11. The Dragons

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Seena's POV:

I headed towards Erick and Kato's room which matched exactly as my own. A iron bed frame with a thin cot bed and a wall and thin doors separating the rooms with the same navy blue stones like all the others in here. I had a roommate but that guy moved out when his friend had an open room so he booked. So I have my own room now, thank you God. I open their door and I see the guys sitting on their beds while putting their new socks given by the castle and their new shoes. They don't have a wall. Sucks. I close the door and laugh, "You guys missed a wall?". They both roll their eyes and groan. Kato finishes getting ready first and scowls "This is bullshit." He heads for the door and slams it as he heads out. What the fuck is that dude's problem all the time? I sit on Kato's bed and start talking to Erick about shit with his sister. This is ridiculous.

Kato's POV: I can't beleive thisnfucking shit. When will these people learn? I can't take this anymore. I start to feel a shaky anger coming from my chest as I start to stomp down the hall. If I could only give the King and Queen a good welcome hit. I lean against a wall in the hallway that's a hidden corner to calm down and I see Nasila walking with other girls holding baskets with clean white ruffled shirts in them and she's smiling and laughing with them as she's hanging them on the door handles. 

She's so wonderful. I finally feel my nerves calm and I see them walk away, I'll leave her alone for now. I hear the clanking of metal armor and see a group of knights cone out of this gigantic wooden door with 2 metal bars on its width horizontally. Some have burnt armor and the others looked tired and sweaty. What the hell happened to them? They walk away from the room without locking it and I run over to the door and I open it and watch to see if anyone is coming and I bolt into the door. Holy shit talk about the adrenaline! I see an endless spiral of staircases. Really? It's too late to go back honestly. I start to quickly head down, this is a lot of stairs, damn. I'm 10 levels down and I hear the door echo while it opens and I hear a young girl's voice. That must be the princess and I feel my legs run faster and I see a little window with metal bars. I see something with white scales and I start to hear low growling. I look closer as I run down. I freeze. 

It's a fucking dragon.

 I hear the princess' voice again and I look back at the dragon and back up the staircase. Possibly angry dragon or pissed off princess. Dragon. The dragon finally notices me and sends a low warning growl and I take a step closer. Then POW! The dragon lets out a big breath of fire onto the pole of the staircase as I jump out of the way down a few staircases. The princess obviously hears this and rolls her eyes and groans. I hear her high pitched groan "They're never in the mood to see me!" And then I hear the other princess argue back "How would you feel if you were down there all day!?" I hear then head back up and shut the door and I exhale out but then that obviously changes when I hear the dragon's breath again. I see that the dragon has long ivory curved horns that almost look like a hairstyle. It's a girl. I slowly get up and look into her piercing violet eyes. They're amazing. I slowly inch by inch step closer to her and I lift my right hand to her. This may not be my smartest idea but how many times do you get to meet a dragon?!?!? She aggressively kept growling but then I whispered "Shh. It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you" She keeps growling but it's at a more calm level until it's just her natural breathing and I tightly close my eyes as I lift my hand up to her nose. She slowly sniffs it and I open my eyes and see that my hand is the size of one of her smallest teeth. She slowly bends her head for me to pet her and I lightly glide my hand down her muzzle and I realize her scales reflect a light purple. I freeze while petting her. This is Queen Angelica's dragon. If her dragon's here then Celestria's is down here. I start to hear small footsteps coming from the cells and I see a tall light skinned man with long black hair with black clothes on and a single metal sleeve covering his whole left forearm. He yells at me in a deep stern yet warning voice "Hey, Kid! Get out of here!" I start to hear another door open from the bottom of the stairs and IT'S THE QUEEN. I feel myself stiffen for a second but then I burst out running back up the stairs. I start to feel tired the more I keep running but every time I start to slow down I hear the Queen's footsteps again and I keep booking it. I finally get to the top door and I get out and slam the door shut leaning my back against it while painting in relief but then I realize a group of knights saw me come out.

 Fuck. They quickly approach me, rather rudely I should say, but they sternly ask "What were you doing in there!" I quickly stand up straight and say "I was looking for the bathroom. I went down a few stairs and came back up after the second level." I shrugged as I answered. The head knight just rolled his eyes and argued "You have a bathroom in your room don't you" I shrug again and half sarcastically smile and I walk past the knights and I pat him on his shoulder and say "Hey duty calls when duty calls" I walk around the corner until I can't see them anymore and I start running back to my room. I open my door and slam it shut with Erick and Seena still inside talking about something as isn't important as this.

 They look at me odd and confused because I bet I look a little alarming. I'm sweating with some smoke and ash on my clothes and I'm panting as if I was running away from a dragon oh wait, I fucking was. "Guys you are never going to believe what I just saw".

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