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Harry's pov

"Wait" draco said stopping me before I walked into DADA

"Yeah?" I mumbled as Ron and blaise walked in hand in hand. Draco smirked and pulled me closer smashing his lips into mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I squeaked as he pushed me up against the wall and started biting my neck

"Mr Malfoy. Mr Potter" Mcgonagall said behind us giving us both a fright. I blushed and looked down awkwardly.

"Sorry Professor. We will go to class now" Draco said smirking and grabbing my hand

"Why'd you do that?" I mumbled to him once we sat down at the last free table. He smiled,

"I couldn't help myself, you looked adorable" he said grabbing my hand over the table

"Oh and I dont every other time?" I replied dramatically.

"You're always adorable, darling" he replied laughing. I went to reply but then the doors burst open and in walked Umbridge.

"Hello children. As my first class I trust you all will be well behaved. I am going to hand out some books I want you to study and work off for this semester. There will be no pathetic wand waving in this class, only hard, heads down studying! I trust that you will there will no problem doing this" she said as she tapped her wand on a stack of books and one by one the books landed on the desks.

"I'm sorry, are we not learning any magic?" Draco asked. I squeezed his hand to tell him to shut it, this teacher didnt look like anyone to argue with, I would much rather live with Severus Snape for a month than talk to this woman.

"Of course not! There is no need to learn something so silly! There is nothing you there to get you! Stupid boy!" She said. Okay I do take back the snape thing...

"Hes not stupid! There are things out there that will kill us at the first chance they get!" I yelled at her. The hole class looked anxiously between me and Umbridge.

"Like what? What out there could possibly want to hurt small children, like yourselves?" She said raising an eyebrow.

"Oh I dont know, maybe, lord Voldemort" I replied. Draco kicked me under the desk but it was far to late, the damage had been done. She crossed to room over to mine and dracos desk rather quickly,

"That is pathetic, he is gone! The dark lord is dead! And never, never say his name in this classroom! Detention Mr Potter! My office! Tonight!" She said angrily before telling us all to read our books and ignore my "out burst"

(--) ᴛɪᴍᴇ sᴋɪᴘ (--)

"You really shouldn't have done that harry" hermione said catching to me and draco, as soon as the bell had gone I grabbed dracos hand and pulled him out of the room angrily.

"Shes a stupid bloody git, hermione! Why are you not angry about her not teaching us magic?!" I half yelled. Draco sighed and pulled me into his arms so my face was in his chest and his arms were around my neck,

"Babe, I'm sure she is but you really need to calm down, please?" He said softly. I hated when he done this, because I always listened. I wrapped my arms around him and sighed letting him know I was trying.

"Just be happy it's not Snape you have detention with" ron said. Blaise was giving Ron a piggyback, he didnt chose to, Ron just jumped on his back as we were walking out of class

"Honestly would rather have Snape" I mumbled. Draco laughed and kissed my head pulling away and taking my hand and started walking again.

We decided to go to the library to study before I had to leave for my detention. Draco pulled me into his lap as I went to sit down making me squeak in surprise. Ron lay down using Blaises lap as a pillow as hermione and Pansy grabbed books for their studies.

As I started to fall asleep hermione kicked me telling me in had to leave. I kissed draco goodbye and made my way to my detention.

~dracos pov~

I took the book hermione handed me for my potions homework. Harry had left about a minute ago and I knew it was better to study then sit here being sad and clingy.

Once I had completed a couple of pages for my DADA as well as my potions it was the time harry was ment to get out of detention. I shoved my belongings into my bag and walked fast out of the library. I seen harry in a corridor holding his right hand to his chest. As soon as he seen me walking over to him he shoved his sleeve over his hand and smiled at me, although I could see how fake it was.

"Harry what's wrong?" I said softly wrapping my arms around him. He didn't reply for a second but then he pulled away and lifted up his sleeve, his right hand was completely covered in blood

"Wh-" i was cut off when Harry's unbleeding hand grabbed mine and he pulled me into the girls bathroom where Moaning Myrtle lived. He ignored her Hello and turned on one of the taps placing his bleeding hand under it, washing away the blood. He then showed me his hand, the worlds "I must not tell lies" was carved into his hand in his own handwriting.

"Oh harry... did she do this?" I asked softly not wanting to panic him. He nodded his head awkwardly.  I grabbed his hand and gently ran my hand over the words, he hissed in pain making me immediately take my hand off. I held his hand closer to me to get a closer look

"How did she do this?" I asked

"Quill. She has her own one. She made me write with it and didnt give me any ink. Ink the colour of blood came out and after about the 4th line it started making it's way into my skin" he replied. I let his hand go and wrapped my arms around him and kissed his forehead

"Please just dont make a big deal about it, or tell anyone" he mumbled wrapping his arms around me.

"I wont, I promise"

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