Their Arrival

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Azaad's POV
It's been a couple days since the incident. Azaad and his brothers were on patrol with Fuli and the rest of the Day pride except for Kion. Since we had agreed to help he would be helping the night pride. We had decided to split up. Fuli, my brothers and I. Besthe, Ono, Anga, and Bunga along with Binga. As I walked I noticed Fuli with a worried expression. Before Azaad can ask Bahati beats me to it.

"Something wrong Fuli?" She gave him a reassuring smile.

"I'm fine." She insisted but we all could tell she wasn't. I speak up.

"Perhaps you could take a rest, My love?" She shook her head.

"I can't Azaad. Kion said no extra breaks." I rolled my eyes. She took her job so seriously. Even at her own expense.

"Come on Fuli. It's just a little break." Bahati said. She sighed before turning sharply towards us.

"Listen I already told you that I can't. If you guys want to take a break go right ahead but, I'm continuing patrol until noon."
She then walked away. I groaned.

"She is so stubborn, Azaad doesn't know how he deals with it." I followed her. Azaad's brothers followed close behind me. I catch up to her.

"Fuli, My love, maybe you could take a tiny break to eat?" I told her trying too get her to take a little break. She stopped and looked at the ground like she was thinking. Her eyes met mine and she smiled before putting her head to my chest.

"*Sigh* I guess we could take a break from patrol."

  My brothers left to give Fuli and I some alone time. We had ate and we're now resting side by side. I soon heard a 'Hoo Hoo.' I looked up to see the owl who seems to always interrupt us whenever we are relaxing. I slightly growled. Fuli had heard and glared at me slightly before turning to the direction the bird came.

"Fuli your hyena friends from the Outlands are here." Suddenly Fuli jumped up and started walking to the tree slightly skipping. I chuckled at how cute she was and went back to resting.

Fuli's POV

Once Jasiri was insight I ran up to her.

"Jasiri I'm so happy to see you." I told her happily. She gave me a sad smile.

"It's great to see you too Fuli." I looked at her with concern but decided to leave her be. Nirmala came out the Tree.

"Janja will be okay, Makini is preparing a remedy that will help him fill better." She said in a sweet voice her eyes reassuring. Jasiri gave a small sigh.

"Asante Nirmala, Thank you."

Kion's Pov

Rani and I had left the Tree to give Makini and Janja. We we're now rest by the lake. I stared at my beautiful pregnant wife. I gently kissed her cheek. She looked at me shyly before giggling.

"What's with that face?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Nothing, my queen just thinking about how lucky I am to have you and our cub."

Late at night

Fuli POV

I was resting next to Azaad on the verge of falling asleep when I heard a loud  scream coming from the Tree. Azaad and rushed to the Tree. Once we went inside we say Jasiri infront of something which seemed to look liked Janja's body lying dead covered in blood. And a large A on his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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