My Poor Fuli

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Azaad's Pov

I was still showing my canyon to my brothers when Ullu the owl came.

"Azaad, Fuli's been attacked!" She told my eyes widened.

"Take me to her. NOW!" I said as I started following her. Leaving my brothers behind. Though Azaad didn't care I was worried for Fuli. My first friend. Azaad's crush and my inspiration. I had to be there for her. After what seemed like forever Azaad finally arrived at to the Tree of Life to see Fuli resting.

"What has happened to her?" I asked.

"Fuli was jumped by Makucha and his friends. Her scars are healed but the venom will wear of so she's resting." King Kion informed me.

"Yes and she needs silence so let us be on our way." Nirmala said as she started walking out. Everyone followed. Azaad w stayed behind. I was to worried but I knew Nirmala was right so I started to leave.

" Azaad, please stay." I heard Fuli's voice coming from behind me.

" As you wish." Azaad said as I sat back down next to her. I rubbed my head against hers. She returned it.

"Fuli I wish that I could have been there to defend you but I wasn't." I said blaming myself. Fuli shook her head.

" Don't worry about it Azaad there's nothing you could have done and besides I'm alright. The venoms starting to wear off." She said trying to make me feel better but it didn't help.

"Fuli just the thought of anyone hurting you just makes Azaad so angry and sad. Fuli I can't hide my feelings for you any longer. Azaad loves you more than he can say or do you just make me so happy even when it's a bad day. Azaad hopes you feels the same way." I confessed to her. We both fell silent until.

"Hahahahahahahaha oh Azaad." She laughed. My ears fell back.

"You laugh?" I said sadly. She stopped laughing.

"I'm not laughing at your feelings. It's just I already knew how you felt and I feel the same way about you." She said. She then licked my cheek. I smiled. I the laid down and started cuddling with her. We continue d to until she spoke up.

"Could we keep this a secret I don't want my friends bugging me till I'm ready." I nodded.

"Azaad was thinking the same thing."

"Hey my legs feeling better wanna go outside?" She asked standing up.

"Anything for you my love." I said also standing up. We walked out. Thankfully no one was here they were probably resting or patrolling. We walked to an open plain when we ran into the day pride.

"Fuli! Your feeling better." King Kion said happily.

"Yeah. Azaad and I were just walking around the Tree of Life."

"Oh okay. Well there's no point in you coming with us it's almost time for the night pride to take over so go rest. You had a long day." He told her.

"Azaad! Fuli! Are you alright?" We heard my brother Bahati behind us.

"Yes my brother we are okay."

"*Sigh* good. It's just that you ran off so quickly and we heard what happened to Fuli." He said worryingly.

"Do not worry brother we are quite fine." I said reassuring him.

"Okay then. So can we go back to your canyon to rest?"

"Go ahead brothers I will be staying here tonight. If that's ok with you King Kion?" I said looking at the King. He smiled.

"Of course you can stay Azaad your always welcome."

"Well alright then see you tomorrow." Bahati said as he and my other brothers walked off.

"Come on day pride let's get some rest." King Kion told the rest as they walked away leaving Fuli and I alone. Fuli soon started rubbing up against me. She wrapped herself around me. Her tail brushing underneath my chin. She then broke away and laid down.

"We could rest here." She suggested.

"Of course my love." I told her as I snuggled up with her. Licking her as she fell asleep.

"I love you." I told her as I also drifted off as well.

Authors note

Sorry about the short chap. Hope you like it though.

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