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dracos pov

harry shivered, his warm breath steaming in the cold air, and lent up against my chest. I had already gave him my jacket and my scarf, yet he was still shivering.

"bloody hell harry" Ron laughed throwing his coat over my shaking boyfriend.

"maybe we should get some butter beer? harry can warm up a little" blaise replied laughing and patting harry on his head. Harry's hand slipped into mine as we walked, getting odd looks from others who had yet to get their heads around the fact we were dating or didn't know at all.

soon we were all sat at a table, our hands wrapped around our cups soaking in all the warmth the cups gave.

"what do you all actually wanna do?" I asked, this was -as blaise and Ron put it- a double date, harry raised an eyebrow at them also wondering what it was exactly the two had planned behind our backs.

"all in good time my dear friend" blaise said smirking. harry sighed a little before taking a sip from his butter beer. he rested his head against my shoulder and sighed at the warmth it gave him. I smiled and pulled him into my lap making him squeak in surprise.

"there's 'Mione and Pansy" ron mumbled, sure enough the couple were standing outside the window completely unaware of us. harry snorted as they made out against the window closet to them.

I chugged back the remainders of my butter beer and soon the four of us made our way out -harry throwing a candy at Hermione and Pansy. I wrapped my arm around Harry's shoulders and kissed his head as we followed ron and blaise.

we made many small stops, blaise wanted to buy Ron some candy, harry getting another couple of shirts (some were becoming a little to small for his liking) and I wanted some new potion books. we also got ice creams and more butter beer

"I planned on having a dinner, even Ron didn't know this" blaise whispered to me. harry and ron had fallen asleep when we took a little rest under a tree, me and blaise watched as the sun faded and smiled at the soft snores coming from our partner's.

"let's just wake them up then?" I asked

"no. they both look rather worn out, maybe next time" blaise said as he started to run his fingers through Ron's hair lovingly.

"we gonna carry them back to school then?" I commented. blaise laughed

"why not, may grow our muscles a little" he replied making the both of us laugh. harry shifted a little, his glasses pressing uncomfortably against his face. I took them off him and held them in my hand

"how blind is he?" blaise asked glancing at the glasses in my hand

"don't know" I mumbled, I was to busy staring at Harry's face to actually pay any attention to my friend.

"put them on is what I mean" blaise said laughing. I raised an eyebrow jokingly and placed the glasses on. everything became blurry, I couldn't make out anything

"he's as blind as a bloody bat!" I said rather to loudly. blaise started pissing him self laughing. suddenly I felt the glasses being lifted off my face and blushed when I seen harry smirking at me as he put his glasses back on

"even though you looked absolutely stunning stealing my glasses Malfoy, I rather be able to see considering I'm 'as blind as a bat'" he said jokingly before pressing a kiss into my lips

oh how I love this boy

an: sorry for the short chapter, after such a long break I gotta remember what I had going for this story

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