12. Anna's demise

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Anna's POV: 1 hour before the party

I sent Keona on her way because everything that happened with my mother and Taylor was too much to ask for her and it really was unfair to be honest. I should've just told Taylor to leave her alone. I close my door as I wave bye to Keona and as soon as I close my door I feel a disturbing presence in my room. As if something cold in my room but at the same time my skin was on fire. I look out to my balcony and see small groups of smoke on the hand rallying. They look just like the ones from Keona's sewing room. OH MY GOSH. Is Celestria here? I feel my lungs stop and I feel myself gasping for air but I try to stay quiet in case she actually is here.

 I pull off my shoes to try to be quiet and I tiptoe around the corner of my room that is connected to my door that hides the rest of the room to me. How the hell would she get in here? My room is 2 stories high? I look around my bed. Nothing. I go further into my bathtub. Nothing. I look back in my closet. Nothing. I stroll up into my balcony looking out to check last. She's not here thank goo- I feel someone with burning hands slowly place their fingers on my neck and lightly brush my hair to the side. "Do you remember me" I suddenly freeze and I start to cry a little bit.

 Is she going to melt me like my mother talked about? "Or are you too young to know anything" I just stay frozen and I start to hyperventilate with big fishy tears in my eyes. I start to feel a strong coldness rush through my hands. I squeeze my hands tightly and I shove her off. She lets out a gust of air with a surprised look on her face. Please work. Please work. Please work. I close my eyes shut and open up my hands above me and I feel a surge of cold blast through my hands as a powerful host of ice and frost flew out of hands towards Celestria.

 I keep my eyes closed for a few more seconds and I slowly open them. Scared to know what happened. Oh my gosh. I froze Celestria. I look at Celestria and she's encased in a glacier type hold. Her body is frozen tight in the block of ice. I start to really look at her and think of the horrible crazy woman my mother explained to me. She didn't seem like it at all but she did have rather interesting clothing. Her hair was pitch black and straight with it running all the way to her lower back. It looked rugged but still beautiful. She had black stuff on her eyelids but nothing else on her face but she had clear skin like my mothers Her face was rounded with thick eyebrows and heart shaped lips. As well as a small nose unlike my mother. She wore a long black revealing dress. It was a pitch black dress with sheer sleeves that had pointed shard designs on it that had a V-line on her chest. Her skirt was long and thick with layers upon layer. Each layer looked like a black dried out dead rose, except it was cut half way open in the front to reveal a sheer layer the same as the top on her legs. On her feet were black heels shoes that wrapped all the way up her legs in a vine type of way petal.

 I sigh in relief for a second then I hear a small buzzing coming from Celestria's body. I turn and see her melting the ice block in a matter of ten seconds. I watch as the melted ice turns into a watery puddle as it splashes around the flooring of my room. I try to start running but I slip on the slippery floor tile and my body slams into the floor. I feel a huge sharp pain in my side and in my head. I need to get away from her. I try to get back up but it hurts too much. I watch Celestria walk up to my body and every foot step she takes, every small puddle she steps on disappears in a smoky steam flame. I sense her bend down on one knee and pull my hair to meet an inch away from her face. "I was just going to ask you where your mother was" I groan and I look into her eyes. Pure fury and anger but a hint of sorrow. "Like I would ever tell you, you bitch".

 I feel her pull on my hair a little bit more as I whimper. "You know, I don't even know your name my dear princess!" She pulls a little bit harder. "But you know what I will remember you by..." I start to get more pissed off and I try to spit in her face but it goes into her hair instead. "Your hair. I'll always know it's you, by your hair. It's just like your mother's. Everywhere you go or be I'll know it's you by your hair." She finally lets go and I watch her run and jump out my balcony as I hear the tile on the roof toil and chip. I lay back down for a few minutes and then I slowly got back up as the sharp pain in my body subsided. I go to my bathroom mirror and see small bruises and marks on my face. I look terrible. But then I look at my hair. It's a lot longer than my sister's and a little curlier but still the same dirty blonde hair as hers. I shiver from Celestria's whispers and I crawl into my bed and I form into a ball shape in my bed. 

I feel myself rock a little and I start to sob from fear that she might come back. I've never had anyone do this to me or anything. I feel so useless and frozen. I finally looked around to see if she was really gone after 10 minutes of just staying on the floor where she left me. I went into my powder room and I looked awful. My hair was all frizzy but still in its soft natural curls but my makeup had run and I looked like a raccoon , black all around my eyes while all together, I looked absolutely terrified.

 I began to hear small whispers of her voice in my head and I looked at the huge puddle on the floor.

 Your hair.

 Your hair.

 Your hair.

 What about my hair made it stand so much out to her? I grab a small lock and I examine it in the mirror. It was a little longer than my sister's but had more brown than my mother's. It had a few amount of black strands at my roots. I looked at the mirror to my stands then the strand itself. Will it really make a difference if she can tell me with my hair any differently?

 But what if she comes after me because she could tell it's me. What will happen if it's my fault for not being about to hide? What if...? I start to feel the fear of her head and I start to shake and I feel my face become wet and warm with heavy and salty tears. I start to think about my mother, how she's treating the people downstairs, mostly to Charlie and Pacifica, almost every time I ask about them she plays it off with the same crappy statement every time "I don't know what you're talking about?". In her same fake innocent tone, it burns me to the core but I always say silent, like me saying anything to her will make a difference. Then my father, who doesn't seem to know what's going on at all or maybe he does and isn't doing anything because he's too busy worrying about making the other Royal families happy or some other crap when really they're just entertaining themselves, using people like my friend Keona who works night and day for us, the most she's ever made is a single silver coin. I hurts my heart seeing her coming in a old disgusting carriage everyday, she's my bestfriend and she comes to my house in mud and dust. Then my sister who only cares about her dress. 

What the hell is wrong with us? I slowly feel my body slide down from the sink and I feel the emptiness sink in. I feel my head start to spin and I let out a blood curdling scream. I suddenly feel a heated anger in me and I run out of my bathroom and I slam my door open and I see one of the maids. "Patty!" Patty quickly comes over to me with a worried and confused look on her face.

 "Get me a bowl full of the reddest and bloodiest looking roses you can find as soon as possible" in the calmest voice I can. "But Miss, what about your sist-" "I said as soon as possible". Patty just froze from surprise and walked away with a quick pace. An hour goes by and she comes back with a huge bowl filled with light red water with a bunch of rose petals floating at the top. I quickly snatch it from her to try to hide any paranoia but she just shys away and quickly leaves.

 I wish I could tell her what happened but I can't. I take the big red watered bowl and I quickly take it to my bathroom mirror. I stare at myself. Big icy blue eyes with ugly thick black around them and I see my freckles getting covered with it. My small nose seems more big to me now but my lips seem more full to me now and swollen due to my stress I guess. I keep staring intensely at my eyes and I just hear a blood curdling scream. And I dunk my whole head into the red water. I feel my hands start to shake and feel a drizzle of water from the bowl and the screaming I heard stopped. I pull my head back out and my once lightly dirty blond hair is now a light dusty red at the ends of my hair as if it soaked up the red dye from the roses.

 I go to my drawers and pull out a small silver dagger with a fire symbol encrusted into the blade and I put it closely to my neck and I grab a locket of my long hair and I slice it off. One by one. Snip. Snap. Until I was left with a length that barely reached my shoulders. Then heard a blood curdling scream that echoed throughout my bedroom ways. I listen for another scream but I only hear silence. My back slowly down the wall, covering my face in weak shame and curling my small body into a tight small ball. I start to feel deep huge tears slowly fall from my eyes, burning my skin and tasting salty tears, with my face still content as if it didn't know what happened and then I gasp to myself and realize. 

That scream was me.

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