𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕒𝕚𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦'𝕕 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕞𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣...

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Have you ever felt regret? Have you ever wanted to rip apart yourself just so the immense guilt doesn't overtake you? Maybe. But in the end, it always works out for you. You can fix something you broke. You can mend a shattered relationship. Right? Not always. Not everything can be undone. And you know what they say. 

What goes around, comes around. 


(Selozar's POV)

Selozar shut down. He collapsed. He's dead. He's dead and he didn't do anything wrong. Selozar's mind was exploding with emotions. Sadness. Confusion. But most importantly, anger. Pure enraged fury. Selozar stood up. He grabbed on to the chair that was near him. He didn't even realize the Albert and Jake were helping him up as well. That's when Selozar snapped. He felt the anger surge through him. "I'll kill him." He whispered. Albert slowly put Selozar on the chair.

Selozar saw red. 

"I'll kill him." He repeated.

 He rose from the chair and made his way to the door. Albert quickly following behind him. Albert seemed to understand what Selozar's intentions were. But he didn't stop him. If Albert were to speak his mind he would gladly admit that he wanted Selozar to do something like this right from the beginning. Though, Albert decided that no one would die today. But karma will be served.

As they arrived at the house Selozar had visibly calmed down. He seemed to have gone back to his timid self. But Albert wasn't. He saw Uleanra as a friend. Someone he trusted. The fact that he had been murdered affect Albert just as much. And Albert wasn't much of a quitter. 

(AloneTraveler's POV)

AloneTraveler was furious. He was inflamed. The single thing he wanted to do right now was smash Albert's head into a million pieces. Then feed it to Meat Jesus. Maybe throw his eyes into a ball of fire somewhere. So, naturally, Alone did the only thing he knew how to do. Murder Uleanra. When Alone's sword plunged into Uleanra's head, he felt good about it. When he threw the lifeless body into an alleyway, he felt good about it. As far as Alone though, it was one less useless person to worry about. Of course, he needed to make sure Selozar knew what the consequences were if he ran away. When Selozar was returned to his house he needed to know that he wasn't to run away ever again. He hired a.. trusted friend to deliver the message. 

 When he heard aggressive knocking on his door. His heartbeat increased. He knew it was Albert. And he was just itching to kill that idiot. To stab him with his oversized sword several times. How dare he think that he can just take Selozar away from him. As Alone's mind was being overflowed with hate, his body moved on its own. Before Alone knew it he was pinning Albert to the floor, with his sword against his neck, just like he did to Selozar not too long ago. Except for this time, he didn't care if Albert died. Albert was motionless. He understood that one wrong move and he would be dead. Albert stared into Alone's cold, emotionless eyes. He could only see anger. But what happened next was so quick to occur. Not even Alone could've seen it coming. 

(Selozar's POV)

Selozar's adrenaline hit him like a brick. Albert was yanked from his space next to him and immediately shoved to the ground. He saw Alone's massive sword against Albert's throat. What do I do? I can't let Albert die. Oh god.  So he did the only thing that he could, he let his emotions take control. Selozar didn't know what he was doing but before he knew it he was on top of Alone and strangling him. Alone was struggling. Then again, struggling for him was grabbing his sword and slashing the attacker. After Albert recovered from the surprise attack he yanked the sword from Alone's hand. Albert grabbed Alone and shoved him on a chair, he threatened him with the sword he snatched. 

"Why did you kill him?" Selozar asked quietly.

"Why not."

Selozar punched Alone right in the middle of his nose. Blood started trickling down his pale face. And he laughed. AloneTraveler, the one that was currently trapped on a chair, with a sword on his chest, his nose dripping with blood. He laughed long and hard. This only aggravated Selozar more. The more punches he threw the louder Alone's laughing seemed to get.

 In the end, Selozar got tired. He got tired of hearing Alone laugh at pain. He got tired of blood on his fists. So he got up and walked out. Like nothing happened. Albert followed after, no longer holding Alone's sword. And they walked out. 

(Alone's P.O.V)

They say laughter is the best medicine. In Alone's case, laughter is the best mask. As soon as the two idiots left Alone in that chair he broke down. His whole body felt like it was being ripped apart. He had a hunch that his nose was broken. He wanted to tear apart everything inside of him that was causing him pain, maybe then all his anger and hurt would drift away as well. But he wasn't that angry. Even in that twisted brain of his, he knew, deep down, that he deserved it. He knew that eventually, karma would come crashing down on him. It always does. As Alone sat there. As he felt the tears cascade down his cheeks, the blood run down his nose. He felt something he thought he would never feel. 


He knew his relationship with Selozar, Albert, Hell, maybe even Jake would never be fixed. And that made him feel regret. As Selozar's small voice echoed through his mind, asking why he would murder such a close friend, he felt regretful for his actions. If Selozar were to ask that question again, an hour after he hit him, maybe Alone would have answered more truthfully... 

『𝔹𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕔𝕒𝕡𝕤 』(~𝕊𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕣~)Where stories live. Discover now