15. She's back

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Charlie pulled away from Pacifica to get a better look through the little window on his bedroom door even though she had a look that displayed horror and confusion.

Never had their dragons ever acted like that, it was as if they were morning but then the emotion switch from them, from morning to excitement. Which really confused here. Who the hell was here to be important enough to them to make them go like this? Was it like a "mother" dragon or like a fleet flying over the castle?

Pacifica noticed Albert was the one who the shaking and blaring out flames the most as if he was alone for a thousand years and suddenly his favorite person happened to walk by and saved him. It really freaked her the fuck out.

The dragons all had their heads tilted and looking up at the ceiling with their mouths wide open as if they were going to swallow the ceiling itself as ginormous gust of fire left their mouths as if they were erupting volcanoes.

Soon after about an hour they finally settled down and went back to their normal selves. When Pacifica and Charlie finally came out of the room, it was hit as if it was the middle of September with all the fireplaces on.

It was horrendous the humidity, Pacifica though for a moment she might faint. But her father never raised a girl who would be easily defeated by a change of climate. They felt the instant sweat on their foreheads as if the sun was beaming at them in the dungeons. Charlie noticed his daughter leaning against the wall to support herself from falling to the floor from the lack of air going into her lungs.

Charlie started to panic on the inside but kept a strong and calm face as pure usual but that fell apart when Pacifica suddenly dropped to the ground and fainted. He ran over to her and picked her up into his arms, he sweated more and more with a crazed panic, his face wrinkled with worry all over his face but it dropped again into a calm face when he realized he would have to take Pacifica outside the dungeon.

He knew one day she would leave but he didn't think it would be today. Pacifica had never left the dungeons, mostly it was due to Angelina's few rules of keeping them hidden. Charlie knew two things about Angelina was that she could be a real indecisive bitch with a lot of controlling issues but that she also loved her family no matter what even Celestria.

He knew she wanted to keep Pacifica down there because he knew every time she would look at her it would remind her of Celestria. Every time a little thought that reminded her of Celestria or someone referenced about about her, she couldn't take it and it would either end up in a very harsh end of the day or night or in a very silent and tearful goodbye in whoever it was who brought up the words or thoughts of her little sister. But Charlie knew Angelina kept Pacifica down there because Celestria subconsciously made a lot of enemies after the war and she knew there would be people out for her if they knew Celestria ever had a daughter.

Charlie then ran over to a grey and dark blue stoned wall and unhinged like 10 locks on it and kicked the door open with his right foot in a swish like movement and ran up the stairs with Pacifica in his arms.

Just as he was running up the stairs he caught the sight of Pacifica's cousin, Taylor. Great. That's exactly what he needed right now.
Charlie didn't care though whatever stupid crap that would come out if Taylor's mouth could wait until later. Just as Taylor was going to protest and ask why they were out of the dungeons.

Charlie pushed her out of the way on the stairs and groaned "Grrruuhhh! Shut up!" As he left Princess Taylor stunned and angry because no has ever spoken to her like that. Ever. Maybe her parents and sister but that's it. Charlie had to bring Pacifica to the hospital wing because she was dehydrated from the humidity and dizzy from the smoke from the fires. Charlie ran like a horse through the halls with his long legs while getting confused and shocked looks. Some of the older staff were there the day Charlie was suppose to die, they knew he was alive just he never around.

As Charlie was making his way to the hospital wing he passed a little room with wooden flooring with dresses on wooden models as he was checking rooms as he ran by to make sure he didn't miss the hospital wing. He finally made it to the wing gasping for air but when he got there no one was to be seen. No nurses. No doctors. What the fuck.

Charlie laid Pacifica on one of the cots and frantically looked everywhere screaming "HELLO! WHERE THE HELL IS EVERYONE!" But little did Charlie know all of the nurses and doctors saw Charlie running down the hall and they ran out of the hospital in fear that he was going to attack them, they obviously didn't notice the poor girl he was holding in his hands. Many of them also knew Charlie since his childhood and knew Charlie was very dangerous, armed or not.

Charlie eventually gave up on those cowards and started running around the hall for help but no one was anywhere. Where the fuck was everyone? Suddenly a short long black haired girl with a light pink dress came out of the little dressing room Charlie passed only seconds ago. She poked her head out of the door frame and quickly asked "What's wrong, sir? Do you need help?!" Charlie was bent down with his hands on his knees and nodded slowly and started running back to the hospital wing with Keona behind him closely behind as well as her brother who was in the sewing room that day to ask her about what's been going on between her and Seena.

As soon as Keona and Erick entered their room she said "Holy shit!" Pacifica was a light blue with dust all over her face and her light purple dress with her long light curly black hair all over the table. Keona pointed at Pacifica and quickly said "Erick she needs air and water but we can't give her any until she wakes up! She needs air! Do that thing that Kato did to Nasila was she almost drowned!" Erick ran over it Pacifica's side and tilted her head and looked up at Charlie hesitantly and closed up her nose with his fingers and took a full breath in and placed his lips on Pacifica's and started pushing air into her lungs.

Charlie felt flabbergasted at first because of it sudden CPR but if it worked he would just let it go. A few breaths later and Pacifica started coughing up pieces of dust in her throat and sat up a little but to get more of it out. She groggily looked at Erick and quietly said "Thank you so much. For saving my life." Erick smiles lamely and said "No problem" and patted her back as he moved away from Pacifica.

But Pacifica quickly pulled Erick back by his arm and light kissed his cheek and smiled. Charlie first furrowed his eyebrows in a semi angry motion then rolled his eyes. Then he quickly tapped Erick's back and muttered "Thank you kid." Erick just smiled. As Erick left the room he muttered "Bye Sis." Then Charlie got to get a good look at Keona as she was helping Pacifica and asking if she could stand.

She reminded him of Celestria. Her urgency to help and her panicked look was a little similar but Keona's had a more frozen face when in panic. But it was mostly her long black hair and her big striking deep brown eyes. It made him think of all the times he looked into Celestria's eyes almost every time and how he almost took Celestria for granted when they were teenagers right before they started being together and then he realized he loved her. The sight of Keona for Charlie strike a deep cold pain in his heart he hadn't the felt in a very long time. It felt as if his whole body was sinking into his mind and he was never come out of this quick sand. Only when she came back for the war and rumors were going around that she died.

But Charlie kept holding onto hope and praying for Celestria to be okay and to come back. And she did. She's back. But if she's here why hasn't she come to find them yet? Charlie couldn't wrap his head around it.

Yet he suddenly remembered what happened he day he was supposed to be executed. He saw Celestria leave the castle while crying before Angelina could stop the whole thing.

Then Charlie realized Celestria doesn't know they're there.

She believed that they are gone....forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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