Unknown Sickness

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Jasiri POV

I had just checked up on the outlanders and was heading home to take care of Janja. He hasn't been feeling to well the last couple of days. We insisted on taking him to Rafiki but he was to stubborn. It gets worse and worse. When I arrive I find Janja puking up what looks like blood. I run to his side.

"Okay Janja this has gone to far. We need to get you some help." He coughed a little before glaring at me.

"I don't want that old monkey putting his old hands on me." He said stubbornly. I rolled my eyes and groaned. He was being really complicated. He suddenly perked up.

"Hey what about the Tree of Life?" He suggested.

"Janja by the time we get to the Tree of Life it might be to late.." I tried to explain to him but he didn't want to hear it.

"It's official. We're going to the Tree of Life."

Kion's POV
I was waiting for Bunga to return with Fuli so we could talk about the dead fox. The rest of the night pride was here. Knowing she was a cheetah you think she'd be the first one here.

"I wonder what's taking them so long." I said breaking the silence.

"I wonder as well but, I suggest we be patient." Nirmala said. I sighed nodding. Soon after I saw Fuli enter.

"Sorry for making you wait Kion, I just had to explain something to Bahati." She said apologetically as Bunga came in.

"All right looks like everyone is here. Let's get to business."Rani said. I nodded.

"We all know about that unfortunate incident." I began before pausing. "A fox was found dead in the forest with the A on his shoulder.the injuries were all over his body and even if he were still alive we would still be unable to save him. To assure that this won't happen again we will double patrol. I will once again they're going to patrol with the Day Pride while the Night Pride does what they were doing all along. This will mean of course no extra free time. Our job is to defend the animals that live at the tree of life but we couldn't do that for this one. But we will for the others.if this issue continues we will be considering a lockdown for a while until we figure it out. Well we do this we will also be trying to figure out what the A means. It may be a coincidence but we still don't know that for sure. I'll be trying to help both prides as much as I can but for now I will be with the Day Pride. We will ask for extra help. Fuli I was wondering if you could ask Azaad and his brothers to help us?" I asked. She smiled.

"Of course Kion. I'm sure they won't mind helping us." I smiled back at her before turning to Bunga.

"And maybe you could ask Binga, Bunga?" I asked him.

"You can count on me Kion." He answered.

"Perfect. We'll start tomorrow."

After the meeting/ Fuli's Pov

I had send Anga to bring Azaad and his brothers to me. It took awhile but I finally saw them coming my way. I sat done waited for their arrival. Azaad was the first to arrive.

"My love, the eagle has told us you needed our help. What is the problem?" He asked worryingly. I nodded.

"I assume Bahati didn't tell you what happened this morning." I said knowing the answer. They shook their heads. I sighed.

"Well this morning, Anga showed me something in the forest. That something was a dead animal with blood all over it's body. We've recently had a meeting about it. Starting tomorrow we will double patrol. Kion asked me to ask for your help. That is if you don't mind." I finished. Adili was the first to speak.

"Fuli, we would be honored to help you defend the animals of the Tree of Life. Am I correct brothers?" Azaad and Bahati quickly nodded but, Azizi was a bit hesitant.

"I don't know you guys." Bahati rolled his eyes.

"Come on little bro it's just patrol. And perhaps we will get to know Fuli's friends better." Azizi thought about it for a moment before smiling.

"Okay." He said. I smiled at them all.

"Thank you."

"No need to thank us what is family for." Bahati said while bouncing his eyebrows at Azaad.

"Let us take a walk Fuli." Azaad said walking away from his brothers. I giggled before following him.

Azaad's Pov

Finally it was just Fuli and Azaad. I love my brother Bahati but, he can be a bit annoying. I still have memories of when I introduced Dalia to him.


"Brothers I would like to introduce you to the love of my life Dalia." I said quite excited. They all smiled. Before Adili could say something Bahati interrupted.

"Finally, a sister!" He practically shouted.

"When's the wedding?" He asked. Adili stepped infront of him.

"Bahati, please have some manners." I shook my head.

"Anyways love, This is Adili, the oldest of our small family. The one behind him is Bahati is the second oldest. And our younger brother, Azizi.

End Flashback

I chuckled at the memory forgetting I was walking with Fuli.

"What's so funny?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Nothing, My love." I brushed my tail against her body. She swiped it away.


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