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dracos pov

"that's a nice mark you left on harry" my mother said as we had started eating. i smirked and looked over at harry who had my hood over his head and was eating slowly

"are you okay, kitten?" I asked. he blushed and looked up

"sorry..  thinking" he replied I sighed and stood up grabbing his plate with one hand and picking him up with my other arm. he squeaked as I done this and I sat back down with him in my lap and started to feed him, he was getting awfully skinny, it worried me to say the least.

"we need to have another talk with you like we did last night" mother said. harry instantly went red

"at the table, Narcissa?" my father asked. harry looked up almost begging for her to stop

"yes. at the table. I will not listen to the submissive's in the room at this moment" she said. harry groaned and hid his face in my chest. I smiled and wrapped my wings around him making him blush even more

"so.... I'm just going to get straight to the point. you two will be spending the next couple of days here, we need to track the physical activity your inheritance encourages for your relationship, depending on what happens you will either go back to school like normal and only come back when harry is in heat, or you will only go at times of classes and private lessons but most your time spent here where your inheritance can show" she said.

"I feel like that's aimed mostly at me" harry groaned. I smiled and shook my head kissing his nose.

"Lucius.... I need to talk with draco please take harry out of the room" she said. harry suddenly griped onto me

"it will only take a minute dear" she said to harry as my father took him out of he room gently.

"draco baby listen to me when I say this. harry will be vulnerable to you... you need to know how to care for him and how to protect and love him how his inheritance needs... personality I would buy him a... more submissive collar if you know what I mean" she said whispering the last part. imagining harry wearing something like that made me blush, I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought of having one around his neck, being able to pull him closer whenever I wanted simply by wrapping my fingers around the metal ring....

suddenly harry was in my arms again. I smiled

"clingy basterd" I mumbled kissing his head, father standing at the door out of breath from trying to keep harry out of the room

"come on, let's get dressed we need to go out to buy something" I said to him placing him on the ground and standing up taking his hand. he followed me to the bedroom and I threw some of his clothes on the bed. we got dressed rather quickly

"what are we buying?" he asked as I pulled him into my arms. I smiled and kissed his nose.

"something for you" I whispered. he sighed and gave me a halfhearted glare. I laughed and pulled him into my arms as I fell back on the bed

"my little submissive" I mumbled running my hand through his hair. he blushed and started purring, his tail swaying happily

"are you two ready to leave?" mother asked walking into the room harry blushed as she raised an eyebrow at him for straddling my lap.

"mother, give us a minute please" I said trying not to sound angry. she smiled and nodded her head leaving and closing the door. as soon as the door shut I kissed harry deeply. pulling away I kissed his cheek and threw one of my hoodies at him that hadn't been ripped for my wings yet.

walking out of the room mother and father were sitting on the couch, a smell was coming from there, father was in mother's lap and mother was comforting him.

"what's going on?" I asked, mother smiled

"hes in heat" she mouthed. I blushed not exactly wanting to know that. harry looked at him pitifully

"will you still be able to come with us?" I asked her. she nodded her head and stood up with father in her arms

"give me a second" she said softly before walking out of the room. I sighed and looked at harry who was watching her go, looking at my father sadly

"what's that face for?" I asked picking him up letting him wrap his legs around my waist

"I'm scared for that to happen to me" he mumbled resting his chin on my shoulder. I smiled and kissed his hand

"harry I will be there with you the whole time" I promised. mother came back down stairs and sighed,

"I can take you around a little... but do you think you will be able to spend time there a little longer? I have told Dumbledore our plans and he has asked me to ask the both of you if you would wanna meet up with your friends?" she said. harry smiled and nodded his head

"yeah, that's a great idea" I said smiling at how adorable harry was. mother smiled and grabbed our shoulders apparateing us to hogsmeade

"are you sure what we are looking for is here?" I asked her. she nodded her head as I picked up harry again and followed her into a shop. I smirked seeing all the sex toys in the room

"draco?" harry mumbled looking around. I laughed and kissed his shoulder following mum to the back of the store

"here, what one does he like?" she asked. I placed harry down, his eyes widened at the long line of collars

"pick anyone you want kitten" I said to him softly. he reached out and grabbed one that had chains hanging from it with the metal ring in the middle, I smirked

"pick another one two darling, I want one for you to wear all the time too, this one will be just for me to see" I whispered in his ear. he blushed and walked along a little and grabbed another one that simply had the ring and nothing more on it. I smiled and took both collars out of his hand

"good choices" my mother said laughing a little

"and draco, you are rather good with this whole sub, dom thing already" she said smiling before taking the collars out of my hand and paying for them. we followed her out of the shop and seen our friends waiting outside. harry smiled and ran into Ron's arms

"never took you as a submissive mate" ron said jokingly

"shut up" harry said jokingly

is it okay with you all if I try writing sex scenes? I want to try writing one since I have never done it before, would you all be comfortable with that?

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