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A/N Hey guys I hope u like this story, I have decided that I wanna write harry potter ship's, I'm sorry if this story is bad I don't really know how to write yet lol


I walked slowly to the Gryffindor dorms. I haven't been getting much sleep lately, when I do manage to sleep I have horrible dreams about
you-know-who. The dreams normally end in someone I care for being badly hurt or being killed.

I lay down on my bed knowing I was not gonna get any sleep tonight. I lay there wondering what this year was gonna be like. It's my 5th year at Hogwarts, most the time I spent fighting with Malfoy. Why did we fight so much? I mean he does seem like a decent person.

I do regret not being friends with blond when he asked me in first year, to think how different things would be if I shook his hand that day.

I sighed why am I thinking like this, it's not like I have any feelings for the boy besides hate, but the hate for him is only because is such an ass to me and my friends.

I tried to think about Ginny, she has just been so annoying lately, she won't give me space, sure she is my girlfriend but I really am growing sick of the girl.

Should I brake up with her? I would consider it more if she wasn't the sister of my best friend. I don't want to get in a fight with Ron because I don't love his sister.

The sun came though the window, I realized I had been thinking about this all night.

"Morning Harry, get any sleep?" I looked over to the bed beside mine to see Ron looking at me. "No" I mumbled. Ron gave me a sad smile before getting up and taking a shower with out saying anything else. I also got up and put on my robes.

I walked to the great hall only to be stopped by Pansy Parkinson, Malfoys best friend. "Hello Potter" she said smiling. "What do you want" I shot back. She gave me a sad look. "Just saying hi, I'm trying to be kind this year" she smiled. "What the change for?" I asked confused. "Well... someone I know fancy's you so I don't want to be in your bad side, I better get going bye potter" she said smiling as she walked, leaving me more then confused.

I took a seat next to Hermione. "Hey harry, are you okay?" She asked clearly seeing the confused look on my face. "Harry" she said snapping her fingers in my face. "Huh?" She rolled her eye's. "Are you okay?" She asked again. "Yeah" I said, it came out more of a question then an answer.

She went to say something else but was cut off by Ginny. She came up to me and rapped her arms around me. "Hello harry" she said in a dreamy voice. I mentally sighed. "Hey love" I said putting on my best fake smile.

I looked over to the Slytherin table to see Malfoy already looking at me. Our eyes locked for a short time before he turned away, I found a small part of me wishing he didn't what was wrong with me "Why are you looking at Malfoy has he done something?" Ginny asked pulling me out of my trance. "At no sorry" I said shaking my head.

Her smile grew and before I knew it her lips were on mine. It felt wrong. It felt very wrong. I pulled away. "I'm sorry I have to go see you guys later" I said jumping up and running out of the great hall.

What was wrong with me today?

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