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Have they found you yet? I asked draco as Ginny started talking about what dress she wanted to wear. I got no reply. Hopefully nothing bad has happened to him

Ron's pov

I opend the map and looked for dracos name.

"Hes nowhere!" I told fred and George shoving the map into their faces. Fred took the map from me and gleard at it.

"Room of requirement maybe? That never shows up on the map,'Mione said that not to long ago" I said. The twins nodded and we all ran down to the ROR George walked past it thinking a couple of times and finally a door came, it looked old and rusty, like it hadn't been used for years. Fred and George looked at me and eachother nervously, I took a deep breath and opend the door.

Dracos pov

10 minutes ago

I sat there waiting for something bad to happen, I mean i have been kidnapped and so far nothing more has happened. I never liked to put so much hope on someone other than my self but I wish that harry would find me soon, it was very cold in whatever room I was in and the robe was starting to cut into my skin. I hadn't eaten much all day, I could not see much for the room was very dark. I couldn't tell where the cold air was coming from but it was making my body numb, making me feel the need for water. I could feel my self slowly falling unconscious, I tried to reach out to harry but I was to weak.

Ron's pov

I opened the door to a rather dark and cold room. George and Fred pulled out their wands and gave the room some light. As soon as the room was fully lit I seen the body of draco in the corner of the room, we all ran over to him. I went to untie his hands to find his wrists covered in blood

"Hes unconscious" George said

"His wrists are covered in blood" I mumbled and started to untie him. The robe had cut very deep into his wrists, he was still bleeding, infact I think me taking away the robe made him bleed more.

"We need to get him out of here, he needs to see Madam pomfrey" fred said picking up the unconscious boy. We ran out of the room and straight to her.

Harry's pov

Ginny finally left. I tried to reach draco again but still nothing. I felt so useless and stupid, I should have been the one to go find him not my friends. I sighed and stood up, maybe I could find them if I walk around the school? I left the gryffindor common room and started to walk as fast as I could around, once again I didn't find them.

"Harry!" Hermione said running up to me with Pansy next to her, both looking very worried

"Ron and the twins found draco, hes in the hospital" she said before grabbing my wrists and pulling me in the direction of the hospital.

Au: I'm so sorry again for the short chapter!! I find it hard to think of what to write, I'm once again getting sick of this story and just want to continue with my other one but I'm gonna try my hardest to finish this one.

I really want ur opinion on this, should I finish this soon or shoudl I make another plot that ties in with this and continue this on?


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