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we ran to Mcgonagalls office as fast we could.

"Professor!" ron yelled as we all ran in

"what is this all about?" she asked raising an eyebrow. I held out harry

"this- this is harry" I said panicked. she smiled and stood taking the sleeping cat off me and rubbed his head.

"I know. when he was not with you guys because Hermione yelled at him I found him, like this, looking scared at all the large people. I took him back here and for an hour we talked about it and now he can change when ever he wants. please Malfoy calm down" she said. I sighed but stared at harry

"hes... really a cat" Hermione said.

"HES JUST A FUCKING CAT HERMIONE FUCK UP" I yelled. suddenly a meow came from where Mcgonagall stood. I looked to see Harry's big green eyes looking at me. his eyes widened when he realized what body he was in and jumped to the floor and hid behind Mcgonagall. she smiled and picked him up again and handed him to me

"now, I have more tests to mark. please leave" she said and sat back at her table. blaise grabbed the neck of my robes and pulled me out

"you're fucking a cat now draco" pansy said before laughing. harry looked up and me and jumped out of my hands going back to his more human form and walked away

"fuck I hate you two girls!" I snapped making harry stop and turn around

"oh dray I was joking-" pansy said but I cut her off

"no. leave me and my boyfriend alone from now on. the both of you" I said. yes maybe I was being dramatic but Harry's hurt on his face made me want to stab the both of them. I walked over to harry and grabbed his hand leading him away from the group. he looked behind, at ron I'm guessing but moved closer to me and, with his free hand, grabbed my arm and hugged it.

I played with Harry's hair as he slept on my chest. why did everyone have to be so mean to him suddenly? and what kind of magic turns a boy into a half cat. I cant trust Hermione to find all this out so I'll look myself tomorrow, I'll make sure Harry's with me. I feel like I need to protect him. it's crazy, we both now have been kidnapped and all it done was make us stronger as a couple.

"dray?" he mumbled looking up. I smiled letting the thoughts leave my mind

"yeah?" I replied. he didn't say anything and just cuddled me more.

"harry?" I asked

"Hermione had a reason for telling me to stay away... tomorrow can we and Hermione go to Mcgonagall and talk about it... please?" he mumbled 

"of course darling"

what else could possibly be worse?

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