10. The Dress

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Keona's POV:

I head down the hall with Seena and I scream in my head when we catch up with the rest of our group. A small little old lady with red hair tells us our names and our dorm room number. We have to share rooms now except I've heard there's two rooms that are close together but with enough privacy that makes it a room. 

I hold Seena's hand and I look at my brother and he just gives up and lets it go and ignores it. I get my number and I break off from my friends and I go down this hall that's far away from the rest of the dorm rooms but close enough to my work room just a few stories above. I annoyingly roll my eyes. Oh, yay. I grab the big ugly rusting metal key the lady handed to me and I push it into the lock with an old, round topped, wooden door. I look into my room and gasp. Holy shit. I glance at the single bed with white covers with golden stripes at the bottom with a white and gold frame with a white sheer lace covering the bed incase of mosquitoes. It's beautiful, it sure has the same blue stoned walls with cement floors but at least I get a window. Wow! I finally walk into my room and realize there's only one room with one bed with a marble bath and sink and everything. What the fuck? Am I going to have to share my bed? NO! WHAT THE FFA AAAAHHHH!

 I quickly speed walked back to my door to see if anyone was coming to join me in my room. No one. I suddenly shriek when the same only woman comes seemingly out of nowhere and strictly says "The princesses request you to their chambers as soon as possible." I roll my eyes and my shoulders sink in. I love them, but what do they want now? I lay my bag on top of the bed and I pull out my clothes and straight them out into my closet and I pull out my sewing kit and I hide it underneath my bed in case just so no one can steal it. I've had that sewing kit as long as I can remember . One of the nuns gave it to me as a Christmas gift because I would accidentally rip my clothes from sneaking into the vineyards with the boys late at night once in a while. But the nuns always got a different story. 

I grab my keys and I sigh leaving my room as I just got it. I hurry up the stairs and I go to Anna's door. Anna is always the most emotionally dependable based on her constant sweet personality. I gently knock and I hear a loud squeal. Quickly, I see Anna's sweet innocent face and she gives me a big hug and I quickly hug her back. I love Anna. Nasila, Taiana are like my sisters but no one could ever replace Anna. She grabs me by my hand and gives it a tight squeeze while leading me over to her bed to sit. "I know today has been tough ...awful for you and your friends...but before I ask anything of you or anything is there anything you'd like to tell me before I carry on?" She quietly looks down at the floor as she rubbed her feet together. Such a considerate soul, I wish her sister was a little more that. I smiled gently at her and placed my hand on her arm for her to look at me. "I...Umm.." 

I need to tell them about Seena. Yes. No. Yes!......No. Fuck, why does everything have to keep getting worse? "Did you ask the Queen what that smoke was earlier?" Anna froze a little in her eyes and her lips sucked into a thin while her eyes widened a bit. She then glances at a little candle on her bedside drawer and lit a flame. 

"You can't tell anyone okay, not even a single soul, the only person you could talk about it with is God himself. Okay?" "Of course!" Anna slouched for half a second then put her head up to my ear and whispered "She's here" "WHAT!" "SHHHHHH! My mother found things on fire in the catacombs, no one's been down there for 15 years, please don't tell anyone!" "What if she comes to the party or something?..." Anna looked to the floor again and sighed deeply in despair. "I wish Jack was here..." I lead into Anna's face a little more, what difference would he make. He hasn't been here for years and she's never met him. I gently ask her because I know this is a sensitive subject with her. "Why do you think he'll make it different?" "You know when Celestria came here with her army. She came here to kill him, you know that right. To take the throne because she didn't see our family fit to run the kingdom. Do you know why?" "...Why?..."It's a really long and difficult story and I don't want to tell you the wrong version, she just seeks vengeance apparently. But the day of the war my mother casted a spell on her unable to come back to Bulifica until Jack is as strong as her or if not stronger. I'm just wondering, if Jack is still alive, how is he using his powers if he has them at all, right?" My mind flashes back to Seena. Oh my gosh. I think he is the prince for sure.

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