it was 'just a prank,' I bet it was his idea." My eyes grow a bit."You like like me?" Damian rolls his eyes."Quite the contrary. I only felt bad for you. I don't care about you. No one does." Oh he doesn't like me. He probably never has. He felt bad for me does that mean this was all a...lie

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