ℍ𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕪 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕧𝕖 𝕞𝕖~

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Confusion. Not the best feeling. Feeling as though, you were the stupidest person in the room. Hell, maybe the entire world. Feeling as though, no matter how hard you try to understand, you will always fall behind. Simply because your brain can't hold some simple knowledge. In the end, as always, you get the gist, yada yada ya. You get it. Right? Or are you unsure? Hm. 

I guess you're hopeless then. 


(AloneTraveler's P.O.V)

AloneTraveler was embarrassed, to say the least. In the moment, would have used a stronger word. Maybe ashamed or dishonoured. 

If only he was stronger, maybe he wouldn't have broken down like that. He was nearly 100% sure that no one saw. But his own pride was hurt. It was pathetic. He was pathetic.

 Alone couldn't believe that he had just spent a good half hour crying. Not doing anything about his wounds. In the end, he got up and snagged the bandages he would normally use for Selozar's fatal cuts.



 Alone could barely speak his name without his chest tightening. Alone was still angry at him. How dare Selozar, the weak, useless idiot, attack him. Alone was right, he did have a broken nose. It hurt like hell. Alone couldn't remember a time when he gave Selozar a broken nose. He's done other things. Given him a few scars. Maybe dislocated his arm. Still. Alone had never broken one of Selozar's bones. So what gave him the right to do it to him. 

Alone still couldn't believe what had happened to him. Every time Alone though of himself lying on the floor in a puddle of his own tears (And blood). His face turned a light shade of pink. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic! The only thing that could calm him down was going into Selozar's old room and ripping apart the little furniture he had. 

Currently, Selozar's room looked like a bombsite. His mattress had been ripped apart a while ago and small bits of fluff and sharp bed springs scattered the place. The other thing that Selozar possessed was a small bedside table that he stored his clothes in. The smooth wood planks were all over the place. One was even out in the snow. This happened when Alone was particularity angry when he first realized that Selozar had ran off to who knows where. Alone was pretty sure that a small family of birds had claimed as there own. The result of a hard plank flying out the window also meant that shards of glass were covering the floor. 

To say the least. AloneTraveler was currently not the happiest person alive.    

And waking up to knocking on the door didn't boost his mood anymore.

(Selozar's P.O.V)

Selozar was confused. Well, that's what he thought. After the whole "Let's kill Alone oOoOO" fiasco, Selozar had felt different. He assured himself that he did not feel bad for Alone. And seeing a glimpse of Alone falling to the floor in pain did not make him regret (possibly) breaking his nose. If anything Selozar told himself that seeing Alone cry was motivation. Yeah. Selozar was definitely not regretting his actions. And he hoped that Albert didn't either. Although he did feel a tiny bit bad when Jake lectured them for "Breaking" into Alone's house. Then again, Albert did mention that they knocked first. Jake wasn't happy with either of them though. Selozar could see how much that hurt Albert. 

Jake still seemed to be upset the morning after since he wasn't home when he and Albert woke up. Albert wasn't too happy about Jake leaving without telling him.  But he was overprotective like that. 

While Selozar was waiting for Jake to come home, his mind kept drifting to Alone's broken state. Selozar wasn't sure if Albert had seen it too but he didn't seem to have the same confused expression in his eyes that he had. He was still surprised at Alone's manic laughing. Had Selozar really hurt him that much? His brain started to hurt. But Alone's body kept flashing through his mind. Then he remembered Uleanra. Was this how Alone felt? Did Alone feel regret for his crime? Did Uleanra's lifeless body constantly flash through his mind? 

No. Alone regretted nothing. It would be impossible for Alone to actually care about another thing besides himself. 

But then again. He tried to hide his pain. That would mean he didn't want to appear weak in front of Albert and me. That surely meant he cared about what they thought of him? Right?

No, no. Shut up Selozar. You're being stupid. Alone is stupid.

(Alone's P.O.V)

When Alone yanked the door open he was face-to-face to the last person he expected to see. 


Jake was close to Albert. That's about all Alone knew about him. When Jake came over to his house, he was too much of in a bad mood to notice much about him. If Alone were honest, which he rarely was, he would say Jake seemed to be pretty much the same as Albert. A clone, if you like. This immediately enraged Alone. Alone was fine with one broken bone, he didn't want another one. He was surprised when Jake asked if he could come in to talk for a bit. 

"What do you want." Jake seemed to be taken back from Alone's harshness. He nervously chuckled and began to edge inside. 

"I just wanna talk, y'know..?" Alone had a  half sneer half look of uncertainty on his face. 

"Fine, whatever.."

"So! How are ya!" Alone looked at him with a "Are you actually taking the piss" expression. Jake did his annoying nervous giggle again. 

"I would be fine if your pain-in-the-ass boyfriend didn't break my nose with the other idiot yesterday." Jake's face changed from a nervous look, to completely flustered and then to annoyed in about five seconds. 

"They broke your nose!" "Also Albert isn't my boyfriend..." Alone decided to ignore the last part.

"Yes." Alone could see Jake's fists clenching. 

"They told me they wouldn't do anything too drastic!" Jake put his hands on his face in despair. Alone was starting to feel a little uncomfortable with Jake's little visit. 

"Oh how sad, broken nose. Now get out." Jake looked up at him. 

"You really think I'll leave wit-"

"I said, get out Jake. I'm not in the mood for another fight." Jake sighed and stood up. But before he left he said one last thing. 

"Whatever, Alone. Just know that I'm gonna keep coming till I know you actually okay." And he left.

Alone was confused. Why did Jake care about him? Alone had done so many bad things. Why did Jake care at all? 

He doesn't Alone. He's just using you. Probably for Albert.

But. The thought of someone caring.

It made Alone feel hopeful.

Hopeful that, maybe one day, he will be forgiven.

『𝔹𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕔𝕒𝕡𝕤 』(~𝕊𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕣~)Where stories live. Discover now