𝕀'𝕝𝕝 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥, 𝕠𝕟 𝕒 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣~

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Jealousy. Jealousy can tear apart everything. It can break families in two. But then again. It can fix anything. Jealousy could lead to a beautiful relationship. One that will never break. To say the least, jealousy is mixed. It can vary like day and night depending on the situation. Jealousy can lead to terrible things. It can drive someone insane. But hey. Is that always a bad thing?


(AloneTraveler's P.O.V)

The afternoon following Jake's arrival was strange. AloneTraveler was annoyed. Well, more than usual. After Jake left, Alone sat down on his couch. His body moved on it's own. He grabbed the television remote and changed to the channel that Albert's show was on. 

Albert was a famous T.V star, known for his 'myth hunting' shows. Alone wasn't sure how he was considered a myth, but nonetheless he was on the show. 

The episode he turned to was the 'AloneTraveler Chirstmas' one. 

When Alone finally noticed what he was doing, the show was at the part Alone regretted most.

"10 minutes in heaven!" 

As he saw his past self shove Selozar and Albert into the small room, you could almost see his eyes turn green. He saw the pictures on the screen slightly glitch as Albert leaned forward to jokingly kiss Selozar. 

Alone smashed the T.V.

(Jake's P.O.V)

(A few months after Alone murdered his T.V)

Jake was..not exactly worried, but concerned? Maybe? He wasn't sure how he felt. As he promised he had been meeting with AloneTraveler everyday for the past three months or so. And he could see a massive change in behaviour. Well. He only saw the change at certain times. 

When Jake first arrived at the door, Alone was his usual gruff self. But after they had been talking for a while, he seemed to become more closed. He would become quiet and awkward. Maybe Alone was purposely putting on an act to make Jake leave. But somehow that didn't seem possible to him. Alone had even stuttered once. And Jake was certain that even Alone's best acting couldn't make him stutter. 

He started to act like this whenever he brought up Selozar and Albert. Was Alone scared of them? Surely not. 

As Jake was lying on his sofa Selozar walked in. 

"Jake, I need to ask you a question." Selozar sounded much more confident than he did two months ago. 

Jake made a small muffling sound indicating. 'Shoot'

Selozar seemed to shift uncomfortably for a second before sitting down beside him. 

"Where are you going every morning?" Jake was taken back by this question. He was surprised Selozar would ask. He seemed so nervous. Then again, staying at Albert's house had made him more open. 

"Oh no where important, just takin' a walk." Selozar gave him a 'You really expect me to believe that' kinda look. Then he just sighed and walked away. Jake should remember to tell Alone about Selozar's new attitude. 

As Jake approached Alone's house he remembered the second time he went there.



"Why's the T.V broken?"


Jake chuckled slightly at the memory, remembering Alone's embarrassed face.

He knocked on Alone's door and a tired figure opened it. Alone had massive bags under his eyes and his hair was all messed up. It took Alone a second to even realize who Jake was. 

Jake decided to just pretend that Alone was perfectly fine and not having an existential crisis.

"Heya, Alone!"

Alone's response was just a small growl. Jake felt exsasperated. He decided to get straight to the point.

"So, something cool is happening right now, wanna know what it is?" 

Alone simply nodded half-heartedly.

"Okay! So It's just a small thing but I think you'll be excited to hear." Alone seemed to be getting bored of Jake's rambling, he had begun to fall asleep. But right before he went out completely, Jake said this.

"Selozar's attitude has changed and he's no longer timid and shy." Jake seemed to blurt all of that out, as if he was nervous or scared to reveal it.

Alone shot up. He looked at Jake with a look of shocked. Jake swore he could see a hint of fear in that mix. 


(Selozar's P.O.V)

Selozar was happy. Mostly, he still had nightmares about Alone and Uleanra. Uleanra, he hadn't heard that name in a while. Anyway. The couple months that He had spent at Albert's place had been beneficial for him. He was much happier, his was expressing himself more, and he seemed to be more confident. 

But not everything had been amazing. Jake had been extremely distant. Not only did this falter Selozar's happy mood, but Albert's too. 

It was no secret that Albert liked Jake. Well, Jake himself didn't know, but he was usually clueless. And Jake leaving everyday, first thing in the morning is rather suspicious, so Selozar decided to do something about it, instead of watching Albert mope around the house.

Jake had decided to make up a plan, a plan that was sure to catch Jake in his crime! Well, not crime...hopefully. Oh god Selozar really hoped Jake wasn't out murdering people.


Albert chuckled slightly at Selozar's superhero voice. "Yeah, Selo?" Selo had became a common name for him, not that he minded. 

"We are going to figure out where Jake goes everyday!" When he said this Albert's face dropped.

"Are you sure we should do this..." Selozar's face twisted into a look of confusion.

"Do what? I was just thinking we could follow him or something.." Albert seemed to wash over with relief as he said that.

"Oh, good, I thought we were gonna do the thing we did to Alone to get the answers from him." Selozar looked at him in disbelief. The thought of beating up someone of answers sounded horrible....well, except in Alone's case..right?

"What!" He said surprised "Why on earth would I do that!" Albert looked kinda sheepish and he just shrugged. 

"I dunno..It's just what I thought of.." 

Selozar put his head in his hands and groaned.

"Hey, don't be upset, Selo. We can always follow him." Selozar chucked at the ridiculous statement and looked up at the other. 

"Okay, Albert, let's go follow Jake."

『𝔹𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕔𝕒𝕡𝕤 』(~𝕊𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕣~)Where stories live. Discover now