𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪 𝕨𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤!

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𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘: 𝕊𝕖𝕝𝕗-𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞


They say happiness is like a balloon filling up inside of you. When it's Christmas and you get the exact thing you've always wanted. Then why is it so easy to fake it? It's so simple to say 'I'm fine!' or 'I'm so happy!" Why are humans like this? If everyone could just accept that they're not okay. Maybe the world would be a better place. But. They don't. Why? Maybe they're scared. Maybe they don't want to show any weakness. Humans are stupid creatures. They twist everything. Try to wrap everything around their stupid fingers. But oh well. That's fine.


(Selozar's P.O.V)

Selozar was fed up. Jake was still annoyed, maybe not at him but definitely at Albert. And Albert, being Albert, decided that he needed to whine everytime Jake wasn't in the room. That meant that all Selozar could hear was Albert saying things like "WHYY IS MY LIFEE SO UNFAIRR" Or "AHHHHHHHH IT'S NOT MY FAULLLLTTT" Selozar sometimes wished he was back with Alone. He never yelled. Then he though of all the scars he has from his massive sword. He shuddered. Here was a thousand times better, no questions asked. But a little peace and quiet would be nice.

Then an idea struck him, maybe if he just let Albert vent he'd finally shut up- chill out, there was no need to be rude. 

"Albert, how about you vent a little bit?" Albert's sadden expression lightened up at his words. 

"Really?! You'll let me vent to you!"

"I was thinki-"

"Thanks Selo! What would I do without you?" Selozar just let out a nervous laugh, bracing himself for Albert's pett- venting. 

"...so yeah I think Jake should forgive me, I've said sorry enough!"

Albert had been going on like for an hour, a wave of relief washed over Selozar when he realised that the man was finally done.

"Jesus Albert, you sound like you need a bloody therapist." Both of them chuckled at his remark. Then Albert had and idea.

"How about we go look for him!" He began twitching with excitement, Selozar just sighed and grabbed his shoes, ready to go out.

(Jake's P.O.V)

Jake was feeling sorry for himself, he regretted hitting Albert, he really did, but Jake being the person he was, he didn't want to squash his pride and say sorry. At least not right now. He decided to help with his troubling thoughts he would buy ice cream.

As he sat down with his double fugde sundae he recognised someone on the other side of the bench.

"Oh hey Kaden, didn't expect to see you here.." The man next to him jumped and turned to look at Jake, he let out a breath and smiled at him.

"Hey Jake! Didn't see you there! How've ya been?" Jake knew this question was coming, he just sighed and began his long explanation. 

"Pretty much Albert got mad at Alone and now Alone is mentally dying and shit like that..." Kaden just chuckled and patted his friend on the back, then a puzzled expression appeared on his face.

"Albert got mad at Alone? Who's Alone?" 

"AloneTraveler, you've met him right?"

"Oh. Yeah I've met him" Kaden's expression turned slightly sour, "Wasn't the nicest bloke to be honset." Jake just chuckled nervously, not wanting to reveal the he had befriended Alone.

"Uh..Anyways, wanna have some ice cream?" His sudden topic change made Kaden question him but he shrugged it off and had a spoon of sundae.

They'd  been talking for a while and Kaden was about to excuse himself, when two panting figures bounded up to them.

"H-hey Kaden" Puffed one of them.

"Oh Albert! What a surprised, you never come out the house!" Jake looked at Albert with a startled expression. And what appeared to be a very sweaty Selozar next to him.

"Y-yup! Never!" Kaden said bye to Albert and Jake then walked off, not noticing Selozar, but it didn't seem like he minded.

"Albert..what are you doing here..?" Jake asked timidly.

"We came looking for you! We were worried!" Jake just leaned into Albert and hugged him, muttering sorry. Albert just chuckled and patted his head. 

"Alright, well done you two made up." Selozar said with a bored voice, they all laughed and began the walk home. Albert walking in front making fun of everything in his path.

(About a month and a half later)

(AloneTraveler's P.O.V)

AloneTraveler was lonely. 

There, he said it.

All those time he denied Jake's presence, telling himself he was fine on his own.

He regretted that.

He could have let Jake help him.

But did he?


Of course he didn't. Because he was an idiot. Just like Albert and Jake said on his ridiculous shows. 

Maybe if Alone didn't yell at him after the fight.

Maybe if he'd kept his anger in, Jake would be here right now.

Instead he was probably sitting next to Albert and Selozar.



If this was half a year ago, he would curse that name.

Saying 'All he does is cause trouble.' or 'He had the nerve to run away from me!' Now all Alone thinks is 'Why  did I hurt him.' or 'I deserve everything he did to me.'

Alone was in shambles.

Whenever Jake asked how he was doing, he replied with a simple.

I'm fine.

Maybe Alone wasn't fine.

But no one stopped to ask him if he was lying.

Then again, Alone knew he was a good liar.

He could lie so easily. It almost scared him.


He hated that word. More than anything. The way it rolled off his tongue was even worse.

Alone didn't know how to fix himself.

He couldn't do what he usually did when he felt bad, which was beat the living daylights out of Selozar.

So he did the next best thing.

He grabbed a knife from his kitchen door.

He felt his hand quiver.

Was this really the right thing?


It was.

He slowly ran the knife down is arm.

The thin cut stung as the cold air hit it.

Small droplets of blood started to run down his hand.

Tears of happiness sprung into AloneTraveler's eyes.

More and more cuts seemed to appear out of thin air.

He stopped to look at him work.

He mutted an almost silent 


And began to laugh in the dark room.

『𝔹𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕔𝕒𝕡𝕤 』(~𝕊𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕣~)Where stories live. Discover now