13. Disater

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3rd POV:  

It was night fall and the ball room was decorated beautifully. The high light beige stone ceilings had light pink banners all over them with golden twine on the ends of its outline. Each banner was placed in between the gaps of the ginormous rectangular glass windows to show the night's beautiful starry night. There were large white linened tables, some were round and some were rectangles, each of them had a golden centerpiece of the family's crest. A black dragon holding a hand full of arrows and the other a cross. As well as ten candles of each table and silver plates as well as spoons and forks. The food was plentiful and amazing from endless plates of chocolate dipped strawberries to large roasted turkeys in the middle of each table. The lower class guests were given an outfit to honor the Princess coming of age to marry. Her parents weren't going to let anything to her dismay, or at least that's what they thought. There was a long red carpet that extended long from Princess Taylor's quarters all the way to her guest of honor seat for the night. The first guests to arrive were the new servants and such but they would be guests for tonight, then the royal guests who would be asking for Taylor's hand in marriage, if she accepted them, and then finally the royal family themselves.

 Except the youngest sister.

 The orchestra started to play a courting song for the oldest princess to be introduced onto the dance floor where everybody else was. She wore a very beautiful long white dress, everybody thought she looked beautiful including her mother but in a more disapproving way as if that dress would influence her character. Oh how she loved her daughter even through their differences of course but there still was a big empty hole in her heart. Jack. Her son. He looked just like his mother as a child but as time grew without her presence he grew into a strong young man who looked just like his father. His dark skin and hazel brown eyes with a tall strong frame. She would be looking for a light skinned and dirty blonde you man but little did she know her song grew into a black haired and tanned skin tone man. She could feel herself trembling thinking that her own son could be this room with her. As the trumpets blew, another suitor came in the grand hall, greeting Princess Taylor the same as the rest of the suitors. She knew what she wanted in her future husband, quiet, responsive and most of all to treat her how the rest of her family treated her. A Queen. 

Unfortunately for her, she would be in for a very long night. Back to her mother, the Queen could feel a different presence this night. Two presences, her son and her sister. She could feel their souls with her powers just as the same as they could. She felt her hands trickle with small prickly ice shards and poke her fingers with nerves. The Queen was a very nervous and aware woman but she would never let any of that show. She had to find her true feelings to the world in fear of being overthrown like she almost was a long time ago for being deemed too merciful. The last advisor told her that he had his body in a frozen black iced tomb on the front terrace of the castle. To be seen by the people. Each time the doors would open again the Queen would quietly jump in her chair.

 The throne room chairs for the King and Queen were empty because they chose to sit with their people tonight as requested by the youngest princess, Anna. The King never spoke much. Not to the people at least. He was a Royal by birth and met Angelina at a young age. He courted her and then they married but they soon grew a special love for each other over time. As time went by, Taylor started to wonder where her sister was. Many hours had gone by and there was no message or sight of her. Taylor loveD her sister very dearly even if she didn't show it much but the thought of her disappearing while Celestria was here made her nerves twist and not focus on any of the suitors. 

Taylor's main worry should've been how her fiancé would react to her God given powers but she was more worried about what happened to Anna. Taylor called a guard over to her and asked for him to bring Keona to ask her what happened. Taylor whispered, 

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