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Dracos pov

I shook harry awake as the train slowly came to a stop. He made an adorable little noise before his eyes opend

"Come on love, get up" I said softly. He nodded his head and sat up rubbing his eyes sleepily. We both stood up as the others left to get off the train and I grabbed our bags handing harry his befor taking his hand and walking off the train with him. We meet with the others and all climbed into a carriage and let it be pulled away by nothing

Harry lent his head on my shoulder and tightened his grip on my hand. I smiled and kissed his head

"Dont fall into your dinner plate tonight" ron said laughing. Harry rolled his eyes playfully and started drawing shapes on my arm with his finger as I started talking to Pansy. Once we got to Hogwarts I quietly shoved my bag into Harry's dorm and then went down to dinner hand in hand with him. Unfortunately we had to sit at our different tables, harry kissed me goodbye before going and sitting down next to Ron and Neville. As soon as harry sat down Neville started whispering something to him, harry looked at ron and then over at the slytherin table, but not at me. He whispered something back making Neville go red and that made my blood boil.

Dumbledore done his normal boring speech but it was interrupted by some woman making an "em hum" noise"

"Hello children. My name is Dolores Umbridge. I just wanted everyone to know that now that I am here things are going to be different. But I'm sure we all are going to be very good friends" she said before sitting down

"She'll be good friends with my knife" blaise mumbled. He clearly didn't have a good feeling about her and if I'm being honest I didnt either. After dinner I went to walk out of the hall but harry ran up to me and pulled me away

"Where are we going?" I asked laughing at his excitement

"The boys said they are okay with you staying in my dorm, Dumbledore too so I'm sneaking you in so nobody else knows" he said with a big smile, he kissed my cheek and lead me down a corridor and into a random passage way that lead to a door. He opend it and we were in his dorm, Ron was already in his bed talking to Dean who was in Seamus bed. Neville was asleep.

"Hello, no moaning in the middle of night and you can stay! That's the only rule" Seamus said. Harry went red and told him to shut it before harry and I got into out PJS and got into bed. He closed the curtain around the bed and cuddled into me

"I have a bad feeling about that new DADA teacher" I said after putting a silencing spell around the curtains

"The twins said shes from the ministry" he said drawing shapes on my chest.

"You really love drawing little shapes on me dont you" I said. He smiled and nodded his head as he drew a massive heart and tracing our names in it

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