Life with the Ex

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Azaad's Pov

Azaad was sleeping in the sun when I felt something soft rub up against me. I looked over to see Fuli looking at me with her green eyes.

"My love you have the most beautiful eyes." I complimented her. She giggled.

"Thank you Azaad." I then saw her go in thought for awhile. Her ears dropped and she had a sad look on her face.

"I something bothering you?" I asked out of worry. She sighed.

"Azaad... Do you find my body attractive?" She asked. My eyes widened. Why would she asks such a thing. Of course I found her body attractive. Probably the most attractive one I've seen. I must have taken a while to answer cause I saw that she had looked away.

"You don't have to answer that." She said quitely.

"Fuli my love you are beautiful and Azaad loves your body." She looked at me with unsure eyes.

"Are you sure you mean it's not because you haven't been with a female in a long time and even bodies like mine are acceptable?"

"Of course not my love. Why would you think such a thing?" I asked.

"Just a thought." She said cuddling into my chest. I soon saw my ex approach us. I heard Fuli quietly growl.

"Hey Azaad." She greeted me in a nice and flirtatious tone.

"Hello Dalia." I greeted back.

"So I was wondering if you'd like to go on a walk with me?" She asked. Fuli suddenly stood up.

"Sorry he has plans." She said. Dalia glared at her but the she lost it.

"Okay maybe next time." She said as she walked away. I saw her wink at me and Fuli saw it. She growl.

"Or never." She laid back down next to me.

"Don't let her get to you my love." I said trying to calm her down. It worked a little.

"I just don't want you to leave me for her." She said.

"Fuli I love you so much and no one can change my mind. I absolutely love your body. Your amazing, smart, funny, and beautiful. The flame in your heart is brighter than any other I've seen. I don't want you to question yourself again. You understand my love?" She nodded. She stood up.

"Well it's time for patrol. Goodbye Azaad." She said as she brushed her tail under my chin as she walked away. I loved that girl. I already missed her. She is indeed the love of my life. She's beautiful. Speaking of beautiful why was she so concern about her body. I mean I'm in love with her. I don't care about her looks. I stood up to go for a run to clear my head. While I was out I ran into Dalia.

"Hello Azaad. Where's Fuli?" She asked.

"My love is on patrol and Azaad is waiting for her to finish."

"So I guess that means we can go on that walk together." She said as she came close to me. I quickly stepped away.

"Or maybe I can ask Fuli if she and her friends need help with their patrol." I said quickly running away to find Fuli. She wasn't to far away and I managed to find her in a matter of minutes.

"Hello Fuli, Fuli's friends."

"Azaad what are you doing here?" Fuli's hippo friend Besthe asked.

"Well Azaad wanted to know if you need any help with your patrol?"

"Oh well we could always use the extra help, right guys?" Fuli asked.



"That would be nice."

"Are you sure that's the only reason your here?" The honey badger asked. Fuli glared at him.

"Bunga. If Azaad wants to help we shouldn't question it. Especially if Kion is to busy to come on patrol." Fuli said.

"Fuli's right Little B. Azaad is trying to be helpful." Besthe said.

"Okay." Bunga said giving up.

"So let's split up we'll cover more ground that way. Besthe you and bunga take the desert habitat. Anga and Ono you take the plain. Azaad and I will take the forest and tundra. Got it?" She said. We all nodded our heads.

"Good come on Azaad." She commanded as she ran off. I ran off after her.

"Azaad what's the real reason you wanted to join patrol? Not that I don't appreciate it it's just you never did it before. So why?"

"Well if you must know I've ran into my ex and she brought up the walk and was getting a little too close for Azaad's comfort." I admitted. I could hear Fuli growling.

"My love are you alright?" She stopped growling.

"Yeah I'm good." She said. I licked her cheek.

"Calm down my love."

"I am calm. I just want her to leave you alone."

"I know my love, I know."

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