My Love

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Azaad Pov

Azaad was walking out of his canyon to the tree of life with one thing on his mind... Fuli. Ever since we met I couldn't stop thinking about her even after we said goodbye. Good thing she's living at the tree of life. Azaad can see her everyday. Azaad continued his way but I ran desperate to see her. Such a beautiful cheetah not like anyone else. Azaad arrived at the tree of life to be greeted by King Kion and Queen Rani.

"Oh hello Azaad, what brings you here?" Queen Rani asked me. I bowed.

"My queen Azaad has come to see-"

"Azaad?" I was caught off by a female. I turned around to be facing Fuli. Our eyes meet. We stared into each other's eyes until we were interrupted by the honey badger

"So why are you here?" He asked. Azaad cleared his throat.

"I've actually come to see you Fuli." I finally answer their questions as to why I was here. Fuli looked shocked at first but then she smiled.

"That's real sweet Azaad but we were just about to go on patrol." She told me. Azaad put on a very disappointed face until Queen Rani spoke up.

"Oh come on Fuli just go you deserve it." She told her. Fuli thought about for awhile then smiled.

"Okay if you insist. Come on Azaad let's race to your canyon." She excitedly as she ran. Azaad quickly raced after her.

At Azaad's canyon.

It was after the race that Fuli had won. Now we were play wrestling and Azaad ended up on top. Azaad looked down at her beautiful forest green eyes. She looked up at mine. We kept staring. I couldn't look away. I didn't want to look away. Azaad suddenly felt something on his cheek. It was Fuli nuzzling me and I nuzzled her back until she pulled back, tackled me, and pinned me down. She smirked

"Gotcha." She said giggling.

"Alright Alright let Azaad go." I said laughing at how cute she was. Fuli let Azaad go. Once I was up she snuggled into my chest.

"Thank you Azaad for the fun." She said. I smiled.

"Your welcome." I replied smiling down at her.

"Hoo Hoo Fuli! Azaad! There a group of cheetahs at the mountain pass heading to the tree." Ullu called to us. We stopped nuzzling instantly.

"Alright Ullu lead the way." Fuli told her. Ullu nodded and we ran to the mountain pass to find the guard talking to 3 male cheetahs. Azaad looked closer to see if I recognize the cheetahs and the closer I looked the more I realized those males where my brothers. Fuli and I stopped next to the night pride.

"Kion what's going on." Fuli asked the king.

"Well these guys were just looking for-".

"AZAAD!" My brothers yelled interrupting the king. I smiled at them.

"Hello brothers long time no see." I told them. My oldest brother Adili stepped up to me.

"We've missed you ever since you...left." He said with a hint of sadness.

"Ahem." We turned to look at Fuli.

"Azaad mind introducing us to your brothers?" She asked me. My eyes widened.

"Oh but of course. Brothers this is Fuli, Bunga, Besthe, Ono, Anga, and King Kion" I said introducing my friends.

"Friends they are Adili, Azizi, and Bahati. My brothers." I said. I looked at my brothers they were smiling at Fuli.

"A mate! Haha! So that's why you never visit you found yourself a mate little brother! Haha!" Bahati shouted. I widened my eyes.

"You misunderstand brother Fuli's not Azaad's mate. She's Azaad's friend." I corrected my brother but he didn't listen.

"Caught yourself a fine one brother! Haha! We shall celebrate!" Bahati continued. He looked at Fuli. We heard Bunga's laughter behind us.

"Come on love show us around so we get to know you." He said. Before she could respond King Kion interrupted her.

"Um that's okay I can show you around the former guard needs to continue the patrol plus showing you around is kinda my job." Kion told my brother.

"Okay but later I shall get to know my sister." Bahati shouted with pride before he and my other brothers followed the king. After they were gone the honey badger walked up to Fuli and I.

"So when's the wedding?" He teasingly said to Fuli and I. Fuli shot him a harsh glare.

"Bunga! Azaad and I are not mates. We're just friends." Fuli told the honey badger.

"I believe you Fuli." Besthe told her. Fuli sighed.

"Thanks Besthe, let's continue our patrol. Azaad you can go catch up with your brothers and convince them that we are not mates just friends." Fuli suggested. Azaad nodded.

"As you wish." I told her. She turned to the Night pride.

"Let's go." She commanded. The patrol nodded and followed her leaving me alone. Fuli and Azaad as mates that'll be a dream come true for me. Azaad went to go after his brothers.

Fuli's Pov

I was thinking about what Azaad's brother said about Azaad and I being mates. I mean I wouldn't mind if we were mates. I really like Azaad and I think he likes me too but Im not quite sure.

"Fuli, you okay?" Besthe suddenly asked. I looked at him with a reassuring smile.

"Yes Besthe I'm okay. Why do you ask?"

"You looked like you were thinking about something but I'm glad you're feeling okay." He shot me a friendly smile. If only they knew how I felt.

After patrol I decided to get to know Azaad's brothers and tell them Azaad is just a friend nothing more nothing less. I began walking to the tree of life to ask Kion where they were staying but when I arrived I could see they were all ready there. Bahati looked up at me with a huge smile

"Sister! About time you got her we were waiting for you!" He shouted. Which made me wonder how was he related to Azaad when he was so calm and Bahati was so loud and hyper. But ones things for sure I was thinking about how I was going to survive this.

Oh god

Azaad Love ConfessionWhere stories live. Discover now