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Dracos pov

"Goodbye" I called once more to my Mother and Father as they left. The hole time I had been saying goodbye to them harry had been hugging me, stopping them from doing so but I'm not complaining.

I turned around so I was facing harry -he had been hugging me from behind- and picked him up and lifted him over my shoulder

"Draco!" Harry yelled laughing. It reminded me of the day of the ball, back when harry was already clingy enough. Suddenly I felt sad, this harry wasn't my harry. I placed him down and shoved my hands in my pockets and walked away. My harry would still do like this one does but my harry also had more than just two emotions, he also loved to talk to you about silly little things, he loved joking playing games and doing other things then just constantly hugging. I missed that already.

"Draco?" Harry called. I ignored him, he ran up to me and linked his arm with mine. I just let it be, he seemed more than happy with this slight contact. When we got back inside I pulled harry up into the bedroom and lay in bed, I pulled him with me and cuddled into him holding him tightly. I had a bad feeling...

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I woke the next morning with harry basically laying on top of me. I still had that uneasy feeling and I still missed my harry but I pulled harry closer.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Ron said suddenly giving me a fright.

"Sorry?" I asked

"Harry's... not harry... he only gives you attention and ignores everyone but Ginny when she tries to get in between you two... I mean have you two had a normal conversation since he ate that candy?" Ron said

"N- no we havent... I was thinking that last night..." I said. Ron nodded his head and sat at the end of his bed

"Just still be careful with him. You know how emotional the... normal harry is... the twins say he'll remember everything tomorrow when the candy wears off." Ron said nervously

"Yeah... mind if I ask... why is he so emotional and scared all the time?" I asked. Ron sighed and looked at harry for a second

"He never wants me to tell anyone... even Mione doesn't know... but his muggle family... they.... they done horrible things to harry" ron said looking down at the ground.

"Like what?" I asked weakly. I really didnt want a reply but I needed to know what those mudbloods done to my soulmate.


"Well... let's start with the least worst... his cousin. He and harry have never gotten along. As all harry got for Christmas was a old sock or a piece of parchment his cousin got about 36 different hundred of dollar gifts. His cousin loves to push harry around, beat him up, put harry in life threatening situations. Harry never got his own clothes only second hand ones from his cousin that didnt fit.
And then we have his aunt. Shes a horrible old bat that one. One day, harry told me, he forgot to turn off the stove top before making the muggles drinks and she held his hand on the stove top until you could smell the cooking of Harry's skin, his left hand, but I'm sure you have noticed. She doesn't let him use the bathroom unless he has done all the housecleaning that day.
And then we have his uncle. Horrible bloody git that one! Even to look at, absolutely horrible. When harry first came to Hogwarts harry would wake up screaming in the night about him, flashbacks, not just a dream. He used to hit harry over the head with his belt when harry would talk with out being asked to and if harry ever got in his way of walking. He would grab harry by his head and slam his face into the wall multiple times until Harry's face was completely red in blood and then laugh at him. He would lock harry outside on cold winter nights and leave him out there all night with nothing but an oversized shirt on. He would lock harry in his room, which is a cupboard under the stairs, and leave him there for days with out food and no bathroom. Sometimes he would cut harry with his dinner knife and then yell at harry for being in the way of his plate. One day he threw harry out of the moving car for talking to a snake. Hes thrown harry outside completely naked just to make harry feel bad, he would do this for silly little things like harry not giving out dinner correctly, whatever that's supposed to mean.
That's why harry lives here now. Once he came out to Mum, Dad and me we promised to take him in and count him as a child of our own. Mum says that it's better this way, his uncle could go as far as rape if harry went back" ron said, by now we were both crying, me more then him. I looked down at the adorable sleeping boy in my arms and kissed his forehead lightly

"I will never let anyone hurt you again. I'm going to protect you with my life. That's a promise"

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