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Azaad Pov

Fuli and I were walking around the Tree of Life talking when Queen Rani walked up to us with a worried look on her face.

"You majesty?" I said more like asked.

"Rani what's the matter?" Fuli asked.

"Fuli could I talk to you, alone?" She asked.

"Umm sure?" Fuli started to follow the Queen before turning to me.

"Wait here please?" I nodded. I had patience so I didn't mind her leaving to talk with Rani.

Rani's Pov

I was so nervous. I had something big to tell Fuli but I don't know how she'll react. Half of me was thinking she will be excited. The other half is thinking she'll be angry. I mean her and Kion are like brother and sister. I know Kion is protective of her. I just don't know how protective Fuli is of Kion. The whole time I was wearing a worried face. Fuli obviously noticed that from the beginning.

"Rani, is something wrong?" She asked. I sighed.

"Well um... So Kion and I have been together for a while now." I started.

"And a few weeks ago I was in heat. Kion helped me out with this and we were careful, but I guess we weren't careful enough." I said my voice getting noticably quieter. I saw Fuli's eyes widened with excitement and shock.

"Your pregnant?!?"

"Yeah." A huge smile grew on her face.

"Rani that's awesome. Does Kion know?" She asked. I shook my head.

"That's why I was so worried. I'm worried Kion might not want a child and get mad at me." I explained.

"Seriously? Kion can't mad at you for getting pregnant when it's his cub. It takes two to do the tango and if I know Kion he would be happy to be a father."

"You think so?" I said my ears perking up.

"Trust me." She said I sighed.

"I'm glad you understand. I thought you'd be just as protective as Kion as he is of you." Fuli giggled.

"Yeah. I'm not that protective."

"Well I better go tell him now. It was nice talking to you." I said turning around to leave.

"It was my pleasure your majesty."

"Oh and feel free to tell Azaad if you want."

"Okay thanks." And with that Fuli and I separated. On the way to the Tree I tried to think of a way to tell Kion I was pregnant. While I was thinking and walking I bumped into someone. The lion I didn't want to see at this moment. Kion.

"Rani, my lovely queen." I smiled at how sweet he was. Maybe I was overthinking this whole pregnancy. I exhaled.

"Kion, I have something to tell you." I picked up the courage to say. He look at me curiously.

"What's the problem?"

"I...well... So a few weeks ago I found out a shocking truth. I wasn't sure how'd you'd react. So I kept it a secret from until now. Before I could tell you I had to talk to Fuli knowing how close you guys are and asked for advice. She said that I had to tell you so here I go..." I breathe in deeply then exhaled.

"Kion... I'm pregnant with your child." I finally told him. I looked down at the ground before looking back at him. I saw a smile growing on his face.

"I'm going to be a dad?!!?" He asked enthusiastically. I didn't expect this reaction. I slowly nodded.

"Rani that's amazing. I just wish you would have told me sooner."

"I know I should have Kion, but I was just so nervous about you getting mad." I shyly said. I suddenly felt something wet on my cheek. I looked up to be facing Kion's amber eyes. He nuzzled me to which I graciously returned. He then pulled away and stared into my eyes.

"Rani you shouldn't be nervous to tell me something important whether the news be good or bad. Your my mate. I could never get mad at you. Ever." He was so gentle as he spoke. I was lucky to have found a mate like him.

Fuli Pov

"Wow, a whole cub." Azaad said when I told him the news about Rani. I nodded my head.

"Yeah. I'd wonder what it would be like to be a mother." I said before quickly shutting my mouth. Azaad and I haven't been together as long as Rani and Kion, but yet here I was talking about kid. Azaad must have noticed my reaction because he said.

"As soon as you and I get married we'll have many cubs." I playfully rolled my eyes at him.

"Well someone's eager." I said giggling. Though I didn't hear Azaad laughing with me like he'd normally would. I looked over and noticed him staring at me.

"What?" I asked somehow not snapping him out of his dazed state.

"Fuli, my love, never in my life have I felt so in love." He suddenly said. I felt my face heat up. Was he serious?

"Azaad..." I began but couldn't find the words to finish.

"Fuli, Azaad has been thinking about staying at the Tree of Life with you. That is if King Kion and Queen Rani accept me." I was a little shocked by this.

"Your really gonna leave your territory behind for me?" Azaad nodded his head.

"Fuli you are the most important thing to me. I wouldn't have it any other way." He said as he lick my face.

"And nether would I."

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