2. The Riots

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I dust off my yellow non-corset dress like Keona's dress and follow Kato outside. Sometimes I wish he wasn't this emotional but I love that about him. I watch him sit on a boulder in utter defeat. I stay at the door for a moment and then slowly make my way over to him. I don't want to overwhelm him by my presence because we've already had a very overwhelming day. I sit next to him on one of the small boulders looking at the slight blue but mostly red, pink and orange sky with some white fluffy clouds. I look at him with the sunset's light illuminating his face. I admire his long black straight hair that's hand pushed back along with his olive tanned skin. I look at his outlined jawline, his slightly flat nose and then his almond shaped black eyes with his black rectangle eyebrows and then his strong broad shoulders and slim waist. I look at his neck and see a messy "X" shaped scar from when he would sneak out with the boys at night and he got deeply cut from one of the thorns of the bushes that surrounded the fences of the orphanage to keep them safe from intruders trying to steal the grapes as ironic as that is. Well he was too close to the wall and one thorn jabbed it's way into his neck. The other part of the scar was from us trying to get the thorn out. I look up at his face once more and wait for him to speak first. He hasn't looked at me yet at all. He clenches his hands into tight strong balls that make his knuckles go white. I watch his eyes look colder and colder into the forest as if he wanted to run into them and never look back. I slowly place my right hand on his balled ones. He flinched and relaxes and I see the cold look in his eyes fade away as if I brought him back out of his head. He looks at me and we exchange glances and I am still waiting for him to speak. "I'm sorry if I scared you or anyone in there" he bids his head in the direction of the cottage. "It's okay I thought your reaction was understandable." Suddenly, I hear a loud clapping sound almost like thunder. We duck our heads in instinct and hear a pitch deafening roar that could be heard miles away. I look up and see a ginormous half the castle size beautiful black scaled dragon with big uneven fangs. He looked like the dragon in the family's royal crest. His big figure is above the clouds and around the clouds right above us. As he flies up and over as if he's on hills I catch his light crystal blue eyes and I see a woman on his back with light blonde hair like snow. She looked like the queen but with lighter hair. She held onto his thick neck rather well and held her body close to him as she guided him through the clouds. You could hear his low growls though from afar as if he was fighting being controlled or something as if he wasn't her's. He wasn't her's. I look at Kato and realize I'm holding on his arm and our faces are one inch apart. I awkwardly look away and shyly smile. "You know maybe they might let you take care of their dragons now" "No they wouldn't, you have to be royalty" "Well maybe they might change that when they see you" "yeah like they're gonna let one of us handle one of their most prized possessions" "They let Keona closely around the princesses" "yeah but that's different. She does clothes. Not dangerous killing machines ''''I know you don't think of them that way" Kato looks up in awe at the beautiful dragon and then looks down in disappointment and shakes his head once more. "They would never let me" I place my head on his big strong shoulder and quietly whisper "I think you're wrong". Then I hear a loud slamming of metal hitting the floor inside the cottage. "Oh shit" we quickly get up and I look at the dragon one more time and then Kato and I lightly smile as we run back inside. "What the fuck happened"

-(Inside at the same time, Keona's POV)

I watch Kato fucking slam the door and run outside and watch Nasila run after him before Seena could. We all look at each other in an awkward distress and we all silently agree to let her handle it. She's always been good at that with Kato. I look at Seena in wanting to know what to do. I sigh and look down as I lightly dig my nails into the frontal part on my hair. I look at Seena into his sexy dark brown blue eyes. Oh I love them they're so sexy. I look at his face and admire how his big dark brown eyes get complimented with his thick black eyebrows and his light caramel skin . That's the only sweet thing I won't ever get tired of. And his perfectly smooth arched nose that evens out his handsome face. Then his dark pink full lips I just wanna more than kiss all day. Fuck. His pitch black hair that's self cut on the sides and long in the front is so tempting. I completely blur out what him and Erick are talking about as he turns his head while talking and I look at his small sunburn spots along his jawline that make him even more handsome. And then his nice short stubble that runs down his neck a little and I follow down to his slimming yet broad shoulders. Oh every time he moves my heart flutters a little bit. I remember once we were arguing about something so stupid I can't even remember it. We were yelling at each other on a walk in the woods and when we finally got across it about us needing to be up front about everything to each other for some weird reason. I think it was because we like each other. This was like 5 years ago and boy did he make my blood boil. We were arguing for a good 10 minutes and I finally let him have it. He stopped and then had an apologetic look in his eyes and I was like 'Damn what am I supposed to do now'. I hear Erick and Seena start talking about the shovels and axes we have in our shed and I get knocked out of my head. "Wait what" "Yeah sis. We're gonna go see what it's like to raid royalty. I'm not kidding" He kinda scared me the way he was talking all serious and angry my little brother never talks like that. "No you guys aren't. That's not gonna make anything better it'll make it worse". "Oh yeah what do was have to lose at this point" Seena goes to the shack in the back and I feel him hesitant before coming back and grabbing 6 axes all different shapes and lengths and loosely drops them onto the floor making a huge ear screeching sound as they dropped onto the floor and soon enough Nasila and Kato run back in. "What the fuck happened" "Uh our lives, guys I know we're all angry and want a way to get out of this but...." I look at everyone from Kato to Taiana all distressed and I know we have no other option to get our words across because we're not royalty, nobility or knights and ladies in waiting. I sigh and drop my shoulders in defeat. "Fuck it". I look at Taiana smirk amusingly. "Let's fucking go". I grab the shortest axe that's hour glasses curved on the side and we all place them on our shoulders and go to the burrows. We all walk together in silence for 10 minutes in the woods hearing owls, bears and other animals in the almost pitch black darkness until we reach the boroughs . I look down and see utter agony and despair.I see all the small compacted houses pushed together, brown and rusted with oil looking liquid along the walls and in the dirt streets. I hear the wails of mother's and fathers with their children our age in their arms and not wanting to let go. I look at the rotting walls of the tin covered houses while water dropped along the dirt streets creating a terrible moldy stench in the air with people coughing terribly in the background. These parents actually survived the war; do they really need to go through one again. We stop at a pile of metal buckets and start obnoxiously slamming our axes against the metal creating an echoing sound throughout the boroughs. As we do that we start screaming in a howling manner and tapping our hands to our mouths to make an echoing chant like sound. All the young men and women curiously and confusedly came out from their little houses. I hear a loud attention seeking slam on the buckets and look to Kato and see him almost mocking the men from the castle only hours ago. "YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN OF BULIFICA! OUR LEADERS HAVE BETRAYED US BY TAKING AWAY OUR LEFT OF FREEDOMS IN ORDER TO HELP LOOK FOR THEIR 'MISSING' SON! JOIN YOUR FELLOW CITIZENS TO TAKE BACK WHAT'S RIGHTFULLY OURS WITHOUT TAKING A SOUL UPON THIS EARTH! ARE YOU WITH ME!?" Kato raises his pointed axe in the air.I start to feel the tin on the floor start to shake as I hear people start rumbling through their sheds and take out axes, swords, and morning stars. They start to cheer in almost a barbaric war manner and we head off. As we lead the huge group of pissed off people I speed walk over to Seena and I look at the torches the crowd behinds is carrying and see all the despair that looks for the boroughs of our poverty and see everyone covered in oil and dirt with looks of survival almost. I look left into the deep pitch Black Forest. Why can't we just go in there and never have to deal with anything ever again? I start to tear up but I stop myself. I guess the only reason why we don't live in the boroughs is because we started working so young and put our money together and mainly built it ourselves. Except Seena, he's never lived with us. I look at his handsome face lit by the torch light in all his natural God given looks. I always wonder why he doesn't tell us where he lives. It kinda scares me like what is he hiding from us. I know he doesn't live in the boroughs and for sure not in the nobility class. I know he lives in the woods but how could he have lasted that long with all the dangerous animals and especially when it started to snow in the winter? I mean he is a big, strong and handsome just what is it. I grab Seena's hand and I squeeze it tightly and when he looks at me in shock with a tint of pain in his hand. I furrow my eyebrows and purse my lips and look his dead in the eye asking 'Are you sure you want to do this?' His eyes soften and look at everyone in the crowd in a moment of pity and determination. I look back at the crowd with him and I closely see a girl my age all dirty and grimly, Clarissa, like everyone else except she holds a cloth in her arms. I look closer and I get caught in my breath as I notice two big blue eyes with blonde hair and the fresh little baby skin scent. I look at the girl again and remember her telling our group about how when she tried to get a job at a noble house as a maid the noble man, fuck he's not even a man. Did. Awful. Things. To. Her. Things God would never want us to speak about. As we approach the first noble house it realizes it's the one where that asshole lives. I first see a fast light flicker of black then bloodlust red. Seena and I both look back at each other in a confirming look. Half the crowd comes to the front gates to knock them down, the other half runs down to the fountain with 2 angels. The one pinning down the other had white wings and the one being pinned with a sword to their face with a chain around their neck had black wings. There's 2 levels of the fountain. Around there are places the nobility live and party. We know this because we usually work the parties when money is running very low. I raise my axe on the air towards the mansion and call out an agonizingly battle cry and I look to my left where Kato is leading the crowd. God I'm sorry just please help us.

-Kato's POV-

I slide down the muddy lopsided hill with Nasila, Taiana and Erick from the backside of the neighborhood with the rest of the crowd. We finally get to the houses and I hear neighing of horses in panic in a nearby horse shed and I look to left and seen these dumb ducks trying to fuck with the those horses. I quickly ran over in anger. "Leave them the fuck alone. We're here for someone else" They quickly leave the horses be and continue to follow. We finally get to the angel fountain and I call someone to bring up buckets of oil they hauled with them. The two idiots brought up the oil and I told them to pour half of it into the top and half on the bottom. I wait until every single drop is out and I whisper into Nasila's ear. "Pour it all, baby" I watch her hesitate at first which I don't blame her for because this is her first rebellious thing she's ever done in her life. She lightly shakes her head in disapproval and lightly rolls her eyes and takes a torch from someone behind her and dips the fire into the top and a great wall of fire ignites from the oil colliding with the water. I look at Taiana to cue her turn and she grabs another torch and just completely tosses it into the bottom as if she's trying to make it skip like a rock into a pond. I look at her with the word 'really?' written all over my face for a second until an even bigger wave of flame admits from the fountain. We make it to the cement walls and golden gates of the house next to where Keona and Seena are and we start to beat the seemingly indestructible wall. Soon enough pieces start to break off one by one and then I hear a terrified desperate screech from the house inside. I back up a bit and look at Nasila and I can tell we both have a very bad feeling about this. We look back to Seena and Keona already inside the house next door and then I hear the trumpets. Ah fuck!

-Seena's POV-

As Keona and I are about to reach the master's room of the guy who Clarrisa used to work for and we bump into him on his staircase, then we hear trumpets from outside. Shit! As we see dozens of knights in their full uniforms as we hear loud trumpets and as soon as Keona realized who that guy was she looked at him with a look I never knew she could give. It was filled with an unknown hatred, I understood why she looked at him that way but I could feel the fire in her heart burning down a forest. I grab her by her wrist and make a break for it but as soon as we start to run Keona throws one of the lit candelabra candles into his dining room and the table clothes get set on fire. I watch everyone behind us follow in a panic outside the mansion and we make a break for it and I see Kato, Nasila, Erick and Taiana follow us and catch up to us in the mob. I look at the castle as being our last hope even if we can't get away from it at all. We run through the dirty roads and I can hear market carts being knocked over and I see the castle's indoor torches being lit from outside. We finally all reach the gate and I realize I'm the only one with an axe that could break open the gate, it was long and had a shape of a half crescent moon with a sharp point. I heavily lift it above my head to break and as I'm about to swing it as hard as I can, I feel my body come to a complete stop as if God has frozen me in time. I start to feel a cold feeling in my stomach and I start to feel a cold feeling in my hands and look at the axe's handle and a thick layer of frost outlines my hands. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! As I'm about to fucking bust the gates open the royal guards come to us at the other side of the gate in their proud uniforms and he looks sad as almost disappointed. "The King and Queen have decided to be merciful tonight and orders you all to go home to be on time for tomorrow for your actions upon tonight will be overlooked but if this happens again only God shall know". Fucking dick. Keona notices the look on my face and grabs my hand and looks at me with relief. "At least they didn't do anything to us surprisingly, huh my love". I weakly smile at her, look down to the ground and see the axe I dropped only moments ago with black ice replacing the outline of my fingers. I watch one of the royal guards carefully pick it up with a look of confusion then turn into utter happiness and bring it inside to the castle. I finally let it go and we all slump walking back to the cottage before midnight strikes.

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