When they're Alone.

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Kions Pov

After Fuli took care of the cheetah I decided to go hang out with Rani. She was such a great lioness just amazing. I walked into the Tree to she her sleeping. I signed. Of course she has to sleep. I licked her forehead then I decided to leave. When I walked out I headed to the direction Fuli walked. We still have yet to catch up. After awhile of walking I saw her talking to the cheetah. I looked around to see if Azaad was around. He wasn't. I started to walk over to her when I heard the cheetah start talking.

"I don't even know why Azaad would date someone like you. I mean come on." She said. Fuli looked at her with anger but I could tell she was trying to hold back saying something she would regret.

"He's probably just dating you cause he hasn't been with a female in years and even bodies like yours are acceptable to him." She said as she walked away giggling. Fuli looked like she was on the verge of tears but was trying to hold them back. I quickly went to go comfort her.

"Fuli!I heard what she said to you. I swear no one who treats my friend like that will get away with it." I went to go confront her when Fuli stopped me.

"No Kion don't do anything. I can handle her." She said voice cracking. She suddenly started silently crying. She buried her face in my neck. We stayed like this for a while. She then moved away.

"Sorry Kion I shouldn't let her get to me." She apologized.

"Don't be sorry but your right you shouldn't let her get to you. I think your body is perfect." I said proudly. Fuli started giggling. Realizing what I said I quickly fixed it.

"Not that I look at it. I just.. uh... Your a beautiful cheetah that's all and you don't need to listen to animals who say otherwise." I said.

"Thanks Kion. You always make me feel better." She said as she hugged me.

"No problem Fuli you can always count on me." I promised her. We stopped hugging.

"So why did you come here?" She asked.

"Well Rani is resting and we haven't been able to hang out as often as we used to so I decided to come and catch up." I answered. She nodded.

"Okay then let's talk." She said lying down.

"Azaad went to go visit his brothers." She informed me.

"Okay." I said while also lying down next to her.

"So why don't you want me to tell anybody about how she treated you?" I asked confused.

"I didn't want to make it seem like a big deal." She said. I looked at her with confusion.

"This is a big deal Fuli and as your friend I have to do something." I was about to get up to look for the cheetah until Fuli stopped me.

"Kion. It's not your business. I know you want to look out for me but please give it sometime. Please?" I sighed.

"Okay I'll let it rest but only for two weeks. If she still says bad things to you I have to do something. Deal?"


Sorry for the short chapter. 🖐️🖐️

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