Hey one question: what the hell!

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When I fell to the ground. I caught myself by dropping my katana. It made a loud flatter and I heard fast approaching footsteps. I try to stand. I refuse to lose, I will fight for the people who care about me. I will fight for myself, because I think I am starting to care about myself. My legs give out as I try to stand and arms wrap around me to catch me."Hey it's me beloved calm down, you're alright. It's over." I look up. "Really." I'll never have to see those horrid people again. I can hold Damian and train with him. I can enjoy things and not hate myself. It's finally over. He nods and We all meet back with the team. "Raven!" Someone else asks."Is it over?" Of course."It'll never be over. Trigon will spend every single minute trying to get out of here, so he needs to be watched every single minute." True, but the worst is over, we can go home now."Dude, thanks for helping out." I hear beast boy or blue beetle say. I am having trouble differentiating." It was nice to have a big gun around." Yeah it sure was." Yeah, you ought to dump those stuck-up jerks and sign up with us." Well that's a bit over the top."It was nice not to be the kid for once, but when you've been in the majors... You know what I'm saying." True...I mean we can't blame him for wanting to go back to the JLA. "Time to go home." I've never agreed with that as much as I do now."I'll take you back." Yep that's ok with me."Unfortunately, this is my home. I have to watch him." What no... I am more coherent now."It's not your home." I say with much strength. Damian nods." Home is the place where... When you have to go there, they have to take you in." I knew he reads but."Robert Frost." I say." You are full of surprises, Damian." He sure is."You're coming with us." And like that we go home. As soon as I'm in the tower my legs completely give way. I hear Gar asking."Hey is she alright." I nod."Yep just had to show my demons who's boss...literally. I knocked them both unconscious." I hear someone say."What the hell." And I feel Damian pick me up."Come on beloved lets get you cleaned up." I nod. "The adrenaline is starting to wear off and I want pain meds in my system the second it does." I hear someone chuckle. Raven seems tired. She goes to her room and sleeps. Gar and Jamie go to the kitchen exclaiming how hungry they are. I don't know what anyone else is going though. Me and Damian get to our room, he pulls the fully packed med kit out from under the bed. I sit there. I take what he gives me. We sit there for a second not moving. He pulls up a chair."I am so proud of you hebibti." I smile."I'm proud of you as well. I know how much you admired your grandfather. It must have been really hard to stand up to him. I love you." He gives this really nice soft smile. One I could never imagine him having. And shows it to me."I love you." We start with the removal of all unnecessary clothing. I'm down to a t-shirt and shorts. He's in shorts as well. I start by stitching the large cut across his chest. I see and stitch. And in the mean time we stay quiet. As I lean to get stuff to wrap his chest I feel the shirt fall off one shoulder. In that second, I feel him grab my hips. And then move the shirt a little more down."What is that cursed word carved into your back?!?" He seems upset."Worthless." He seems so petrified until he asks in a low threatening voice."Who gave it to you." I look down, "the same people who gave me most of my scars." He understand I don't want to talk about it. I wrap his chest when he lets go of my hip."you know it's untrue." I look up at him, finishing my biggest task at the moment."What is?" He looks me in the eye."You aren't worthless. You are worth so much to me, you have never been worthless. And you never will be, every moment and every memory you make gives you worth. Even the bad one." I smile."thank you so much Damian. I want you to know. You are the main reason I fought back against my...parents. You made me understand my worth. And you still do. I love you so much." I grab his shoulders and plant a kiss on his lips. His hands go to my back holding me to him. We let go though fast though. As it seems my chest is not really ready for me to lose my breath. We take turns handling each other's major and minor wounds. When we finish. We lay down and sleep. It's so comfortable held to his chest. I feel so...safe and happy. The rest of the week we spend recovering. And some of it yelling and asking the others."What the hell?!?" We spend a month or so after that gaining back and mending our skills. Then when we are fit enough again and healthy, I remember what I had told damian. And I remember that I never meet up with Alex. She has officially blown up my phone. I pull it out and call her."Hey Sorry about that Alex. I spent the past month and a half, helping out at the new house me and Damian are staying at. I didn't mean to frighten you. But I think I'm free now and we can meet up if you want." Her side is quiet for a second."OF COURSE." I giggle."I'll meet you at the pizza place we planed in earlier." I hear her running around."yeah I'll be there in like 5 minutes." I laugh."ok see you there." I grab my phone and leave. I am there really fast. It's easy to get around when the nymphs are alright with you walking in the water. I get to the pizza place and see her ordering. I pull my money out and pay before she even realizes it's me. I look at her."boo" she is slightly startled but then she pulls me into a hug." Oh my gawd. I missed you." I let out a laugh hugging her back just as eagerly. When she lets go we sit down. I find it weird how nobody is looking at us and seems to be avoiding her. We stay there for a while talking and then just walk around town for the next few hours. I get a few messages through out the Time from Damian, and a couple of calls. He just wants to make sure I'm safe. He still doesn't like Alex. It starts to get dark and Alex offers to walk me back. I can't really tell her I live at titan tower so I say."it's alright I can make it back safe. I'll walk you home though." She seems unsure about that. I have noticed though how all these people seem so frightened by her. It was the same with some of the kids in gotham. I wonder what that's all about. We decide to walk a little longer when we're shoved into an ally. I can't believe someone is stupid enough to try this. She stands and looks at the person. Which morphs into multiple people."no hard feelings but we need you dead." They say I am about to respond when she rolls her shoulders."Who's trying to kill me this Time?" I freeze..."what?" They turn to me."we can start with your friend if you want us too" they say smug. I look at her. Then in response to her glare they Blab and say."the Red alpha" I look to her and she smirks."Is this a declaration of war against the she devils." They shake their heads."nah...war means fighting." They all charge at me. On instinct that a to training, I run up the wall behind us and to the side. Pushing off and flipping landing on the other side of the ally."What The Hell" I see Alex she looks like she tried to run to where I was. But she was shoved back. Her mouth is agape when I walk a few feet closer and help her up."you good?" She just states."yeah..yeah...how'd you do that. Those reflexes...that was almost instantaneously."she's gaping."why do people want to kill you." Ok that wasn't as nice as it should have been. Oh no...damians rubbing off on me. She looks from them to me. They charge again. This time instead of dodging I casually keep them occupied , moving swiftly around them. I put two flat on their asses. And am easily keeping the others at bay not even losing the slightest of breath."Alex. Why do these guys want you dead?" She smiles."because I am the leader of the she devils gang. You may have heard of it. But I also am the leader that is widely feared. That puts a target on my back." I nod. With that. Some of them pull guns. I run drawing their fire as I get closer. I take the guns and knock the user out then use the gun to shoot 7 others not major shots. Just leg or shoulder...thank you Jason. When they're all on the ground. I walk up to her. "Now what's this about you running a gang. And being a famous boss, and stuff?" She looks to the ground almost ashamed"I took over when my mother died. I try to take out the other gangs. The worse ones. To help the vigilantes.Speaking of have you heard of blue birdy. She's supposed to be really cool and stuff like she and the really awesome and ninja Robin are partners and stuff. Kinda like you and...Damian. Holy ShIt YoUrE-" I put my hand over her mouth ."not so loud. You can't tell anyone either. If you share, the 'awesome' Robin will kill us both." She nods knowing just how harsh Damian was. She seems to like us too so hopefully she'll actually help us and not tell and stuff. We get back to walking again, and I suddenly understand why all the people are so werry of her. So much makes sense now. We walk for a while."well I should probably get going before Damian freaks out and comes running to find me." She nods and we hug and say our good byes to each other. I thought I had at least one normal friend. I keep walking for a good five minutes before I stop turning around."you can come out you know." You see I am used to actively meditating so while I was walking I could hear a person trailing me and Alex for the past 15 minuets or so. I just so happened to recognize the heart beat and footsteps. Out walks Damian." I don't freak out." I raise an eye brow."just like you don't come running to find me." He grunts and look away. As we walk I realize we don't have anything to do tomorrow. He gives me his hand and blushes as we walk through the streets in our civics. All the way back to titan tower. It would be much easier if we could go over the water...which reminds me."Hey Damian, how would you like to be introduced to the nymphs tomorrow?" H looks at me."What...don't I have to sing and dance?" He scoffs at the idea of doing so. I smile."I mean yeah...but don't you want to meet them?" He nods."I suppose so." This is going to be so much fun.

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