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Fuli's Pov

I woke up next to something soft and warm. I looked over to see Azaad next to me. I snuggled up closer to him causing him to wake up. He groaned but snuggled me back.

"Good morning my love." He greeted me.

"Good morning." I said as I stretched. I couldn't stop snuggling him. He was so warm. It felt so good I started purring. He noticed.

"*Chuckle* Enjoying yourself my love?" He jokingly asked. I nodded. He chuckled again and started grooming me. This morning couldn't have gone better. I licked Azaad on his chin. Which surprised him at first but, then he calmed down. I stood up and stretched out one more time.

"Let's go to the lake to get a drink." I suggested. Azaad stood up.

"Race ya!" He shouted as he ran off. I quickly ran after him. After a while we were neck and neck. I then raced in front being the first one at the lake.

"I win. Again." I bragged. Azaad rolled his eyes.

"Azaad let you win cause I love you." He claimed.

"Sure you did." I said as I wrapped my body around his. I put my tail on his back. I saw his expression he was stiff. He started laughing nervously. I continued to rub against him. After a few moments I stopped. Looking at him I giggled.

"Did you like that?" I asked jokingly. He nodded.

"N-Now let us drink." He said as he bent down to drink water. I bent down beside him doing the same. We looked into each others eyes. I truly did love him. We stopped drinking on the account of us hearing something. We both turned around to be facing Kion and Rani.

"Hello Azaad, Fuli." Rani greeted us. Azaad bowed.

"King Kion. Queen Rani. Nice to see you."

"Oh come on Azaad we're friends no need to be all formal." Kion informed him. I held back a chuckle.

"Well come on Fuli let's go on patrol." Kion said as he turned around. I nodded.

"See you Azaad. See you Rani."

"Goodbye Fuli." Azaad replied. It's been awhile since Kion and I caught up. I mean we see each other every day but we only talk about patrolling and when we're done he goes to hang out with Rani. Not that I have a problem with it. I just wish we got to spend more time together.

"It's been awhile." Kion suddenly blurted out.


"You know us hanging out. Fuli I kinda miss talking to you."

"Same here Kion." I replied to him. I then started thinking. I can tell Kion anything. Out of everyone in the group me and him were the closest. I could even tell him about the most embarrassing things like Azaad and I dating. I sighed.

"Kion can I tell you something?" He looked at me with concern.

"Of course Fuli."

"Okay but you got to promise you won't tell anybody. Promise?"

"Yes Fuli I promise." He reassured me.

"*Sigh* Okay so after I got attacked by Makucha and the others and you guys took me to the Tree of Life. Azaad stayed behind when you guys left. After he was about to go I asked him to stay and he did. After that he was telling me about how angry he was that he couldn't be there to protect me. He told me that he loves me and I told him the same thing. We're mates now but we decided to keep it a secret because I was too embarassed but I had to tell someone and you're the perfect someone." I looked at him. He smiled.

"Fuli there's no need to be embarrassed. Your in love and that's okay but it's also okay if your not ready to tell anybody. Your secret is safe with me."

"Thanks Kion." I told him.

"No problem. Now let's look for the others to start patrol."

"Okay." Kion and I walked around to look for the day pride. The first one we ran into was

"Oh hi guys." He greeted

"Hey Bunga care to join us for patrol." I asked already knowing his answer. He laughed nervously.

"Sorry but I promised to go see Binga."

"Okay have fun." Kion said as we moved on.

"There you guys are." We heard Anga's voice from behind us. We turned around.

"Hey Anga. Ready for patrol?" Kion asked.

"Yep." She simply answered.

"Okay. Now let's go find Besthe and Ono. Anga?"

"On it." She said as she flew to the sky to look for the two.

"I found Besthe just up ahead." She called down to us.

"Okay thanks. Fuli let's go." Kion commanded.

"Right behind you Kion." I responded back as I followed him.

"Oh hey guys. I'm all ready for patrol." Beshte told us as we saw him.

"Okay let's get started. Anga keep an eye out for Ono." Kion said.


After patrol

After patrol I decided to go see Azaad. I found him in the tall grass so I decided to sneak up on him. I crouched down and started walking slowly. When I was close enough I ponced on him pinning him down.

"Fuli! My love why?"

"*Giggle* It was the perfect opportunity." I said as I got of him and snuggled into his chest. He returned it.

"Fuli! There's another cheetah at the mountain pass. The day pride is on their way." Ullu alerted me.

"Thanks. Azaad I got to go. Huwezi ." I said my catch phrase as I ran off. I quickly got to the mountain pass. I was the first one there. I saw a female cheetah. I walked up to her.

"Hey I'm Fuli. Are you looking for a safe place to stay?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"I'm Dalia and I'm actually looking for someone. Do you by any chance know someone in named Azaad?" She kindly asked me. I nodded.

"Yes I do. He's my mate-." I froze once I said that. I don't know why I said mate. I mean we are mates but she's not supposed to know that. I looked at her. She was giving me a dirty look.

"Couldn't you take me to him?" She asked in which kinda sounded like a fake tone. I nodded.

"Sure." I said. I turned to the direction of Azaad. We were soon met with the day pride.

"Fuli sorry we're late is everything alright?" Kion asked.

"Everything's fine. Just go back to what you were doing. I can handle her." I reassured Kion. He nodded. We walked in separate directions. Soon Dalia and I were in the tall grass were we spotted Azaad.

"Azaad you have another visitor." I told him. He turned around and laid his eyes on Dalia he made a face of worry.

"Um Fuli could Azaad talk to you for a minute?" He asked cautiously. I gave him a look of confusion.

"Uh sure." I said as we walked away from Dalia.Once we were alone he gave yet another look of worry.

"What's wrong Azaad?" I asked him confused.

"Fuli she is Azaad's ex." Once he said that my eyes widened. His ex. No wonder she was giving me dirty looks.

"My love, she's part of the reason I left my family. The other reason is that I wanted to be alone." He told me.

"Oh come on Azaad. She can't be that bad." I tried to reassure him.

"Just promise my love that you'll be careful around her."

"Well I guess I have no choice since I kinda told her we were mates." I kinda whispered the last part.

"It's okay my love just try to stay away. She's crazy." He told me. I rubbed my chin against his neck.

"I promise."

Azaad Love ConfessionWhere stories live. Discover now