A Day Like Any Other

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Fuli Pov

It was the evening and the Day Pride were taking a rest by the lake. Like almost any time we were together Bunga had ran off for another competition with Binga. Anga was rechecking to make sure nothing was wrong. Which left me with Ono and Besthe.

"So Fuli I didn't want to say this with Bunga around but, I noticed that you and Azaad have been seen together a lot. Is there something going on between you two?" Besthe asked kindly. I sighed.

"I guess we can't keep it a secret forever the truth is-""Fuli!" I was interrupted by Anga shouting my name. I looked up to her seeing she was wearing a scared face.

"Anga, what's the matter?" I asked worryingly.

"You'd have to see it for yourself. Follow me." She said as she went back to the direction she came from. Besthe, Ono and I followed close behind. We seemed to be heading towards the forest.  Anga landed right in front of me. She pointed to the left of me.

"Right over there." She said. I looked to my left to see a blue fox. I walked closer to it to find it's body covered in blood like it had been attacked but, the strange thing was it didn't look as if the creature that attacked the poor soul attacked for fun not food. Most of the foxes body was still intact. I continued to look over the body until I found something weird on its shoulder. It was a weird looking A. I softly gasped.

"Who would do such a thing?" I asked to nobody in particular. I hear my friends come to my side. I thought it was Beshte but, when I turned to face him I saw Kion's face. He looked stunned.

"Hevi Kabisa."  Kion half whispered. I slowly turned back to the fox. My eyes stared at the mysterious A on the foxes shoulder my brain trying to figure out what it means.

"I wonder what it means." Kion said. I nodded.

"I do too but, I know that whoever did this is gonna come back for another innocent animal." Kion sighed.

"Let's head to the Tree to inform the Queen." I followed him as he walked away.

We arrive at the Tree. I looked at Kion who has a sad look on his face. I opened my mouth to say something but, nothing came out of it. I looked at the ground thinking about what happened today. That mark on the foxes shoulder. What does it mean? My thoughts were interrupted by Kion.

"Fuli if you don't mind, I would like to speak with Rani alone." I nodded understandably. I turned to leave but was stopped by Kion.

"Fuli, I want to thank you for helping me out from the beginning. I wouldn't be able to do this if it weren't for you." I gave Kion a confused look before nodding and walking away. I didn't really know where to go. I couldn't really relax after seeing what had happened. My thoughts were interrupted by a shout.

"Sister!!" The voice shouted. I groaned quickly recognizing the voice. It belonged to Azaad's older brother Bahati. I looked back to see him with a big smile on his face. I smile back at him.

"Hello Bahati nice to see you again." He lightly chuckle.

"I could say the same. It feels like forever since I've last saw you." He said for once not shouting. I nodded. I didn't really want to talk at the moment after what had happened. He continued to talk.

"Hey it's almost lunch time. Care to join me for a hunt?" He asked. I nodded. I could use a hunt to get my mind off things. I gave him a cocky grin.

"But I warn you, I'm the best at hunting." He answered me with another chuckle.

"Is that a challenge?"

"For you it is. For me, not so much." He chuckled again.

"You do forget I am much larger than you." I playfully growl at him.

"Tell you what if I get a catch faster then you then you have to help me on patrol for 2 weeks and let me boss you around." I challenged him. He raised an eyebrow.

"And if I win?" I thought for a moment.

"I don't know. What do you want me to do?" He also thought for a moment.

"If I win you have to serve me for 2 weeks." I playfully roll my eyes.

"Then it's settled. Whoever gets a catch first wins." He nodded.

"I promise not to go to hard on you when I win Fuli." I raced past him. I shortly heard him following me. I looked backed to she him cathing up to me.

"I know the perfect place for our competition." I said to him.

Bahati's POV

Fuli had took me to an open area with tall grass and lots of purple flowers. It was nice to hangout with her. She was a fun cheetah. I understand why my brother fell for her.

"Okay Bahati you can go first." She offered. I spotted a zebra and crouched down and looked at her.

"Watch and learn." I carefully crept up behind the zebra. I looked back at Fuli who was smiling at me. I quickly focus back on the zebra I was hunting and just when I was about to ponce the zebra spotted me and ran off I groaned but I heard Fuli laughing at me.

"You know your size can be a flaw as well as a skill." I rolled my eyes.

"My size has nothing to do with it." I claim. She scoffed at me.

"Yeah sure. Now let the master show you how it's done." She turned in the direction of an atellope before getting in position. She didn't get far before.

"Hey Fuli!" A voice called. I looked up to see her two honey badger friends. I smile smugly at Fuli.

"Looks like nether of us got our kill today." She giggled.

"Yeah. We were too focused on making it a competition." She stood up and started walking towards her friends.

"Hey Bunga. Binga. What's up?" She asked.

"Kion wants us all to meet up at the Tree to talk about what happened this morning." Bunga explained.

"What happened this morning?" I asked curiously.

"Oh yeah I didn't tell you."

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